Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
How do you even forcefully have anal with someone who is resisting? Short of beating them unconscious I don't see how that would work. I have a hard enough time getting it in the butt when she's cooperating.


Tranny Chaser
Being unable to submit as evidence on your behalf all of the communications you had with the person in the days and weeks after the event is some buuuuuuuuullshit.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
How do you even forcefully have anal with someone who is resisting? Short of beating them unconscious I don't see how that would work. I have a hard enough time getting it in the butt when she's cooperating.
1. Go to prison.
2. Bend down and pick up the soap.
3. ???
4. Profit!


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Here is the real question. If proof that someone literally said thenext daythey were excited to see the guy again is not enough to even doubt the victims story? Then what proof, exactly would these assholes need to doubt the woman? That's the real litmus test of a zealot. When you stat to realize that no standard or proof is acceptable. But it's something I'd love to see answered: "Well, we know women do lie sometimes, even if not often. What proof would you require to illustrate the man's innocence?"

I have a feeling there is no proof that would be acceptable.
I'm not even sure they investigated that far, there's this whole idea pushed by feminists in the nu-rape era you're not supposed to question the victim because it "re traumatizes" them you're just supposed to take their word for it, which is perfectly fine for a rape center to take that attitude but wholly not cool that feminists tell reporters or even police to do that.

if my perception is correct This woman was at the state of the union and nobody really investigated her story that much.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Re: the chick carrying the mattress around: whats in it for her? I'm not saying this lends credence to her story, but why in the fuck would she be doing this? Seems outlandish to claim she fabricated a rape out of thin air. Did she break up hard with the guy and decided to get back at him? Did he get rapey like she claims?

Is this just another double-down when you don't get your way the first time? I just don't get her motivation.


<Gold Donor>
^^^^^ Scorned crazy bitch.

The comments in that article are awesome:

She sounds fun.
Man, I worked in many offices throughout the years, most of which were all male dominant. And this shit right there just does not happen. She must have some thick ass feminist glasses on. Sure there was some creepy dudes here and there, but I have never seen anyone mock and belittle a woman in my 25 yrs of office work.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
But she carried around a mattress in protest. How is it possible that she lied?

What the fuck does carrying a mattress even symbolize or represent?

Here is the real question. If proof that someone literally said thenext daythey were excited to see the guy again is not enough to even doubt the victims story? Then what proof, exactly would these assholes need to doubt the woman? That's the real litmus test of a zealot. When you stat to realize that no standard or proof is acceptable. But it's something I'd love to see answered: "Well, we know women do lie sometimes, even if not often. What proof would you require to illustrate the man's innocence?"

I have a feeling there is no proof that would be acceptable.
A penis.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Re: the chick carrying the mattress around: whats in it for her? I'm not saying this lends credence to her story, but why in the fuck would she be doing this? Seems outlandish to claim she fabricated a rape out of thin air. Did she break up hard with the guy and decided to get back at him? Did he get rapey like she claims?

Is this just another double-down when you don't get your way the first time? I just don't get her motivation.
She probably went off to college incredibly naive and was abused severely. It certainly sounds like she was.

Now rape has a specific legal definition, so it's wrong to throw that word around. But aside from the rape thing, making sure everyone knows he's an asshole for abusing her is well within her rights.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Like Lithose said, if the guy was really abusing her why was she wanting to get back together with him right after they had sex? Why was she initiating contact over and over?

I mean its pretty damn obvious what happened here; naive girl tells a guy whose only interest in her was sex she loves him.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Only interest in her was rough, abusive sex.

The irony being that this is exactly the basis for 50 Shades of Grey.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Only interest in her was rough, abusive sex.

The irony being that this is exactly the basis for 50 Shades of Grey.
Abusive sex? What is abusive sex exactly? Were you peeping in their window when they attempted anal without lube or something? Everyone in this world has different likes, dislikes, turn ons and offs. Pretty short sighted imo to call something so open ended and varied as sex abusive. Lots of women hate giving blowjobs, does that make it abusive for the women who hate giving blowjobs to give one to their man when they ask for one? No, in case you think it does.

Also I find this hilarious after reading the dailybeast article;
The charge brought by Josie was the only one on which Nungesser was initially found "responsible," with a sentence of disciplinary probation. But that finding was later overturned; Nungesser's appeal cited various errors and improprieties, including the admission of hearsay, andclaimed that the burden of proof-"preponderance of the evidence"-had not been met.When the complaint was referred for a new hearing, Josie decided to withdraw from the process. (The New York Times article suggested that this was because she had already graduated and was unable to participate, but in fact, Josie had already graduated at the time of the first hearing.) The second hearing cleared Nungesser on that charge as well.
What in the fuck? You can be convicted of rape(in the kangaroo courts that colleges have) on that oh so low level of proof?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Only interest in her was rough, abusive sex.

The irony being that this is exactly the basis for 50 Shades of Grey.
There's a difference between rough sex and sexual assault though. That difference being whether she consented to it. There definitely are girls who like a little choking and a little anal to get them humiliated and thats what gets them off.

There's also a big difference between being a shallow callous asshole in a relationship and being a rapist.


Trump's Staff
I've witnessed both versions of "what may have happened" with my own two eyes.

Scenario 1
The mother of my nephew is your classic crazy bitch, she is a constant liar and a perpetual victim that lives in some strange alternate reality. I've personally broken up a fight between her and my brother (didn't see how it started) where she cried abuse while I could see that he was scratched and bloodied to hell while she didn't have a hair out of place. My mother later told me that it wasn't the first time that had happened.

Since then she's accused my brother and my mother of abusing my nephew (I assure you no such thing happened) to the point where she called child protective services on them. CPS luckily closed the case as completely unfounded and the case worker personally apologized for putting them through the trouble.

If this woman told me the sky was blue I'd look out the window to check.

Scenario 2
A friend of a friend was horribly abused by her psychopathic now ex-boyfriend. Her harrowing tale of being hit and choked nearly unconscious not just once but several times in succession over the course of that evening was obviously true from the livid marks I saw on her face, neck, chest, and arms. It was clear to me that these were not incidental injuries but made by the use of significant force. It was also unlikely that she could or would have faked any of this.

She received nothing but an outpouring of support from my girlfriend and I, our mutual friend, and her family. We offered our spare room to stay in if she didn't feel safe alone (they didn't live together) and of course everyone encouraged her to go to the police. We all offered her any amount of support she wanted.

The very next evening she posted a selfie of them in bed making kissy faces at each other with a similarly insipid caption. Needless to say no one was very pleased.

Specifically in this CaseI think the university likely reached the correct conclusion. These kinds of things are generally witch hunts, and if they couldn't even pin the hair of a single black cat on the German guy then the most likely scenario is that he is innocent of the accusations.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Abusive sex? What is abusive sex exactly? Were you peeping in their window when they attempted anal without lube or something? Everyone in this world has different likes, dislikes, turn ons and offs. Pretty short sighted imo to call something so open ended and varied as sex abusive. Lots of women hate giving blowjobs, does that make it abusive for the women who hate giving blowjobs to give one to their man when they ask for one? No, in case you think it does.

Also I find this hilarious after reading the dailybeast article;

What in the fuck? You can be convicted of rape(in the kangaroo courts that colleges have) on that oh so low level of proof?
It's definitely not rape. But abusing someone just because you can get away with it is still extremely antisocial behavior and she has every right to use her free speech to make sure everyone knows he's a sociopath.

Also, in your blowjob example, is saying "give me a blowjob or I'll beat you so hard you can't get out the door for the next week" rape? She's technically consenting to the blowjob.


Trump's Staff
Also, in your blowjob example, is saying "give me a blowjob or I'll beat you so hard you can't get out the door for the next week" rape? She's technically consenting to the blowjob.
Of course it is. A person cannot legally give consent to anything under violence or thethreatof violence. Threats are coercion in every modern legal system. How do you not know this?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Of course it is. A person cannot legally give consent to anything under violence or thethreatof violence. Threats are coercion in every modern legal system. How do you not know this?
You're missing the point. What if she has noevidenceother than her own word proving she was under threat, as is almost certainly the case of a verbal exchange?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
It's definitely not rape. But abusing someone just because you can get away with it is still extremely antisocial behavior and she has every right to use her free speech to make sure everyone knows he's a sociopath.

Also, in your blowjob example, is saying "give me a blowjob or I'll beat you so hard you can't get out the door for the next week" rape? She's technically consenting to the blowjob.
Again what is abuse? Plenty of people love stuff like auto-eroticasphyxiation. No way in hell id ever be down to be strangled while being jerked off but Im not going to call it abuse if others want to do it. You cant apply your morals and preferences to others.
More hilarity from the article;

Sulkowicz's act, which is also her senior project for her visual arts degree, has been praised as both protest and art. To Nungesser, however, it is something else altogether: harassment. "It's explicitly designed to bully me into leaving the school-she has said so repeatedly," he says, referring to Sulkowicz's statement that she will carry the mattress until either Nungesser leaves Columbia or they both graduate. "That is not art. If she was doing this for artistic self-expression, or exploration of her identity-all these are valid motives. Scaring another student into leaving university is not a valid motive."