Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Musty Nester
There are some disadvantages to being poor white. It's harder to get social assistance.

It really is. The bar is set higher if you're poor white than if you're poor black and there is a deep social stigma against it. Poor whites will not admit to EBT cards. Poor black -- that shit is just normal and expected.

I don't think that offsets the whole "it's still better to be white" thing, but you can't really say that it's all equal at the end of the day. It's not all equal. Poor is poor, that is true. But the stresses are a little bit different, that is also true.


Murder Apologist
Plus you're assumed to be a addicted to drugs if you're poor white.

If you're a poor dindu you just get a pat on the head and people whiteknighting you on message boards.


<Gold Donor>
Alright. I'm pretty tolerant of the Black Lives Matter movement, to be honest, and I do believe White Privilege exists. It's hard to deny, honestly. However, I want to slap these stupid people. I think the exact moment when movements of this sort pass into the realm of ridiculous is when people of this sort take themselves too seriously. Everyone lighten the fuck up.
These BLM fools need to picket in their own towns and target the black on black gun violence if they truly cared about black lives. Its kind of funny how 25-50 can die in a weekend at the hands of other black men in probably any inner city, but yet some cop shoots some poor thug armed or unarmed and they get all riled up. Are there shitty cops? Sure. Are there racist cops? Sure. Is there police killing some blacks? Sure. Is there some underlying problem of cops exterminating black youths? I dont think so. Is there a reason they treat blacks a bit different than whites? You bet your ass.


I'm Amod too!


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
My sides


Unelected Mod
Well, to be fair, it is pretty retarded that Rey isn't in the game and is pretty much the main character. Hasbro, you dumb.

Jive Turkey

Well, to be fair, it is pretty retarded that Rey isn't in the game and is pretty much the main character. Hasbro, you dumb.
But if I was Rey and Luke, you know there would be complaints about them leaving out the black guy.

The excuse that they didn't want to ruin any of the surprises of the movie might sound dumb - and it is to some extent - but that fucking Duracell commercial with the kids running around pretending to defend their house from Stormtroopers spoiled the fact that Rey would have force powers. And that came out before the release of the movie


Murder Apologist
Did anyone really think Rey was just gonna poledance on her stupid stick while her ball-droid played some techno music? Of course she was gonna have force powers.

Jive Turkey

Well ya, but I was trying to go in with relatively no info and they played the commercial before a movie at the theatre. And if nothing else, it at least shows what a crap excuse Hasbro had; what other info were they trying to not spoil??


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Sounds like we finally have a real answer to what happened in Virginia with the Rolling Stone story.

tl;dr: It was all made up in an attempt to win a guy's affections.

over love interest might have spurred U-Va. gang-rape debacle - The Washington Post

Ryan Duffin was a freshman at the University of Virginia when he met a student named Jackie.

Both teenagers were new to campus in September 2012, and the pair quickly became friends through a shared appreciation of alternative rock bands such as Coheed and Cambria and the Silversun Pickups. Early on, Duffin sensed that Jackie was interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with him. Duffin valued her friendship but politely rebuffed Jackie?s advances for more.

Just days after he met her, Duffin said, he was goaded into a text message conversation with a U-Va. junior named ?Haven Monahan,? whom Jackie said she knew from a chemistry class.

What followed was what lawyers representing U-Va. associate dean Nicole Eramo described in new court documents as an elaborate scheme to win him over ? a practice known as ?catfishing? ? that morphed into a sensational claim of gang rape at a U-Va. fraternity and a Rolling Stone story that rocked the U-Va. campus and shocked the nation.

A Charlottesville Police investigation later determined that no one named Haven Monahan had ever attended U-Va., and extensive efforts to find the person were not successful. Photographs that were texted to Duffin that were purported to be of Monahan were actually pictures depicting one of Jackie?s high school classmates in Northern Virginia. That man, now a student at a university in another state, confirmed to The Post that the photographs were of him.

Police ultimately determined that no gang rape occurred, and Rolling Stone retracted its story.

?All available evidence demonstrates that ?Haven Monahan? was a fake suitor created by Jackie in a strange bid to earn the affections of a student named Ryan Duffin that Jackie was romantically interested in,? Eramo?s lawyers wrote in court papers filed this week....

...Jackie had told Duffin that a date with Haven Monahan on Sept. 28, 2012, had gone terribly wrong, claiming that the upperclassman had forced her to perform oral sex on five other men. That fall night, Duffin was among a group of friends who rushed to be by Jackie?s side as she cried; Duffin described her as being hysterical and appearing traumatized. Duffin said Jackie appeared not to be injured ? a red dress that she had worn on the date was not disheveled or torn ? and she declined to go to police or the hospital that night to report the assault.

Jackie became the central figure of a sensational 9,000-word story published two years later in Rolling Stone, describing a brutal gang rape in a campus fraternity house that allegedly occurred that same night.


Registered Hutt
Women exist on another level of social interaction full of backstabbing and passive aggression, and a often don't understand that men don't. All that deceptive nonsense is just wind. The guys that can play the game with them are total douchebags, and I had to really teach myself not to go to that level when I found myself adapting in my 20s. Nowadays when I realize I'm in some weird shit with girls being fake, I just walk away. I get girls texting me after a week like, "sup?" while I wonder what asshole gave them my number, and sometimes I'll see them on my terms, but usually I just give no fucks. Talk straight or fuck off. Enjoy winding up 30 with a history of dating douchebags.


Musty Nester
catfishing you say?

Well, I had a pic of some young, fat, probably retarded girl that had cat whisker facial piercings but I can't find it now.

Use your imagination!


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Fun fact. I'm the manager of a woman who makes almost 10k /year more than I do.


Registered Hutt
Your best stripper Bisi? Need to be tappin that in exchange for protection from fucking up her music and time slot.