Captain America: Civil War (2016)


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm a wildlife biologist, and you're being a real faggot right now.


<Prior Amod>
Oh how can i forget the first casualty of the first Civil War
Black Goliath

Killed by the whitest man, a viking (cyber) God


Lord Nagafen Raider
I caught it on Netflix before the holidays and it made me realize I'm pretty much done with super hero movies. I'll probably still watch Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and a Deadpool follow-up but I haven't otherwise enjoyed them since the first Avengers movie and even that didn't turn out to be re-watchable.


Life's a Dream
These movies aren't for everyone, but those of us that like them are all in. We LOVE it!
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I caught it on Netflix before the holidays and it made me realize I'm pretty much done with super hero movies. I'll probably still watch Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and a Deadpool follow-up but I haven't otherwise enjoyed them since the first Avengers movie and even that didn't turn out to be re-watchable.

I can agree to this. I liked the first few. But, these movies are like a modern, cinematic version of penny dreadfuls. Weird kids in highschools a hundred years from now are going to love them and everyone will wonder why.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Or... in 100 years we'll have some mind blowing kick ass super hero movies / comics.


Throbbing Member
These movies aren't for everyone, but those of us that like them are all in. We LOVE it!

Shit. If you would have told me 10 years ago that Disney would be pumping out my most anticipated movies and TV shows for the next 10+ years, I'd have called you an idiot.
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Life's a Dream
From the studio that brought you "The Little Mermaid", everything cool you could ever possibly want in life!
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That guy
Whoever directed Children of Men should do The Last of Us. Very similar plot line (in a sense) and god damn would TLOU shot in that manner be incredible.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
honestly, i think TLOU shouldn't really be attempted. it's like when alien ant farm remade "smooth criminal" and it was like, yeah, sure i guess i get it, but why did you choose to a song from the guy nicknamed "the king of pop?" your version needs to be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT to outshine the original.

on top of that, one of the biggest problems with video game movies is that they take themselves way too seriously. the games are such a long experience that they can have offbeat moments and not screw up the flow but you scrunch down a 15 hour game into 100 minutes and you just don't have time for humor.


The Big Mod
honestly, i think TLOU shouldn't really be attempted. it's like when alien ant farm remade "smooth criminal" and it was like, yeah, sure i guess i get it, but why did you choose to a song from the guy nicknamed "the king of pop?" your version needs to be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT to outshine the original.

on top of that, one of the biggest problems with video game movies is that they take themselves way too seriously. the games are such a long experience that they can have offbeat moments and not screw up the flow but you scrunch down a 15 hour game into 100 minutes and you just don't have time for humor.
alien ant farm's smooth criminal was way better than the original.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I am sure the comics did it better, and from what I have read of the wiki/comics the registration program was more harsh and a dividing factor than "Av3ngrz now run by UN heheh" - but I did NOT feel that the absolute hate and dividing nature happened well in this movie - it was forced- but eh the big battle on the tarmac was cool-- but then "Yo ironzman I played u! haha mommy daddy issues!" and he still kept going, and going.. also Capt and Bucky could not wtf pwn iron-man-my-suits-fall-apart in a enclosed space 2 v 1?

Was it entertaining yes? Did I miss Ultron, yeah- so I suppose I need to watch that.... but from what I understand- umm why in the big fight didn't Vision just WTF pwn everyone in an instant?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think the biggest problem with movie adaptions of video games historically is they have adapted video games that have essentially no story so wtf why. Now there are games with fantastic stories / experiences but in a lot of ways, a lot of that quality comes from the way it is experienced in the game. Oxenfree would NOT be nearly as great if you just made a movie or show out of it, but as a game it's one of the best story telling experiences in years.