Brave Frontier


Trakanon Raider
Any suggestions for a KM team?

My lara is still 7*, and I've not yet maxed the SP on Silas (or OE'ed sirius).
Team I used to beat Karna was:

Grahdens lead (excellent leaderskill for the fight, deadweight as an actual unit though)
Silas (massive def conversion buff)
Selena (HoT and BC regen buff)
Atro (stats, bc on hit, ares, and OD fill buff)
Krantz (mitigation, healing)

Once your team reaches the level of tankiness to always survive his damage in p2, it's just a matter of executing the triggers and bb checks properly.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Been messing around with 5* Nyami and found the setup I like for summoner mode:
Nyami bells, harp of Aurelia and divine darkness elgif.

Gives stats, crit chance, cd, status null and enough heal on hit hopefully to heal through any damage.

Overall I think lemourg, the crit guild sphere and a null all elgif would be better. But I don't want to spend an emgif to move it right now.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Been messing around with 5* Nyami and found the setup I like for summoner mode:
Nyami bells, harp of Aurelia and divine darkness elgif.

Gives stats, crit chance, cd, status null and enough heal on hit hopefully to heal through any damage.

Overall I think lemourg, the crit guild sphere and a null all elgif would be better. But I don't want to spend an emgif to move it right now.
I'm sitting on 5 emgifs...

I think I'll try that setup, and maybe do the other one as well since I've got two of the fuckers sitting around. Are you going to max her BB?
I need to setup a team for farm L10 elgifs :|


Blackwing Lair Raider
Completed Krantz's GQ last night and gave KM another go with the energy remaining. A little sobriety goes a long way- made it to phase 3, but couldn't pump od/bb fast enough as I had expended too many items prior.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Okay, what the fuck. Got to phase 3, UBB'd 3 times, almost died to massive nuke, dude came back to life, so I poked him to zero again and he wiped my entire squad?!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Got him. He pulled that shit again, but somehow Atro stayed alive (lowest hp in the squad yet only one remaining) and was able to poke him to death.


Trakanon Raider
It's a known bug, and the cause of much rage for people (thankfully I didn't get it). Gratz on the win!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, was infuriating. When I saw it happening for the second time in a row, I seriously started screaming. No idea how my weakest unit survived to finish him off, but it was relief for sure. Wandering Hermit completed, too - much, much easier than KM.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Got my new lara to 150 and starting with SP farming... given I've got Krantz and Magress for 2turn mitigation (and I use Krantz constantly), what SP build should I be looking at?

Also, new Elza OE is released. I did it without even thinking about it (40% hp lead woot) and now i'm struggling to level her. What's she good for (status infliction maybe and spark)?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Got my new lara to 150 and starting with SP farming... given I've got Krantz and Magress for 2turn mitigation (and I use Krantz constantly), what SP build should I be looking at?

Also, new Elza OE is released. I did it without even thinking about it (40% hp lead woot) and now i'm struggling to level her. What's she good for (status infliction maybe and spark)?

With mitigation covered, I think if you skip out on atk boost, everything else adds up to 100.

Haven't looked at Elza yet.


Trakanon Raider
Elza's basically the upgrade to Selena. Better bc regen per turn, same HoT, but also brings spark boost, inflictions, and a nice 45 hit spark blanket.

I'm thinking my new team for hard stuff will be:
Ark & Felice leads

Covers everything except water/earth elements. Can swap around to fit in Verne for when those elements are needed.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did mitigation, stats and stat debuff on Lara. Want to use her as my mitigator for the upcoming all female fg.

There's really no hard content on the horizon. We have zelnite ggc, the two fgs then it is the summoner arc. Not surprising gumi is shitting out the rare summons before they become practically worthless.
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Leto Eu`Acumen

So I've been very busy this past week.... I have lost/wasted SO many Raid/FG/Arena Orbs and Energy it isn't funny. I burnt what I could, but frankly its surprising now much time this game can actually take when you are busy heh.

Anyways....I see folks complaining that the Rates on this months Omni-Resummon Rate Up blows. I'm extra happy to have gotten a few good units last month now heh....and concerned about how to go about getting any Omni's in the future (would still love a Felice/Lara)....and now they want you to do 4 summons at once instead of a way it might be a good thing, better able to judge which units to toss back lol.....shame about the rates tanking though.

Thoughts about how to work the Raid Drops rate up? I need one more rare from the Dragon before I can make my first RC6 Crit Sphere, but after I get that, I'm seriously considering farming RC3/4 Rares during the rate up instead of RC6. Goddamn I swear I spend more time farming RC3/4 to craft RC6 spheres than I do in RC6. I have 4 of the Beiorg Spheres, 2 Twilights and a WDB done....want another Twilight for sure and the Crit sphre..... I need/want a full set of Melord spheres too, but only so many hours in the day :( Maybe I should farm him after I get that next Dragon rare instead of going to lower Raid Class bosses, on the notion that Melord is gonna disappear for a while again soon'ish.

Slowly, but inexorably, my game is moving into the modern era.

Looked at my units during a match yesterday....completely unbuffed, but with leadership skills and spheres active. Silas and Kulyuk are sitting at north of 5k+ ATK......Sirius and Vern are showing off at 10k+ ATK..........then I look at Avant, and he is north of 27k+ ATK....just sitting there unbuffed with 27k+ ATK like its normal wtf? Avant, you so crazy. I've seen him north of 45k+ ATK with buffs up, kinda makes me want to see how high it will go o_O


Just started playing recently, names Nulolan, ID: 8945290594. Is there a guild for rerolled fellas to join ? i'm level 83 atm.
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Leto Eu`Acumen

I cleared out a couple of inactives and sent invites to you both.....Player Name: Kamali

I had to start over (lvl 42 atm) so if anyone wants to add me that'd be cool: ID 5083210114 (leading with Silas, hoping for some nice pulls this week :))

Just started playing recently, names Nulolan, ID: 8945290594. Is there a guild for rerolled fellas to join ? i'm level 83 atm.

And yes, we do have a guild going....Ao- runs it for us, "Rerolled" ...tbh, I'm not sure how to send an invite, never tried before o_O We have plenty of room though.

Leto Eu`Acumen

Does anyone have any advice/tips on running Endless Corridor? I"ve been putting it off for now, but I'd like to put my best foot forward for the guild event.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Haven't been able to get endless corridor to load...needing a reinstall methinks.

Nice job on exposing me for the lazy fuck I am, Leto. Already way ahead of me on raid spheres - I just can't get into raiding for some reason, but my I'll need to start to whip my spheres into shape.

Rateups seem like a trap and I've got an Elza (but no Alice :( ) to work on. With Ensa already, that pretty much means Eze gets consigned to Arena duty as Ensa serves nicely a nuker and Elza provides a better spark blanket, covers spark vulnerability and adds bb on spark. She seems really, really gooxd. Plus, mine's an anima - one of only two (not counting starters) anima omnis I have.

Leto Eu`Acumen

Haven't been able to get endless corridor to load...needing a reinstall methinks.

Nice job on exposing me for the lazy fuck I am, Leto. Already way ahead of me on raid spheres - I just can't get into raiding for some reason, but my I'll need to start to whip my spheres into shape.

Rateups seem like a trap and I've got an Elza (but no Alice :( ) to work on. With Ensa already, that pretty much means Eze gets consigned to Arena duty as Ensa serves nicely a nuker and Elza provides a better spark blanket, covers spark vulnerability and adds bb on spark. She seems really, really gooxd. Plus, mine's an anima - one of only two (not counting starters) anima omnis I have.


I finished the RC6 crit sphere - I'm not using it on anyone atm though, should think about maybe seeing if my Arena team has use for it. Completely love the Twilight Stone spark sphere though, Grade A damage with +BC on spark.....My Silas was having trouble filling his SBB vs two mobs in FG, yet, with the Twilight Stone, he can sometimes fill his SBB vs only one......which is completely f'n awesome.

Best part about Beiorg is that if I use Sinzar's or Ishad's Ark as a Friend-Leader, I can fully auto him. Can't fully auto some of those RC6 guys, but they mostly are not nearly so rough as I was expecting (although Melord can kiss my whole ass, need rubber gloves to touch that guy, ugh). And like I said, I swear I'm spending more time farming RC3/4/5 for sub-parts for the RC6 spheres than I actually spend farming RC6 lol

I call bullshit on this Raid Drops rate up btw, seems completely normal to me.....they raised it by 0.01% and called it an event methinks :p

I'm in the opposite position re: Elza/Alice....have an Oracle Alice, no Elza lol, always liked Elza though. The unit on the horizon I can't wait for his Omni-Rize (holy bleedin' geezus that's gonna be stupid lol) And I have 4 of her including breakers and animas :p the one character I didn't flush all the dupes of for some reason. I'm picturing perfect sparking Dual Eze leads with twin perfect sparking Rize subs.....goddamn that could be glorious....a Silas crit buffer and we are on our way for an absurd LIghtning-Mono OTK squad (Even my Diana fits as my only sub for FH guard-grinding.)