Breaking Bad

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
That ending was way out of left field.

Not gonna lie, kinda in doubt if they can tie up so much in the final episode seeing as how pretty much nothing happened in this one.


A nice asshole.
He isn't going near the gray matter people, they just reminded him he is no longer Walter White, over his dead body will they still distribute the blue stuff. That is the only legacy he has left and it dies with him.


FPS noob
music buildup was pretty awesome at the end, only time I think they have used intro music in an episode. also i wonder now, we always assumed walt drives to abq, goes to house, gets ricin, goes revenge-ing. but what if the house is his last stop, post revenge, and the ricin is just his way of dying quickly in jail...



Ssraeszha Raider
That ending was way out of left field.

Not gonna lie, kinda in doubt if they can tie up so much in the final episode seeing as how pretty much nothing happened in this one.
Not too much to tie up. Nazis, Jesse, and Lydia are basically it. And they're all pretty well connected at this point.

It looks like he plans on turning himself in for the sake of his family. He has nothing to lose at this point so might as well try to take the Nazis with him. He was pretty set on killing them at the beginning of the episode.


Ssraeszha Raider
music buildup was pretty awesome at the end, only time I think they have used intro music in an episode. also i wonder now, we always assumed walt drives to abq, goes to house, gets ricin, goes revenge-ing. but what if the house is his last stop, post revenge, and the ricin is just his way of dying quickly in jail...
Can't imagine the ricin is for himself. It's not a quick death. Takes several days and is incredibly painful.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Would this year's Emmy's be for all of S5 for BB? Or just half?
Just the first half. They'll be eligible to be nominated for this set of 8 episodes next year. It's a loophole I suspect will be closed at some point since it allows a single season to get twice as many nominations.

well, tons of shit went through this episode but at the same time nothing really happened.
I think we knew that going into this episode, though. We knew Walt got a new identity and went to New Hampshire at the beginning of last season, and the beginning of this one, we saw that he returns. Considering there wasn't really much that Walt could believably do in this episode with a nationwide manhunt out for him, the only real details missing was what got him to return and who he's going after. Though when you consider how much time passes in this episode and the next versus the entire run of the show, it does feel a bit rushed, but I'm thankful they didn't decide to drag out Walt sitting in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.


<Prior Amod>
episode brought up so many questions. we know that vaccum cleaner guy does fake id's or at least takes pics for them. Why would you make a fake id for a guy and use the same birthday? he most likely made the an id for walt, changed everything except his birthday? we know he uses the same birthday cuz in eps1 he does that "52", and it's verified free cuz he shows the drivers license and DOB to the waitress.

Also this means that gun selling guy probably knows who walt is and what he's involved in, thats maybe why when he sold the m60 to walt he said "i have your word it's not going over the border" and walt says something like it's not leaving town.
he probably knows who walt is cuz vaccum cleaning guy says everyone knows who walt is by now.

walt is only gonna cause havoc with 100grad? presumably he only has that ensure box that breakfast walt refused.

i think the wedding ring scene hit men the most, at least it did for me. You must loose a hella lot of weight for that ring to drop off. I don't know about you guys but the only time i take off my ring is the god damn TSA (recently i've been told i can keep it on me, must be a lot of TSA theft), and it's a struggle, it's not cutting off my circulation, but it's never coming off if my hand goes all michael j fox or anything.

that scene, and the pleading for human contact for 10grand, that basically cemented for us that walt white is back, heisenberg is dead... until fcking gretchen. her stupid ass resurrected heisenberg, cuz that's what walt does, the opposite of what gretchen says.

at least that's what i got out of it.

also Todd, is in the running for "omfg, creepy matt damon guy, who murders with zero conscience and can't decide if he wants to fap to lydia or walt" is in the running for best villian since Gus.


Registered Hodor
the guy could barely lift a stack of money in an Ensure box, he''s not firing an M60. lol
Just rewatched the first episode of Season 5 where he gets the M60 (and car) from the gun guy in Dennys, and he asks him "Do you have an instruction manual for this?". Gun guy says "Yeah I pulled something off the internet", then when he opens the trunk of the car with the M60 it clearly shows a printed out M60 manual in there. Either he's going to use it or he's going to hire someone else to use it, but it is going to be used. Chekov's gun and all...

Also, Jackie Brown Bail Bondsman dude is goddamn awesome. It's a shame he wasn't a bigger part of the show, but he absolutely killed his part in it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I anticipate that Walt will use some kind of chemistry hat trick against Todd's group, kinda like he did with the fulminated mercury.

Maybe Walt will Ricin the Nazi water supply, they *are* off the grid in the desert.

I'd Google search "Ricin water supply" to see if it is feasible, but I really don't want that in my NSA search records.


Avatar of War Slayer
The only problem I had with the episode was Todd threatening Skylar. By going in to her house and asking her about that dark haired woman he told Skylar that she was critically important and gave Skylar information that she could then use to barter with the police. Three men came in with ski masks into my home and told me if I talked about this lady here that I have on a security camera that I was dead and I need to enter protective custody and witness protection right now. I thought it was this massive, massive slip up that Todd tried talking to Skylar rather than shooting her.

Nope! Went nowhere.
yeah. that was a bit weird. Todd is definitely not a genius. But that was a bit odd to sit there and do that. "well I didn't know how that was until you just told me who that was..."
The second aspect of this, is Todd going out of his way to not kill Skylar. Not just there, but actively tried talking Lydia out of having her killed. This is in clear contrast to how he is dealing with Jesse and his lady friend/kid. Presumably just his mancrush on Walt?


Life's a Dream
BB actually has less commercials than an average show. Typically an hour show is only 42 minutes. Every episode this season has been 46-47 minutes. So if you keep that in mind, only 22.5% of a BB show is commercials, so 75 minutes means we'll have roughly 58 minutes of show. I'm sure they charge more for the commercial breaks as a result, but I'm happy with more show.
My estimate was wrong. Last night's episode only ran for 52 minutes, so Royal was correct. 10 of those extra 15 minutes were commercials. Oh well.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This is in clear contrast to how he is dealing with Jesse and his lady friend/kid. Presumably just his mancrush on Walt?
Yes, I think his admiration of Walt had everything to do with him not wanting Sklyar dead.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You guys with your alleged predictions...

Let's do this for real, post your predictions for the last episode in this format and I'll put them all in the OP. Closest prediction gets a custom colored title with whatever they want. My recommendation would be a green heizenberg. If I'm missing any characters post them.

Walt Jr:


Tuco's Prediction:
Walt uses the m60 and a bunch of chemistry magic to kill the nazi's and take back all his money. He finds Jesse coincidentally and saves him. He then takes the ricin, turns himself in and gives the DEA a barrel of money to take the heat off his family. He then gives the money to Skylar who uses some financial-fu to use it.

Walt: Dead in jail
Jesse: Alaska.
Skylar: Lives richly.
Walt Jr: Not sure if he'll forgive his father or not.

Marie: Nothing.
Todd: Killed by Jesse
Lydia: Killed by Todd.
Jack: Killed by Walt.
Gretchen: Nothing.
Elliot: Nothing.


a_skeleton_03's Prediction: Walt uses the M60 as a distraction or a plant to get revenge on the Nazis and take back all his money. This is because of what they did to Hank and for stealing from him. He might even say "this is for Hank". He finds Jesse coincidentally and saves him because of mutual help. There is no trust from this just mutual hatred for the Nazis. He takes the ricin before starting this 'spree' so that no matter what he isn't taken alive. I think the first person he starts with is Lydia in order to get the location of the warehouse. Saul is completely out of the picture.

Walt: Dead by Ricin
Jesse: Lives and takes care of Brock
Skylar: Lives with money from Walt
Walt Jr: Won't forgive his father, stays with Skylar

Marie: Nothing.
Todd: Killed by Jesse.
Lydia: Killed by Walt.
Jack: Killed by Walt.
Gretchen: Nothing.
Elliot: Nothing.