Brave Frontier


A good percentage of the best units in the game are in that list =p. Last I saw you on my friend list you were only like 60 or so, so there's really no telling because you can't really prioritize any of them until you've got enough cost to raise those guys 7* and units like Kanon, Raaga and hell a bunch of others you listed were created with their 7* forms already available, so I don't have any knowledge of their quality in their lower tier forms. Plus, you'll probably have a hell of a lot more when you reach higher levels.

I know when I was leveling up I used the hell out of Uda, Rowgen, Rosetta, Dilma and Michele, but I'd imagine a lot of the new 7* units even in their 5* form will outperform those guys - pretty damn sure Feeva makes Uda irrelevant.

I will tell you that Rosetta and Shera - Shera moreso since you've already got Raaga - are limited to 6* and are still amazing, so I'ddefinitelyprioritize Shera and probably Rowgen too. You'll get a ton of mileage at relatively low cost with their 6* forms. I seriously almost wish I was in your position - I miss that rapid and consistent influx of gems so much and you're already ahead of me in terms of units because now is one hell of a good time to have a massive supply of gems.

edit: sorry for so many edits
Thanks for the info. Also added a few new summons.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
6* Grah achieved. The last boss' first form is far harder than his second. I ended up putting my light units in a crit suicide squad since he one shots them anyways. Managed to knock off a quarter of his health before they all died. After that it was just avoiding bullshit whole party wipe RNG. I only had to retry once today to get him. Thank god retrying is free in GQs.

Good Luck! Besides that final encounter you are working on yet, how tough would you say it was overall?
Fairly easy. The 4 mini bosses are mono color and not terribly difficult. I used cobbled together teams of 6 and 7 stars to beat them. Statuses are a bitch on them but mitigation is unnecessary. Just bring a 30% HP friend and a healer if the squad has low damage output. I just stacked grahs team and bulldozed to get my free malice jewel (only my second).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So I finally uninstalled Summoners War. After getting solo'd by a Bella going endless amount of turns in a row... Ug fuck that. Anyway. Been reading up, but lots of questions. Seems like a more involved game, especially with 50 different currencies going on!

1) Is there some option somewhere I've missed that I can toggle to keep the game from auto-shutting down? Having it close every 20 seconds, or whatever, is highly frustrating.

2) Mimics - are these Evolve material I just sit on until someone needs it?

3) Imps - so I gather these add +stats, and it's ok to use on un-Evolved units because the stats will stay. However, is there a max amount you can use on a unit, such that you'll not be able to use any other kinds? So if I use 20 +hps Imps, then I'll never be able to use +def Imps, or does each stat have a max unaffected by the others? And I'm assuming you can only use a Wind Imp on a Wind unit?

4) Leveling BBs - like Summoners War, you have to Fuse the same unit into itself to raise them? (that's the only way I've found so far) But I must be missing something, or else leveling the BBs on the rare mobs would be nearly impossible?

5) Is there a point to Arena other than the daily mission? Seems like a waste of time to sit there endless flipping through people until I can find someone low enough I *might* have a chance of beating heh

I've managed to pick up Aisha - my leader (which I guess is great, but not long term) and Shera (which apparently IS a top end unit - yay). I also use Elulu, Eze, and Claris as my healer. I also have Liza, Leon, Merith, Zaza, May, Grafl, Mimir, Lily, and random Harpy, Unicorn, etc. I'm assuming all 1* and 2* are fairly shitty and not worth the effort? Although Eze is a 2*, but I guess he's an exception, as a starting unit?

Probably more questions I can't think of off the top of my head... But any help with the above would be appreciated!


1. Might wanna reinstall. Crashes are rare for me.

2. Kinda. Some are used to evolve into other mimics that are in turn used for evolution.

3. Each has a different max. HP max is generally much higher, for example.

4. Nah, not that annoying but still pretty annoying. When you've selected a unit to fuse, fodder that can level its bb will flash "BB up?!". After bb level 7 it gets really rare. Don't use 4* or higher units as fodder. Unless they're crystals or metals.

5. Arena is not fun and I didn't even do it until the achievement system pushed me over the edge. Just get it over with. You need 5 victories total to get daily achivlevement and daily task. More if you get a "kill 10 of x element in arena" task.

Shera is your god right now. You need to summon a little more but the current summon rate is shit. I dunno if in SW they ever increased the rates of particular units, but thdy do so frequently here, and that's the best time to summon. There's no rate-up right now but you're probably gonna need to summon a few anyway.

Sorry for grammar/vagueness. Typing this up on phone at work. Let us know if you have more quesfions. Also send me a friend request - i posted my id a few pages bqck and give me your ingame name so I don't decline it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Thanks for the info Doc. Right after I typed this I (for the first time - I must be blind) saw the flashing BBup and stuff heh The game isn't crashing. It's the auto-shut off feature phones have so the battery doesn't drain. But in SW in the settings, there was an option to turn it off for that program. I'd prefer not to turn it off for my phone, and just for this game. There has to be a way?


Np. Let us know what you get if you do more summons. I too switched from SW to this. Spent an embarassing amount of money on SW and never got a 5* and I'd watch a random pevel 11 get one every night. Spent maybe 30 bucks total on this and I have gotten enough of what I want to get by.


Added you. Enjoy his stats - he'll solo a lot of stuff for you, although his leader skill isn't gonna help much at your level since I doubt you can get a lot of sparks and fill up BB gauges with them.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Thanks! Man, I need to start using these damn Mimics soon, they are clogging up my shit. I am about to get a 5th gem, which I'd like to use to summon another unit, but... I could also get 25 more unit slots. Probably need a new unit more, being new haha


Mimics are really common. Just fuse some of them for decent xp. I'm sure you've already found out that they spawn all the time

Leto Eu`Acumen

I've managed to pick up Aisha - my leader (which I guess is great, but not long term) and Shera (which apparently IS a top end unit - yay). I also use Elulu, Eze, and Claris as my healer. I also have Liza, Leon, Merith, Zaza, May, Grafl, Mimir, Lily, and random Harpy, Unicorn, etc. I'm assuming all 1* and 2* are fairly shitty and not worth the effort? Although Eze is a 2*, but I guess he's an exception, as a starting unit?
I'd recommend bookmarking this link:

Brave Frontier - Drop Check Comparison (Ultima R3) - by Brave Frontier PROs

Use the search bar on the right hand side of that page for any character you ever have a question about and it will bring up a window with all sorts of relevant info, including all the future Evolutions of a unit (real quick way to identify a trash/fodder unit vs a real unit you'll want to hang on to long-term. There ARE a handful of characters you can pick up as 'captures' along the way that you'll want to keep, but they are rare.) I once fused a Mifune thinking it was common fodder, not knowing it was probably the premier glass-cannon nuker in the game at the time.

Also I'd ***Never*** sell/fuse a character that isn't just fodder (unless dupe, even then sometimes it is preferable to have more than one). They are currently in a trend of re-releasing old units that used to max at 6-stars with new 7-star evolutions that are as good or better than anything in the game. So many of those older units you might pull still can have massive upgrade potential now. (Your Elimo and Michele are both great examples. Both are older units that had been outclassed....Elimo's 7-star evolution was recently released making her God-Tier and Michele has a 7-star evolution on the way that will not only once again make her an uber-badass, but make her possibly the best Arena Leader in the game, even possibly dethroning Quaid.)

There are some useful rewards from the Arena (for instance the "Thief Bracer" which is useful for item farming.)

There are different strategies you can use to improve your odds in the Arena: at lower levels (anything below 100'ish or so), you'll notice certain cost breakpoints; Levels where you get +5 cost all at once and while you are still using 4, 5, 6-star units, 5 cost can still be the difference between how many units/stars you can have.....if you use the Arena's 'Refresh' button to re-roll for new opponents you can pick opponents lower level than you below those breakpoints so you can at least ensure you bring more cost to bear in any given fight.

Later on this tactic will fade in favor of others, but it is worth saying what I'm doing atm which is working out pretty nicely in my favor: Once you become more familiar with the different characters/leaders you'll know which ones are 'current' vs the ones that have gotten outdated. The Arena will keep cycling through competition even if they quit a long time ago, so if you don't mind fishing a little you can find old-outdated groups to fight....current groups can wipe the floor with them. (This will become far more true once you can field a full 6-star group...your game will pick up huge at that point.)

Also if you get the "kill 10 of type in arena" daily, try to fish for mono-leads in the arena for that type (all the starters are mono-leads as well as a handful of others.) Yesterday for the "defeat 10 dark types in arena" I was able to do it in only 2 Arena battles because I did 2 "Magress" opponents back to back who (lucky me) each had full groups of dark units.

Later on "Dropcheck" (the 'DC' on the character info sheets from that earlier link), becomes King in the arena. You'll want to be familiar with your characters Dropcheck # anyway even outside the arena (it is what determines the characters potential for Battle Crystal/Health Crystal drops and the like). In the Arena, with a high enough DC you can fill all your Brave Bursts even on the first round then blow away the competition with Brave Bursts to start the 2nd. I just had a 102-match winning streak (since broken via bad luck) doing that.

There are different Arena AI 'types', but can worry about that later on....but as a general rule, you'll want to avoid using healers/mitigators in the arena and only use units with AE brave bursts.

...One final bit of advice (Of course its up to you how you want to play it, but...) you have such a nice collection of (very high) quality units already (and no real urgent needs at all), that I'd actually recommend hoarding gems for a while, letting the next few new batches of characters roll out while you level up and evolve the characters you have (it takes more time/effort than it might seem), then once you are in a position to be able to work on more, hit one of the "popular rate ups" that seem to happen once a month or so, and absolutely clean house on some of the better units including newer ones that don't even exist in global yet. ...Then again it is always fun to get a new character, so I can't fault a guy for wanting to do a new summons every now and again lol.

oh, and one other some point you'll pull your 5th copy of a character from the rare summon gate. When that happens, do your best to resist putting your device through the nearest wall....we've all been there o_O

Leto Eu`Acumen

Thanks! Man, I need to start using these damn Mimics soon, they are clogging up my shit. I am about to get a 5th gem, which I'd like to use to summon another unit, but... I could also get 25 more unit slots. Probably need a new unit more, being new haha
Unit/Item slots are something that won't be wasted. (up to a point at least)....generally speaking the evolution dungeons only appear once per week, and it can be really nice to have a little something of everything on-hand so you can Evolve units as they are ready rather than waiting an entire week for their totem/bulb/etc. (I tend not to keep more than 4'ish of any Evolution material including Mimics...the exception being the Metal Mimics which can sometimes be a pain in the ass...I'll sometimes keep 7 or 8 of those if I ever manage to have that many at once...some evolves use two at a time and they DO get used up, it isn't overkill...for all other types of mimics though, after I have 4-5'ish, I just fuse the rest for +exp. As long as you are running quests, you'll always have a steady stream of incoming mimics.)

All that said, it is far, FAR preferable to buy more unit slots than to ever sell/fuse a character (as opposed to just fodder units or evolution units) for space....murphy's law will ensure any character you sell gets an uber 7-star version 2 months later lol.

As DoctorSpooge said, I wouldn't gem-summon from the Rare summon gate anyway unless there is a good rate-up regardless of the circumstances.....and I'd never summon from the Honor summons gate unless there is a "Super Honor Summons" event going on....they happen regularly enough and you'll regret not having hoarded those Honor points when they come around.

Items are even you progress through higher questing areas and later on Raids, you'll encounter crap-tons of new items you'll need space for. Crafting higher end spheres tends to require a chain of lower tier spheres to make - so you won't just need the highest end mats, but everything else from the bottom up too.

I'm at the point where I want one item slot available for a stack of every crafting material in the game and only selling the overflow. (I sell the overflow +20 of the original stack as the need arises - but when I need something, I have it.) I think I'm at 280 item slots now, but it feels crowded lol.....I'm planning to stop at 300 and just trimming back spheres as I need for space at that point.

Leto Eu`Acumen

Oh, it seems like a decent squad to me, too. But really it's just my 5 best units thrown into a squad and it happens to work. Unfortunately, aside from Ogoro and Ivris and Selena, that's the entirety of of my 7* lineup. And aside from Selena (Amina) and Claire (fucking Oracle) literally every one of them is breaker or guardian.

And I agree that too many people fixate on leader skills. Kikuri is craaaaaazy good, yet she's ranked lower than Lilly Matah on that stupid meta list because LM's leader skill is hard to replicate. Kikuri's sbb DOES seem hard to spark with for some reason, so she's sometimes the only one on my squad without a full gauge courtesy of Raaga.

You're actually doing a hell of a lot better than me with spheres
lol, you have my sympathies on the Oracle man. My Tazer is an Oracle, and I have an Edea and Will that are both Oracle (I gotta say, knowing you have a future uber 7-star, but also knowing you are going to be strapped down with the Oracle version of it is a very strange sensation indeed heh). Honestly at this point if I get even a Lord I consider it a least Lords don't penalize you anywhere. Anima's feel rare enough to be almost mythological lol.

My Selena is a guardian - I haven't (and likely won't I think) sphere frog her just because I know as soon as I do an Anima version will pop for me. As much as the Lexida + Sol Creator would be a sweet sweet combo to deploy, I just can't bring myself to sphere a Guardian Selena.

My spheres collection was triggered out of desperation. I was trying to do the Mecha Gods when I still had no mitigator of my I'd use a Diana lead and a Friend mitigator but that would leave me with no +30% HP lead anywhere and my characters pretty much had shit spheres across the board anyway....I was getting annihilated across the board with that mess. That went on for weeks. I went on a mission of beefing up my HP's by crafting a set of 5 +35% HP spheres to try to put me over the top. Ironically, about the time I finished that is when I summoned that all of a sudden I not only had the +35% HP spheres, but I had my own mitigator so could use a +30% HP friend on top of it all.

In one fell swoop, Mecha Gods went from being impossible to being easy heh. Anyway, since then, I'd been giving spheres attention. They really do pay off.

That said, I don't know what the hell was in my head at the time, but after the +HP spheres I also crafted a set of 5 +35% ATK spheres. I haven't had the heart to just sell them, but I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with +ATK spheres....I don't even think those are useful in crafting heh. I should just sell them for the space I guess. I seriously don't know what I was thinking, those were a huge waste of resources not to mention more lost honor items than I care to think about.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Under no circumstance sell your 35% hp or atk spheres. They are used for crafting buffer jewels (+35% all stat sphere).

So far grand quests have been fun enough. Done with Karl's, grahdens and seria. Serias one is the worst. 1/2 vortex cost is coming back, time to go imp farming soon!


<WoW Guild Officer>
Thanks! Man, I need to start using these damn Mimics soon, they are clogging up my shit. I am about to get a 5th gem, which I'd like to use to summon another unit, but... I could also get 25 more unit slots. Probably need a new unit more, being new haha
Get rid of the mimics, you can find them on wednesday dungeons.
Monday is Karma and XP.
Tuesday is "most" of the evolution materials (pots, idols, spirits, and nymphs).
Wednesday is Mimics.
Thursday is totems.
Friday is Mechas and also item drops.
Saturday/Sunday is gold.

What units do you have?

Leto Eu`Acumen

Under no circumstance sell your 35% hp or atk spheres. They are used for crafting buffer jewels (+35% all stat sphere).
Nice thanks man! I've got a Buffer Jewel crafting diagram saved, but I honestly hadn't looked that close at it because I know I'm just not there yet lol. The +HP spheres would be forever useful for 2nd/3rd/4th teams but honestly I was really close to burning the +ATK spheres to the ground o_O

Saved me a big mistake on that one. + to you Sir!


Silver Knight of the Realm
Giving this a go, found out I'm on the EU server (yay..) 51662854
After tutorial and picking the blue hero, my summon thingies were sefia and kikuri, wonder how this'll work out.


I'd recommend bookmarking this link:

oh, and one other some point you'll pull your 5th copy of a character from the rare summon gate. When that happens, do your best to resist putting your device through the nearest wall....we've all been there o_O
I'll reiterate this. I don't summon that often so it didn't hit me until maybe a month ago, when I got 6 or 7 (I forget) Kudas when trying for a Colt, a better typing on Kanon, and some other unit in the rateup. I pitched quite the fit here and quit for a few days until somebody here convinced me otherwise. I'd used most of my gems and paid for some. Now I don't summon more than 3 times per rateup. My luck has also improved significantly. Never got that Colt, though.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I said fuck it and summoned. Um so either I'm really lucky or... I dunno. So far I have Rosetta, Rigness, Ciara, Aisha, and Shera. The only other gem summon was an Elulu. So that's 4 Megaunits (or whatever they are called) out of 5 pulls. The Rigness was a freebie for doing 5 gem summons.

Oh, and as far as the shitty base free healers - there seems to be one for each color. I'm about to Evolve the Earth one for the 2nd time soon as I get some cash. Should I have one of each color or say fuck it? Those are taking up space too (I'm getting so many units so fast from questing I'm always out of money for fusing and I end up selling feeder units due to lack of space - such a waste =/).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I said fuck it and summoned. Um so either I'm really lucky or... I dunno. So far I have Rosetta, Rigness, Ciara, Aisha, and Shera. The only other gem summon was an Elulu. So that's 4 Megaunits (or whatever they are called) out of 5 pulls. The Rigness was a freebie for doing 5 gem summons.

Oh, and as far as the shitty base free healers - there seems to be one for each color. I'm about to Evolve the Earth one for the 2nd time soon as I get some cash. Should I have one of each color or say fuck it? Those are taking up space too (I'm getting so many units so fast from questing I'm always out of money for fusing and I end up selling feeder units due to lack of space - such a waste =/).
You have rigness, no need to keep any of the free healers.

Level up campaign is out, rewards are in the achievements so they are retroactive to all players. Everyone gets an anima lario, and breaker mifune. Keep both, lario is awesome for frontier hunter and mifune is for imp farming.