Brave Frontier


Golden Knight of the Realm
Who is Mossy? Also, I have been able to clear the first level of the GGC but my only attempt at level 2 (Atro) destroyed me quick. Complete wipe in the first round. Haven't been back since.

So it sounds like I just need to level my Lily Matah and use her as a leader with a Grahdens friend. I also have a max Tridon friend. Would he be better to use than Grahdens?

As far as spheres, everyone is using a skill bracer except for Elsa and Rigness who are using Tech Gizmo 2 spheres.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Whoops, got confused on who was posting. You need to get stat spheres on everyone. Try and get a medulla or legwand from fh. Otherwise craft a bunch of 35% hp spheres.


Mr. Poopybutthole
OTK is the best strategy for GGC's. Unfortunately with the way they were designed you'll get one shotted through mitigation. I don't remember your units, but I'd definitely take Elza and with a Maxwell friend you should be ok.

I finally made it to RC3. What a fucking pain in the ass it is right now. You generally have to kill a boss 4-6 times for it to finally register (and that's each person, since the group attacks don't seem to register for shit either). I also had issues finding rooms to actually join, since for some reason it won't let me select a quest after a make a room today (worked fine yesterday though).

That said, Melion (last boss of RC2) was a shockingly difficult boss. Hits like a god damn truck even through mitigation. Actually, the last 4-5 bosses all hit hard as shit through it, but Melion was able to kill a unit every 3-4 rounds.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Been doing the Frontier Hunter this morning. I was getting awesome rewards at first but then ran into a brick wall. The difficulty increased like crazy between one level and the next. I got totally owned first attempt but the switched to the marauder set for the second. Used up all the fujin potions at the start and got to a point my sbb gauges were active for the rest of the level. Just barely beat Zebra. I probably wont be able to handle the next level.

Still, got a bunch of gems, burst frogs, and a legwand gem. Nice haul.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Legwand is the last reward. And Zebra/Zurg/Mare is the final battle on Terminus. So you won.

This FH is going quite well. Been able to stay in the top 4k without gemming.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Probably going to attempt trial 003 today with the following team:

Lily Matah (Leader)

I'm thinking about taking Grahdens or Tridon as a friend. Suggestions?


<WoW Guild Officer>
Probably going to attempt trial 003 today with the following team:

Lily Matah (Leader)

I'm thinking about taking Grahdens or Tridon as a friend. Suggestions?
Tridon. No question you should take tridon. End with his BB full. Keep track of turns etc. It's easy peasy.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Maxwell just sucks. You think you are doing good. Have mitigation up. Full health. Tridon buff. Then boom. She kills your entire squad in one round. And with BB generation being absolutely terrible I do next to no damage and can't spam heals and mitigation.

My 2nd attempt was a little better than the first or maybe I just got lucky. The fight lasted longer. Got her down to somewhere between 15%-20% (really wish they would put percentages on the health bars) before she wiped out my whole party in one round.

Looks like I am going to have to spend more money to summon more units so I can fill out a second and third squad before trying this again.


Also, can you not heal units when Tridon's buff is up?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Multiple squads won't help. If your first squad dies the second comes in with 0 bb gauges and will just get wrecked. You definitely have the units to do maxwell.

What are your sphere/item setup?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Maxwell just sucks. You think you are doing good. Have mitigation up. Full health. Tridon buff. Then boom. She kills your entire squad in one round. And with BB generation being absolutely terrible I do next to no damage and can't spam heals and mitigation.

My 2nd attempt was a little better than the first or maybe I just got lucky. The fight lasted longer. Got her down to somewhere between 15%-20% (really wish they would put percentages on the health bars) before she wiped out my whole party in one round.
Maxwell is actually incredibly easy. It's really just about knowing the fight and sometimes playing it safe (if you lose track of turns, there's no harm in guarding and mitigating a few turns). It just ends up being time consuming.

It took me like 6 or 7 tries on global to do Maxwell. I absolutely crushed it the first try on JP though because I knew what I was doing. Really though, by about try 4 on Maxwell it was just about overcoming the revive.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Maintenance: Here's what we're getting

- 7 Star units
- New sorting system for unit, item and friends
- Multi-select item selling
- Raid improvement
- Randall Library


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm interested to see how 7*'s will be handled since we don't have achievements in yet.

Mostly, I'm excited about multi sell. It's so frustrating when I switch over from JP to global and have to individually sell stuff.


<WoW Guild Officer>
My body is ready.

Seriously though, I can start mass selling the 99 stacks of extra shit I don't need. I can't fucking wait for it. 3 hours for it to come up?

Evo dungeons will be up so I can get some of them higher.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not sure if I'll bother to evo any but atro and Selena (no magress). As soon as the starters come out you know they are going to start shitting out the jp 7* batches as fast as possible.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, they honestly don't have much use. UBB is a worthless feature to me because it takes up an entire turn (you use the UBB and then have to fill up the UBB bar to "use" it).

Selena is a monster because if you put Lexida on her she's almost unkillable. Atro and Magress I guess have some uses if you can charge them up fast, but I mostly use them as friend fillers (decent HP and attack, but never use for challenging content).

Really, I've just been saving up for Feeva and Kira. At 92 gems right now, 3 summon tickets, and I can buy another 3 summon tickets with points. Feeva is just insane as she can allow you to pretty much keep full SBB's even on single targets, plus you get all the buffs on her BB...AND her leader skill rocks. Canon apparently is decent for some of the harder content (although I've never used him over the other mitigators), Torah is basically the best status inflictor by a mile, and Taser is a ridiculous STBBer. Even Alfa is pretty solid. All in all, that whole batch is super strong.

Then the next batch with Claire and Kurt is pretty good too (and whatever the hell that dark unit's name is...holy crap).

After that it's a bunch of units I already have (Lava, Ronel, Elimo). Only Elimo is a standout from those. There's a new 7* batch coming out shortly but not enough info to evaluate.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ronel is pretty much a feeva alternative. I've got a ronel and elimo, so not really that interested in the Kira batch. Alfa Dilith is going to be a free spark buffer, so kind of meh on Claire and Kurt batch. The just announced batch seems pretty crazy, but the power creep is going insane. Going to run ronel lead, elimo sub, and fill out the rest of slots with whatever buffs.

I'm sitting on 206 gems and 6 tickets. With old units getting quality 7*s I figure I'll just keep hoarding gems until content gets hard for the units I have.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not interested in Kira batch? Have you used Feeva yet? It's seriously one of the most ridiculous units in the game.

Plus, the Elimo batch won't be here for a long while.