Brave Frontier


Mr. Poopybutthole
They're all kind of crap, except maybe Dryad who I'm still unsure of.

But my definition of crap is "does this unit have any space on a squad." In this case, no. I don't see myself ever using any of them. But that's also led to me only seeing 15-20 of my units (out of almost 60) as actually viable.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Get my new phone tomorrow after a much needed upgrade. Top right and right side of my screen has not been visible for a few months and I would have to do wierd motions to see my gems/arena orbs/etc.

Anyone run the game on a Galaxy S5 and can tell me how it performs? Will I actually be able to turn on some BB graphics ?


Golden Squire
Get my new phone tomorrow after a much needed upgrade. Top right and right side of my screen has not been visible for a few months and I would have to do wierd motions to see my gems/arena orbs/etc.

Anyone run the game on a Galaxy S5 and can tell me how it performs? Will I actually be able to turn on some BB graphics ?
I just recently upgraded to the new LG G3 and here I thought I would be able to turn shit on and .... nope. Game kept crashing. Eventually found a review that said the game stopped crashing after turning everything down. So that's what I did. Game definitely runs a lot smoother on the new phone though, I just hope your experience is better and that you can use the bells and whistles.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You don'thaveto expend all your energy. I don't know how I'd fare with it being the old rate. Failing Maxwell 4 times? That's like a day and a half of energy. Now it's 10 hours. I can do that.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
For all that matters, the game is finished for a lot of people, including myself, because of the new energy rate. All I really do now is log on for the grind (which I find quicker ways of doing that all the time) and wait for new events to show up. They need to implement the raids, or at least just put in content that takes some effort to do with these new units. If I can auto battle through the last boss of the final piece of content you put into your game... um.. what the fuck.

Most of your events are tailored for newer players too. So someone thats been playing for a while will just crush them. Why? Because we have the best, if not close to all the best units for each element type. Oh? A lightning boss? Let me just throw Zelnite, Dilma, Tree, Douglas, Faris and find a Darvanshel on my friends list to throw at it and see where I land without even looking at the strategy. Damn, I wiped. Good thing energy is so plentiful now. I guess Im just sad that the game lost a lot of its charm for me when I was no longer really challenged. Well.. except for Maxwell. Whats even worse, and this feels weird to say, but the gems and summoner tickets are so plentiful that I havent spent money on the game since I first started. that just sounds bad for the company, and bad for content creation.



Silver Knight of the Realm
For all that matters, the game is finished for a lot of people, including myself, because of the new energy rate. All I really do now is log on for the grind (which I find quicker ways of doing that all the time) and wait for new events to show up. They need to implement the raids, or at least just put in content that takes some effort to do with these new units. If I can auto battle through the last boss of the final piece of content you put into your game... um.. what the fuck.

Most of your events are tailored for newer players too. So someone thats been playing for a while will just crush them. Why? Because we have the best, if not close to all the best units for each element type. Oh? A lightning boss? Let me just throw Zelnite, Dilma, Tree, Douglas, Faris and find a Darvanshel on my friends list to throw at it and see where I land without even looking at the strategy. Damn, I wiped. Good thing energy is so plentiful now. I guess Im just sad that the game lost a lot of its charm for me when I was no longer really challenged. Well.. except for Maxwell. Whats even worse, and this feels weird to say, but the gems and summoner tickets are so plentiful that I havent spent money on the game since I first started. that just sounds bad for the company, and bad for content creation.

I feel that way sometimes, but at same time there have been moments I felt like there was too much to do. Last Frontier Hunter I had to put on the back burner to finish other content because I didn't have time to actually sit down and play it. The big issue is we are months behind on raids when it was implemented after the Dia release in JP.


Golden Knight of the Realm
They're all kind of crap, except maybe Dryad who I'm still unsure of.

But my definition of crap is "does this unit have any space on a squad." In this case, no. I don't see myself ever using any of them. But that's also led to me only seeing 15-20 of my units (out of almost 60) as actually viable.
I think a problem is simply too many units. It feels kinda silly to me the pace they put them out. I don't see why they HAVE to put out one of every element every batch. Especially stuff like Reed, why do we need SIX of these dudes?


Mr. Poopybutthole
That's the complaint I see on Reddit a lot. They got ahead of themselves with the units and way behind on content.

The last few FH seasons, Maxwell, and when raids come's all trivialized because we now have the best units from JP. They did the first raids when Felneus was still the best. As is, we'll be rolling through the first two with no problem. I'd say once we're caught up with JP things will become difficult again.

Edit: Ugh, and I was just thinking about the super honor rate summons. If imps aren't in, I don't know what I'll do. I guess just let all my gift box honor expire and hold onto my honor points until imps are in.


Trakanon Raider
Edit: Ugh, and I was just thinking about the super honor rate summons. If imps aren't in, I don't know what I'll do. I guess just let all my gift box honor expire and hold onto my honor points until imps are in.
Agreed, sitting on 36k+ honor and another 6200 in my gift box


Molten Core Raider
Or, you could be smart about it and use up the amount of points you have banked in your gift box anyways. Just saying.
You can't claim honor points from your gift box after you have over 10,000 points saved, so you'd have to dip your stock below that and claim, which is probably a lot less than most people have saved.


Golden Squire
I've got so many units I need to level I'll be quite happy to burn all my honor points in a few days when they turn that on. The last time they did this one I also made so much zel from all the jewel units I pulled that I will likely never run out ever again. Currently sitting at 16m.


Trakanon Raider
have 2 fire units that i want to level, but only going to concentrate on 1 for now... so, which shall i level up?
Luther (A) or Fiora (G)?

I'm thinking Luther, but looking for thoughts
Luther is the obvious choice. He's still one of the best units in the game and Fiora doesnt even have a 6* yet. it depends what else you have though, if you already have a Elza she basicly beats out luther in most situations so he might not see a lot of play if thats your situation. It'll be a while till fiora sees 6* though so you'll have plenty of time to do both.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Super Metal Parade still up? I'm running out of space for all of the crystals, but I can't stop myself from running the fucking dungeon