Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
rich faggots are the ones who started segregation between blacks and white indenture servants, who were treated just as bad as blacks.

Mist_sl said:
White men don't have to work as hard to prove themselves, both to other white man and everyone else with a working pair of eyes. They also generally come from families with more wealth and will inherit more wealth on average (literally twice as much, statistically speaking.) Combining these factors, they therefore get to devote energy that would otherwise be spent overcoming certain hurdles to further other life goals instead.This leads to them generally having better lives in the long term.
Nope, men die earlier. Women live longer. hence is the reason why CNN is so concerned about white female poverty after 70s because they are outliving their pensions and savings. And of course, their husbands.

This is also ignoring the fact that men's wealth is shared with their wives.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
People with privilege should admit their privilege, but not be ashamed of it or try to apologize for it. If you've got some kind of privilege, just acknowledge that it's there and recognize that even if you feel worked hard to get where you are in life, its quite possible that some of your other peers had to overcome hurdles that you can't possibly imagine just to get even remotely on the same level as you.

It's about admitting to reality and having a little bit of empathy for things that are just unknowable to you.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
People with privilege should admit their privilege, but not be ashamed of it or try to apologize for it. If you've got some kind of privilege, just acknowledge that it's there and recognize that even if you feel worked hard to get where you are in life, its quite possible that some of your other peers had to overcome hurdles that you can't possibly imagine just to get even remotely on the same level as you.

It's about admitting to reality and having a little bit of empathy for things that are just unknowable to you.
Whatever privilege you are trying to claim is statistically sound, except the context. You spread falsehood and half-truths.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
male privilegeh.

If I ever have a daughter I'll raise her to not be such a whiny, crybaby, she'll be one of those chicks that guys can respect like Madam President from BattleStar Galactic or something (I only watched like the first season so if she turned into a whiny crybaby please disregard).

Also not letting Trollface anyway near her.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
male privilegeh.

So your evidence is a policy made by two airlines in a country with approximately the same population size as Florida and only slightly less crazy?

No sane person thinksallmen are pedophiles. Just the ones that look and talk like pedophiles.


Tranny Chaser
Wait now, the "Outsider Male" archetype is just as much a reality as being "The Authority" or "The Professional."

I'm not going to go dig them up on Google but there have been a whole slew of the same kind of shit regarding fathers in the U.S. and their children. A crying kid and a male parent means call the cops or get involved and find out where mom.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I don't really disagree with any of Lithose's major points, but none of them break any new ground either. I don't 'hate' anyone for their privilege, it just irks me when they pretend it doesn't exist. It bothers me when anyone on any side of the argument ignores reality.


Shit Lord Supreme
People with privilege should admit their privilege, but not be ashamed of it or try to apologize for it. If you've got some kind of privilege, just acknowledge that it's there and recognize that even if you feel worked hard to get where you are in life, its quite possible that some of your other peers had to overcome hurdles that you can't possibly imagine just to get even remotely on the same level as you.

It's about admitting to reality and having a little bit of empathy for things that are just unknowable to you.

The act of empathy is relating to that of another throughextrospection. The whole "check your privilege" crock of bull shit is you telling me to devalue my self-worth throughintrospectionby means of guilt.

- You make generalized claims that I didn't have to work as hard as person X, Y, or Z because I'm a white man.

Have you ever considered that I will work exactly as hard as I was ever going to work regardless of the color of my skin?

Your claims at this low level (IE: Work Ethic) fall beyond easily measured statistics, they are made out of arbitrary generalizations, through the means of assumptions, the de facto progenitor of racism.

You want me to put a metaphorical ASTERISK on everything I've ever done because I'm a white Male, but at the same time you say I shouldn't feel bad or guilty, I should just acknowledge my life is apparently in easy/easier mode.

Even though I had no hand in determining my birth, your feminazi Super PC Gestapo Moral Guilt Trip Band of bull shitters believe the cumulative measure of my entire existence can at least in part be attributed to my birth, and any person other than me that is of another ethnicity and or sex must have by default worked harder than me to get to the same place as myself. So to take the ASTERIK off my lineage I have to die, reach some cosmic awarness andrerolluntil my dice comes up as as a minority because it onlyreallycounts if I'm not a White Man.

TLDR; As opposed to acknowledging someone else had a difficult life, you want me to acknowledge I had an easy life, and that I could never ever have worked as hard as someone of another sex/Race because of the color ofmy skin and my sex.

Congratulations you are officially racist, because you sided with Morally Normative over the Logical Positive.

Check my privilege? Why don't you check your righteous indignation?


Trakanon Raider
Granted I've skipped a few pages but has anyone articulated the privilege I'm suppose to be the bearer of as a white male? I know Tanoomba spoke about people being looked at in public but...cmon, like everyone doesn't get judged. Walk into a small town gas station as a long haired white dude in skinny jeans or dressed as a wigger.

I mean, is my privilege the fact that my parents gave a shit and raised me to be a non shitbag?

So far any "argument" I've heard from the check your privilege crowd boils down to feelings, and that dog don't hunt.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The whole "check your privilege" crock of bull shit is you telling me to devalue my self-worth throughintrospectionby means of guilt.
Didn't say that.

- You make generalized claims that I didn't have to work as hard as person X, Y, or Z because I'm a white man.
Also didn't say that. Just said that by virtue of having a few less hurdles to overcome, however minor they might be, applying the same amount of hard work will carry you a little further than everyone else in the end.

Have you ever considered that I will work exactly as hard as I was ever going to work regardless of the color of my skin?
Yes, in fact I did consider that explicitly. And that amount of work is going to get you a little bit further than people who had a couple more bumps in the road than you did. No one is saying you worked any more or less hard.

Your claims at this low level (IE: Work Ethic) fall beyond easily measured statistics, they are made out of arbitrary generalizations, through the means of assumptions, the de facto progenitor of racism.
Did not question your work ethic or anyone else's.

You want me to put a metaphorical ASTERISK on everything I've ever done because I'm a white Male, but at the same time you say I shouldn't feel bad or guilty, I should just acknowledge my life is apparently in easy/easier mode.
On the first part, kinda, yeah, on the second part, no, you shouldn't feel guilty about anything. Feeling guilty about basic facts of reality is for suckers. You just have to acknowledge it.

The rest of your post is just bullshit spew that I won't even bother addressing.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
What the fuck, really? You don't think being able to go back to any point in history up to and including the present and still be on top of the social food chain (uber-rich excepted) is a sign of privilege? And then you have the nerve to tell me that I'm the one who can't be taken seriously?

Look, I know there's no possible way I can convince a bunch of deluded self-serving twats they're wrong about something. But your pretending that just because the rest of the circle-jerk has your back here, that somehow means your delusions have more validity is the worst. You are hopeless.
Newsflash: time machines do not exist.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't really disagree with any of Lithose's major points, but none of them break any new ground either. I don't 'hate' anyone for their privilege, it just irks me when they pretend it doesn't exist. It bothers me when anyone on any side of the argument ignores reality.
I mostly just think it is an extremely reductionist way to view the world. I may be better off because I'm white and a man, I may not. But to assert this idea of privilege implies that I certainly am, that my accomplishments are somehow less because of some intangible idea rather than a solid fact. Most people seem to have the idea that "privilege" is a one way street, also. That very plainly isn't true, especially when taking the reality of our society into account rather than viewing it as an all encompassing generic "society" that makes it easy to model ideas on.

I don't know. It's like there is something there, but then you get fuckasses like Tanoomba who take it and go crazy with generalizations and quoting Louis CK like he's some kind of learned scholar on sociology, between that and the implications it kind of sours some people on the whole idea of it.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Dude, you can travel back in time and you will be ok. You gotta recognize that privilege next time to take a whirl in a time machine.


I just finished working with privileged white man who has no car, has a premature born son whose had a stroke and dissolved part of his brain and is working his ass off to provide for him.
Did you read my first post in this thread? That's been covered.