Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


TLDR; As opposed to acknowledging someone else had a difficult life, you want me to acknowledge I had an easy life, and that I could never ever have worked as hard as someone of another sex/Race because of the color ofmy skin and my sex.
Wow. I don't think anyone has missed a point by so wide a margin EVER.
Seriously, do you have any reading comprehensionat all?

Wow. Just wow. This is exactly what I mean when I say "deluded". Some of you guys don't even read the words on the screen, you read the words youwantto read instead. You create a strawman that never existed and insist that that is the point being made, EVEN WHEN IT ISEXPLICITLYSTATED OTHERWISE.

That ispowerfully, powerfullydumb.


I mostly just think it is an extremely reductionist way to view the world. I may be better off because I'm white and a man, I may not. But to assert this idea of privilege implies that I certainly am, that my accomplishments are somehow less because of some intangible idea rather than a solid fact.
Hello again, Mr. Strawman, nice to see you.
Are you enjoying making up your opponents arguments so you can feel smug about how wrong they are?


Buzzfeed Editor
No, white males have been pretending the oligarchy doesn't exist because it favors them.
How, specifically, does the oligarchy being primarily composed of white males benefit Joe Bob? That is just insanity.


Riddle me this...
I would just like to throw out the fact that I am super white. My last name is English as a stiff upper lip and my mothers maiden name is just as English. In fact we traced both families all the way back to 1640 or something and its all English. So I get like +7 to my passive auras.



Buzzfeed Editor
Hello again, Mr. Strawman, nice to see you.
Are you enjoying making up your opponents arguments so you can feel smug about how wrong they are?
Bro, I'm not making up shit. This whole "privilege" argument very clearly implies that. Without saying it, of course, because how could you remain morally superior to everyone who isn't in lock-step with your twisted world view while at the same time diminishing them as a person based on nothing more than stereotypes?

You should spend less time replying to me and more time reading up and trying to respond to Lithose after he fucking destroyed you, your arguments, and your dignity.


Yet you are still completely unable to articulate what that privilege actually encompass

Besides being able to use non-existent time machines of course.
Alright, forget the time machine. It was a cute example by a comedian to make a point funny and easier to grasp. It's totally not worth it, though, so I will gladly withdraw the time machine statement.

More importantly, seems like more and more people are "getting it". Not so crazy now, is it?

He's admitting it exists, but points out that it's ridiculous to hold individuals to it. The first step is admitting it, and again, it's not about attacking your accomplishments, it's about recognizing that other people do have it harder. Whites are typically better off financially because they have generally been "on top" when it comes to America. Yes, the Irish were treated horribly when they got here (I'm Irish, my forefathers arrived during the Civil War, one survived), but that mistreatment really only lasted a generation or two when they were afforded the benefits of their skin color, and the opportunity to work hard. Blacks, in that same generation were still slaves, literal slaves without any rights what-so-ever and after the war, barely had the chance to integrate into society. It wasn't until another hundred years until they were even allowed to use the same facilities as "whites".
Even Voltron Malificent gets it! The tides, they are a'turnin.


Unelected Mod
Being a white male gives you many advantages in life. Denying this is stupid. From my area, female professors in the sciences seem to have a much harder time getting the respect of their students. You only need to preview many of Kirun's posts or shit like the "friendzone" thread to see how many men automatically assume women are dumber. Imagine trying to teach math as a woman to a class with a few students like Kirun, heh.

However, not being a white male also infers advantages. When I first went to my college's center for financial help, they questioned me about what ethnicity I was, etc. I got this very slim packet of things to fill out. At the same time, a black lady came in and they piled a huge list of scholarships she was eligible for. Applying for positions at college in the sciences, it is also a definite advantage to be a minority or a woman.

So yeah, don't be ashamed of admitting the things that got you there or the advantages that you were born with. However, the people yelling "check your privilege", I hope they also examine their own (and many do, to be fair).


Bro, I'm not making up shit. This whole "privilege" argument very clearly implies that. Without saying it, of course, because how could you remain morally superior to everyone who isn't in lock-step with your twisted world view while at the same time diminishing them as a person based on nothing more than stereotypes?

You should spend less time replying to me and more time reading up and trying to respond to Lithose after he fucking destroyed you, your arguments, and your dignity.
I don't feel "morally superior" to people who disagree with me, I feel "morally superior" to assholes. My "twisted world view" is also becoming increasingly acknowledged by people who aren't defensive cunts. And I've never diminished a single poster here based on stereotypes. I've certainly diminished them based on shit they've said, but how the fuck could I not?

Also... Ummm, hello? Lithoseagreedwith me. On everything that mattered, at least. Highlight of my night. Time to go to bed now.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Wow. I don't think anyone has missed a point by so wide a margin EVER.
Seriously, do you have any reading comprehensionat all?

Wow. Just wow. This is exactly what I mean when I say "deluded". Some of you guys don't even read the words on the screen, you read the words youwantto read instead. You create a strawman that never existed and insist that that is the point being made, EVEN WHEN IT ISEXPLICITLYSTATED OTHERWISE.

That ispowerfully, powerfullydumb.
You completely ignore all the implications that your argument makes. Saying "just acknowledge it and move on lolol" is bullshit.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Pretty much.

Few months ago i was called for jury duty which ended being for a burglary against a 18-19 year black male. Anyways at the very end when the judge asked if there was anyone reason that hasnt been stated why we may not be able to be impartial, an old white guy stood up and said he wouldnt be able to be a impartial juror. Why? He said the defendants dress and general demeanor had prejudiced him. Whats funny is that right after the old white guy said that 4-5 other people stood up and said they felt the same way.

How was the kid dressed? Like your stereotypical 18 year old black kid. He had jeans falling off his ass exposing his boxers, some dumbass vest and a tie all while having an earring in his ear and while we were out at lunch he was right next to the jury pool speaking ghetto on his phone. The moment I saw him I wondered what the fuck his lawyer was thinking, seeing him like that and why didnt the lawyer trying and fix the dumb kid. Kid basically assured a guilty vote before the trial even began.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't feel "morally superior" to people who disagree with me, I feel "morally superior" to assholes. My "twisted world view" is also becoming increasingly acknowledged by people who aren't defensive cunts. And I've never diminished a single poster here based on stereotypes. I've certainly diminished them based on shit they've said, but how the fuck could I not?

Also... Ummm, hello? Lithoseagreedwith me. On everything that mattered, at least. Highlight of my night. Time to go to bed now.
Lithose certainly did agree that being white and male confers some advantages in life. Was that ever in question? The problem is that isn't a complete argument, there is more to be said there. He said a lot of other shit that you may have glossed over.

And it is the concept of "privilege" that diminishes everyone, not even just those you claim hold this privilege

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Yes, the conclusion that one derives from the argument "All White Males are Privileged" is that "All White Males Need to Be Brought Down A Peg or Two So They Are No Longer Privileged". Or, "Any Crimes Perpetrated vs White Males Are Totally Fine Because They Have it Coming". How is that not racist?

And before it's said, Tanoobia will come back with "I never said any of that!" Of course not, it's just the place that you're trying to lead everyone.

Also, how about this argument: "White Females are Just as Culpable for Privilege Due to Black Males Wanting Them Over Black Females"



Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
How, specifically, does the oligarchy being primarily composed of white males benefit Joe Bob? That is just insanity.
Mostly just being more likely to have an easier time getting the top tier slave jobs in the fields that matter most to the oligarchy.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Alright, forget the time machine. It was a cute example by a comedian to make a point funny and easier to grasp. It's totally not worth it, though, so I will gladly withdraw the time machine statement.

More importantly, seems like more and more people are "getting it". Not so crazy now, is it?

Even Voltron Malificent gets it! The tides, they are a'turnin.
Yet you are unable to articulate why and how white men are privileged and to say what privileges other groups have.
All you do is point at other people agreeing with you, hide behind them yell "see they are with me!!1"

Is that how you came up to that position in the first place? Someone you admire told you about male privilege and you simply espoused their opinion with no further thought?
Have you ever actually tried to reason it and come up with a structured thought to hold that opinion?


Buzzfeed Editor
Mostly just being more likely to have an easier time getting the top tier slave jobs in the fields that matter most to the oligarchy.

How is the average white person competing for a top tier job? Considering that the average white person in barely one step out of the trailer park. That sounds like something you just pulled right out of your ass. ."The Oligarchy" doesn't give a shit about white people or black people or whatever color people, it cares about self-preservation and wealth. Color is incidental.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
How is the average white person competing for a top tier job? Considering that the average white person in barely one step out of the trailer park. That sounds like something you just pulled right out of your ass. ."The Oligarchy" doesn't give a shit about white people or black people or whatever color people, it cares about self-preservation and wealth. Color is incidental.
This is bullshit. The upper echelon of the slaves are always people who look and act the most like the masters and adopt the same set of 'values' as the masters.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
This is bullshit. The upper echelon of the slaves are always people who look and act the most like the masters and adopt the same set of 'values' as the masters.
lol what in the fuck are you talking about? Are you implying that the house American Inventor was always a high yella piss colored mother fucker?