Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>


Buzzfeed Editor
You know what? The bad part isn't even that they buy the kid girly things...He may be effeminate, and that's okay--if he's happy with that, it's fine; if he wants girls toys, I think it's fine his parents get them for him without stigmatizing him (Hopefully though he lives in a wealthy/liberal part of town, given the pictures? It seems so--poor people tend to NOT have the luxury of assuming their children will have an understanding environment.)

The real issue is how she broadcasts it. Why the fuck is something so personal for someone so young being put on the internet? This is part of the problem with these idiots and talking about 'making the internet safe'. They still have no concept that this is a PUBLIC FORUM that can potentially reach millions of people. And so when they fuck up (Potentially like this) they blame 'the evil Internets', as if the whole world needs to change to account for how reckless and stupid they are.

Kids sometime go through phases where they like a variety of things, boys with dollars, girls with cars--when they grow up usually they swap to more traditional things. Sometimes not, and again, that'sokay. But what happens if that little boy starts wanting to be he-man pussy smasher, and his mom is busy showering him with affection, and making him a talking point in her blog (Used to be church group), FOR being a gender-fluid-health-feminine-masculine ideal for her religious nuttery?...Is that any better than poor gay kids who are stuck in ultra conservative households who feel like they have to be overly masculine (For boys) to please their parents while they really want to be queens? Shit is the exact same thing for just another religion, and it's awful.

For fuck sake, don't shine a spotlight on your children. Don't make them an icon in your ideology.


what Suineg set it to
You know what? The bad part isn't even that they buy the kid girly things...He may be effeminate, and that's okay--if he's happy with that, it's fine; if he wants girls toys, I think it's fine his parents get them for him without stigmatizing him (Hopefully though he lives in a wealthy/liberal part of town, given the pictures? It seems so--poor people tend to NOT have the luxury of assuming their children will have an understanding environment.)

The real issue is how she broadcasts it. Why the fuck is something so personal for someone so young being put on the internet? This is part of the problem with these idiots and talking about 'making the internet safe'. They still have no concept that this is a PUBLIC FORUM that can potentially reach millions of people. And so when they fuck up (Potentially like this) they blame 'the evil Internets', as if the whole world needs to change to account for how reckless and stupid they are.

Kids sometime go through phases where they like a variety of things, boys with dollars, girls with cars--when they grow up usually they swap to more traditional things. Sometimes not, and again, that'sokay. But what happens if that little boy starts wanting to be he-man pussy smasher, and his mom is busy showering him with affection, and making him a talking point in her blog (Used to be church group), FOR being a gender-fluid-health-feminine-masculine ideal for her religious nuttery?...Is that any better than poor gay kids who are stuck in ultra conservative households who feel like they have to be overly masculine (For boys) to please their parents while they really want to be queens? Shit is the exact same thing for just another religion, and it's awful.

For fuck sake, don't shine a spotlight on your children. Don't make them an icon in your ideology.
One of the things I think about a lot is does social media cause this behavior or just make it public? I'd like to think it 'causes' it but I also think maybe it just exposes idiots who are predisposed to dumb ideas.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
The biggest impact interwebs/social media has is allowing all of these ultra-minority nutcases to connect. Pre-internet, the vast, VAST, majority of these nutjobs were under the radar, because they were alone in their nutjobbiness.

I'm still preparing my popcorns for pedophilia being the next SJW crusade. Hilariously, the slippery-slope Religious Right argument against gay marriage is correct, but for the wrong reasons.


what Suineg set it to
The biggest impact interwebs/social media has is allowing all of these ultra-minority nutcases to connect. Pre-internet, the vast, VAST, majority of these nutjobs were under the radar, because they were alone in their nutjobbiness.

I'm still preparing my popcorns for pedophilia being the next SJW crusade. Hilariously, the slippery-slope Religious Right argument against gay marriage is correct, but for the wrong reasons.
I don't disagree with the connectivity thing, but rather the chicken or the egg question. Sometimes it strikes me as these people would be too stupid to come up with things like 'nonbinary gender' and 'antivax' on their own. But then I think maybe it's just the slightly more coherent (if utterly false and illogical) arguments they parrot around but they would do this anyway. As in - this chick would have dressed her son up in drag because she's nuts BUT now she has some memes and sciencey sounding words for things.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I get what you're saying. If I had to declare a stance, I'd say it's a bit of both with many of these weird things. Trans being one specifically, it's clearly a mental disorder but the whole "movement" probably pulls in people that normally would be unaffected and operate just fine in a less connected world. Gender-fluid and pronoun nonsense, I would say, is even more affected. There are probably naturally an ultra-minority of people who just feel weird and androgenous or whatever, but for these issues specifically, I'd say it's almost hipstery, and the connectivity pulls in fucktards who just want attention.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I thought the Pedo-normal shit had already started?
It has but the main stream media like CNN, ABC and the like haven't endorsed it yet. It's coming though, they will file it under the born that way or mental illness or white peoples fault category.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Isn't it a mental illness?
I'm sure you can classify it as that. Then you can classify everything including murdering someone as a mental illness or genetic defect. Nobody is responsible for anything because they were born that way.

That is my problem with it.


You're not "born with" murder, dude.

And you're the one adding in the "nobody is responsible for anything" bit, which has nothing to do with discussing whether or not something is a mental illness.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You're not "born with" murder, dude.

And you're the one adding in the "nobody is responsible for anything" bit, which has nothing to do with discussing whether or not something is a mental illness.
Yah, i'm done with your bullshit. Enjoy your child touching.