Buying drugs on the Silk Road marketplace


Trakanon Raider
Know a guy who knows a guys, etc., but I did hear a story about a Silk Road delivery that it was absurdly professional. Guy placed an order like it was Amazon, and it came shipped through the regular postal mail like anything else. Apparently it showed up sealed in a bag of potato chips, inside a box.

Personally, I don't believe there's ever any way to remove digital fingerprints from a delivery like that. I wouldn't risk it, even in my younger days when it sounded appealing.


Anybody know where to score some really gnarly drugs?

Moglyzoke Moogleman

Stock Pals VP of Shit Stocks
<Gold Donor>
I never accessed it myself but that's because of the issues already mentioned here.

If you're doing anything out of country your chances now are pretty shitty. Even since the shutdown seems like they've caught on and intercept, etc.


Vyemm Raider
Know a guy who knows a guys, etc., but I did hear a story about a Silk Road delivery that it was absurdly professional. Guy placed an order like it was Amazon, and it came shipped through the regular postal mail like anything else. Apparently it showed up sealed in a bag of potato chips, inside a box.

Personally, I don't believe there's ever any way to remove digital fingerprints from a delivery like that. I wouldn't risk it, even in my younger days when it sounded appealing.
There are quite a few sites that do this in Canada and all over the world. They call them MOM's (mail order marijuana)

budbuddy claims to be going strong since 2003


Poet Warrior
Without knowing anything about anything about what you all are talking about, I would absolutely not create a digital record of any sort of illegal drug sale. You can hide and convolute that shit 7 ways from Sunday and it will always lead back to a legitimate bank account held by a legitimate person or a PO Box held by the same. Of course, maybe your level of involvement doesn't even warrant any sort of scrutiny, but maybe the guy you bought from does.

Just out of curiosity, what kind of drugs are sold online anyway? I assume it is opiate/opioid based stuff only because that seems to be the class that makes people do the most retarded shit imaginable. Weed and coke and even meth don't make people quitethatdesperate. But opium? You bet your ass it does. It is an incredible thing to watch that class of molecules do what it does to human nervous systems. I've seen people offer their kids up for sex in exchange for opiates. Not directly mind you, but a woman on the north-side had no hesitation admitting to me that she was a 'madam'. She had no problem admitting to me that she used 'That Heron' (sic). And she had no problem admitting that her 16 year old would 'hook her up and help me out of here no matter what ya'll mufukas say'.

I don't care what anyone does on any ultimate level, but I won't deny that I am curious about it. I am.


Without knowing anything about anything about what you all are talking about, I would absolutely not create a digital record of any sort of illegal drug sale. You can hide and convolute that shit 7 ways from Sunday and it will always lead back to a legitimate bank account held by a legitimate person or a PO Box held by the same.
Except the very first thing you do is go buy a money order with cash, send the money order to an online bitcoin seller, and buy the merchandise with bitcoins. Good luck tracking that exchange of money back to a real person ever.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Money trail is the last thing I would be worried about. I would worry about the random dumbass who I don't know on the other side mailing me drugs that also knows my address.

If it's international, probably not so much though. I doubt the US government is going to swing their dick around over a few hits of ecstasy and it's the easiest thing in the world to mail something incognito these days (thanks Amazon!).


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Money trail is the last thing I would be worried about. I would worry about the random dumbass who I don't know on the other side mailing me drugs that also knows my address.
There were a lot of people who would have it mailed to a neighbors address then yoink the box off their porch if it looked like the coast was clear. I remember there being a few cases where police raided the homes of innocent families because of this with the expected results.


Ssraeszha Raider
Just out of curiosity, what kind of drugs are sold online anyway? I assume it is opiate/opioid based stuff only because that seems to be the class that makes people do the most retarded shit imaginable. Weed and coke andeven methdon't make people quitethatdesperate. But opium? You bet your ass it does.
Nobody can out crazy meth addicts
I have a friend who gets weed off silk road pretty much every week, im in the UK. It seems v professional, comes in sealed envelope with a random company name on it. He gets it ordered to his home address which i personally think is crazy but he's been doing it for a couple of years and nothings happened yet. He lost like ?80 when silk road went down, but theres a new version, and several other sites that do the same thing. Its all been top quality/lots of choice etc etc. In the end its a business to these people so it makes sense they are professional/cautious.