Brave Frontier


Ya it seems like a different enough game to separate the two. While on the topic of FFRK, has anyone gone through the entire tower to get Sephiroth and if so, how hard was the battle?


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
I was looking for some advice on noob F2P team building. I want to remain F2P, so I don't have much wiggle room. Here is what I am working with:

Current Team:

Lucca (L) 6* - Leader
Shida (A) 5*
Vargas (L) 6*
Semira (B) 6*
Lira (L) 5*

I farmed the hero dungeons for all of the starting heroes and each of the additional unit drops. This is my total roster (all units are at Max level and available to be evolved):

Vargas (L) 6*
Vargas (A) 4*
Zegar (A) 4*
Agni (B) 4*
Great Thief Leon (B) 4* - I only leveled him to fill out a possible fire team, he is a 4* max character that would be replaced immediately

Selena (A) 5*
Zephu (A) 4*

Lucca (L) 6*
Lance (A) 4*
Lance (L) 4*
Lario (G) 5*
Leore (O) 4*
Zelban (B) 4*

Eze (G) 4*
Weiss (G) 4*

Atro (A) 4*
Luna (A) 4*
Maria (L) 4* (leveled to max so I had a healer of some type)

Shida (A) 5*
Semira (B) 6*
Lira (L) 5*
Magress (B) 4*
Mifune (B) 4*
Eric (L) 4*


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For f2p you need to make sure to get your dailies done every day, you'll need the summoning tickets.

For your team focus on getting shida and lario maxed. You'll want high hit count units for frontier hunter. General strat will be use shida sbb, three turn kill each round for maximum points.

With a team of six stars and a good friend will carry you through most of the quest line.
Farm the Monday karma dungeon for xp to get your team cost up.
Save gems for now. Your biggest priority will be getting a damage mitigator.

Recent rate ups have been iffy so check the reddit mega threads before summoning. Don't blow all your gems on a single batch.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'd say you're on the right track right now. As I mentioned before, you really just need to wait for a good rate up, which I know is frustrating because you're just waiting for an unknown period of time.

But that's why I suggested just running through the quests as fast as you can to accumulate gems for when there is one. If you get far enough, you can start working on making good spheres so you're not feeling like you're wasting time.

Unfortunately, I'm kind of on the other side of that. I've got everything I care to do done (don't care enough about raids), and I'm just waiting for a rate up on 7*'s. In the meantime that means I'm actually not playing, but instead playing that damn FF Record Keeper game.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Thanks guys. For my team would I sub lario in for Vargas? If so, do I keep Lucca as my lead?


<WoW Guild Officer>
Keep Lucca, sub out Shiba. His SBB does zero damage, so it's not really worth it. He's a luxury sub for FH (but can be helpful with Maxwell friends/leads).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Still can't beat the green menace trial. I am a scrub. New promo rate ups over the next few days. Check reddit for the batches. 5 pulls gets you one of the six promoted units. 10th, 11th and 15th look like the best batches.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
So the rate up right now isn't really worth it? Still trying to figure out what units are really worth it and which are garbage. Also I'm trying to finish up the quest line and it seems a bit strange that you can basically auto through a dungeon until the final boss and then depending on your team comp or friends available it just feels like a brick wall.


<WoW Guild Officer>
So the rate up right now isn't really worth it? Still trying to figure out what units are really worth it and which are garbage. Also I'm trying to finish up the quest line and it seems a bit strange that you can basically auto through a dungeon until the final boss and then depending on your team comp or friends available it just feels like a brick wall.
Brave Frontier Long Term Tier List

Change to the Tier list. Top Tier is best.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Nice, didn't know my Narza was a bad ass. Figured Darvenshel was but the one I got was an Oracle


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So the rate up right now isn't really worth it? Still trying to figure out what units are really worth it and which are garbage. Also I'm trying to finish up the quest line and it seems a bit strange that you can basically auto through a dungeon until the final boss and then depending on your team comp or friends available it just feels like a brick wall.
The meta game is currently going through a bit of upheaval with all the new seven stars, and new content which is phasing out one hit ko squads.

The most important thing to have is a mitigator. You have darvanshel, shera and Narza which covers everything. Shera has the highest drop checks and offensive buff, darv has lower dc and a defensive buff. So shera is your normal mitigator for questing and FH, darv is better when facing earth enemies, and Narza slots in when you are fighting bosses that have BB gauge drain. So you are good on that.

After mitigators, the next important role is status null. Rigness, Ulkina, and Ahvel cover that with the first two having the added bonus of heals. Kanon and Ronel 7* cover this aspect as leaders, also adding in a nice hp buff. (you want to shoot for a combo of kanon+feeva or ronel+elimo)

Defensive buffs will become more important soon which is why Kanon is such a popular leader in japan.

After that you have BC/HC drop buffs: Feeva, ronel and zelnite are all awesome for that,

Then you have damage buffs: crit and spark are the most beneficial, attack% sucks in comparison. Rossetta, Feng, and Elza all are awesome spark buffers (rosetta has the best leader skill) but all are going to get outclassed as leaders by and upcoming 7* and as subs by Alfa dilith (free unit from trial 6)


Did 5 summons,

(L) Dilma - Not a dupe
(G) Mariudeth - Dupe
(L) Rosetta - New!
(G) Kira - Yay 7*!
(O) Michelle - Dupe
(G) Arus (mailbox unit) - New

Not bad.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Got a breaker rowgun and anima kuhla, not bad.....

If the unit isn't anima or breaker and it's supposed to do damage then it's pretty worthless right? Got an oracle Radyn and a guardian arus which just in looking at the stats makes me think leveling them up is a waste but does their SBB's overcome it?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did 5 pulls to try and get Kanon.
Feeva (a)
Kaja (who cares)
Uda (g)
Ultor(o) sad face
Lilith (don't care)
Jack (don't care)

Two useful units and zero dupes. I'll take it.


Sigh, need to give Maxwell a try. Pretty sure I have the units - 6*, 10 SBB: Shera and Luka sphere frogged + a dozen imps, Rosetta, Fei and Fang, Maruideth, Ultor, Zergel, Lilly Matah, Selena (7), Ulkina, Tree, Rowgen, with Lucca and Exvehl soon to follow. I just never sit down and actually play this - it's more of an at-work kinda thing. Surely I have a team there that can manage it, though, right?

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Aren't you supposed to get a burst frog and gem the first time you clear the bonus dungeon? I just did the one in Mistral and I got jack shit. Do I send in a ticket or something?


<WoW Guild Officer>
Aren't you supposed to get a burst frog and gem the first time you clear the bonus dungeon? I just did the one in Mistral and I got jack shit. Do I send in a ticket or something?
It's different per bonus dungeon. Some of them given sphere frogs, some give burst frogs (Mistral should be gem+burst). Put in a ticket (make sure you didn't get it though... check your units in chronological order).