Captain Marvel (2019)


The Dirtbag
I just know you think like a child, so I was using some reverse psychology to shut you down before you shit up this thread.
Dude, I'm here to speculate on hot chicks punching purple people eating space tyrants in their testicle chins. Thread was shit up the second Lithose put on his Culture Warrior Special Forces uniform to fight the good fight.


Buzzfeed Editor
Dude, I'm here to speculate on hot chicks punching purple people eating space tyrants in their testicle chins. Thread was shit up the second Lithose put on his Culture Warrior Special Forces uniform to fight the good fight.
Awesome, sounds like your expertise. No idea why you responded to me then?


Buzzfeed Editor
Every hero needs their villian. Be a better hero.
You really read a lot into my gif man.
Dude, I'm here to speculate on hot chicks punching purple people eating space tyrants in their testicle chins. Thread was shit up the second Lithose put on his Culture Warrior Special Forces uniform to fight the good fight.

"I'm not saying anything, just looking at chicks!"...."I"m here to be your villain!"

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Buzzfeed Editor
Man you take this shit seriously.

So you like the casting? Who is your perfect Carol Danvers?

I think the current casting is good. Marvel is one of my favorite characters, well she was until they ruined her in the recent run--but in general I've always liked her stories. I just hope the people making it stick to the motivations of a single person, you know, make her human and sympathetic? Rather than trying to cram their ideology into a meat puppet they can move around on screen. If she and her director/writer can avoid that, I think she's pretty perfect in terms of look and disposition (From her other films)

Her Costume is a little stupid though, but hopefully that's the dumb version before she gets the cool version that's been a trope since the Spider-man cage match.

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<Gold Donor>
What do you think his safe word would be? I'm betting it's either Excelsior! or Pineapple.

Don't get me involved, I'm the guy that makes fun of the fight not takes a side. This time, anyways.

I do hope this movie is good, maybe not Winter Soldier or Ragnarok good however Iron Man 1, Captain America 1 (I liked it, a lot), or Dr. Strange level and it would be awesome. After seeing what was done with the DC Cinimatic Universe it is all too easy to see it happen with the Disney/Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It's just... after the Last few Star Wars movie... also headed by Disney... have to wait and see.
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Disney has a do not touch policy with the MCU other then I am assuming nothing R rated (which Fiege doesn't want to do anyways). Star Wars has a Kathleen Kennedy problem, not a Disney problem, Fiege actually knows what he is doing.

This will be better then you expect since it will be in the Space set of MCU movies like Ragnarok or Guardians, plus it will have Ronan and Korath in it more then GoTG did which should flesh them out properly. Plus more Kree which I am a fan of. I expect it will be a B+ / A- Marvel movie which is all its needs to be as a character introduction. She isn't boring as shit like Black Panther so he likability shouldn't be an issue plus Brie Larson is reason enough to go look at in tight spandex uniform.

Hans Zimmer's protege is doing the score for this, should be quality
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Throbbing Member
It doesn't matter if it is good or not. This will make bank because it's the first MCU female led movie. I don't know if it will draw the same support as Black Panther, but I expect it to do better than Wonder Woman.
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That guy
Disney has a do not touch policy with the MCU other then I am assuming nothing R rated (which Fiege doesn't want to do anyways). Star Wars has a Kathleen Kennedy problem, not a Disney problem, Fiege actually knows what he is doing.

This will be better then you expect since it will be in the Space set of MCU movies like Ragnarok or Guardians, plus it will have Ronan and Korath in it more then GoTG did which should flesh them out properly. Plus more Kree which I am a fan of. I expect it will be a B+ / A- Marvel movie which is all its needs to be as a character introduction. She isn't boring as shit like Black Panther so he likability shouldn't be an issue plus Brie Larson is reason enough to go look at in tight spandex uniform.

Hans Zimmer's protege is doing the score for this, should be quality

I'm looking forward to the Kree stuff more than Captain Marvel herself
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Molten Core Raider
Star Wars has a Kathleen Kennedy problem, not a Disney problem

This should be posted on every SW related thread. She’s the new Bonnie Hammer. (Fucked up Sci-Fi channel in every way imaginable)

Captain Marvel will be fine. I think folks will be disappointed it didn’t come out before IW as I suspect the IW tie in is after credits.
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The Dirtbag
I'm looking forward to the Kree stuff more than Captain Marvel herself
Kree/Skrull War was some of the best comic storytelling of its time and I want more of that stuff.

Now we just have to figure out how to get a damn good House of M into the works with Fox being fuckheads.
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