Captain Marvel (2019)


Millie's Staff Member
You guys are weird, idc what this chick says or hates, im going to see it because its part of the MCU - all that other shit is irrelevant, either see it or stfu serious this shit is retarded.
if you blindly walk off a cliff with everyone else, you get squished. this ID politics is destroying everything in its path. its better to "whine" now than to regret it later.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's fucking hilarious that the guy advocating doing nothing chose "Fight" as his nickname here.
I am fighting with the most efficient and effective tool there is. Money.

When Brie started spouting off about how 'A Wrinkle in Time' is not for 40 year old men and she doesn't give a shit about their opinions, I didn't get upset or offended. I thought, "Hmm, that is about the most accurate statement I have heard." You would have to tie me down and hold my eyeballs open like A Clockwork Orange to ever see that or her new Marvel movie. She is right, that shit ain't for me.

That was the extent of it. I didn't take to Twitter and harass her or Feige. I didn't show up to her events with signs. I didn't go make memes on the internet and engage in the hate.
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Jesus Christ what is happening to this thread? Is Captain Marvel a litmus test to determine if you hold conservative beliefs or just hate women?

Also Chuk and the antiSJW brigade the whole whining and voting with your wallet would hold more weight if you man children didn't see infinity war 15 times in theaters. Guess what? The feminist Disney movie and the good Disney movie still put money in the same Jewish hands in Hollywood.

The movie is not worth the breath to debate it, you either like it (I liked it) or you hate it but it's not some battleground of cultural Marxism. Hollywood is the Berlin of Marxism maybe try and fight on your home front first before heading there.
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Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
Most Marvel shit is completely mediocre.

Feminist Marvel pushes it down enough notches to not be worth a watch.

Happy international womans day.
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<Silver Donator>
Saw this at IMAX last night, theater was maybe half full at best. Maybe less. I did look, even though I wasn't going to bail on the work group that was going (and I got free Mexican and tequila before the movie, so it was worth it for that regardless), and there was a big NO REFUNDS thing on the IMAX email. You could only exchange it for another time. I'm not aware of the other Marvel movies having that stipulation, but maybe they did and I just never noticed.

Anyway, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but I place it firmly in my bottom 5, along with Black Panther (the lowest), IM2 & IM3, and Thor 2 (in no particular order). It was better than BP. The best parts, as stated, were Jackson, the cat, and the main Skrull. First ten seconds about Stan Lee made the theater dusty for me. I miss him already.

The SJW shit wasn't overdone, it was fine, and even less evident than we were lead to believe from the trailers really.

The biggest problems I have with the movie, other than Brie being boring as fuck, are 1) they tried way way way too hard to make her "flippant", almost like a bad Deadpool impression. She'd be in the middle of being fucking tortured or something and she'd make some joke that honestly would have sounded better if it were a "your momma" joke. It was totally out of place, constantly interjected, and obviously forced to make her seem light-hearted and fun. 2) is that there was never, ever, any threat to her character that worried the audience even a little bit. Her biggest "threat" was literally that she just didn't remember who she really was, and that they had installed a magic "limiter" on her neck when they first found her that kept her powers in check. Once both of those are gone, she is an unstoppable god. At least compared to anyone else in this movie, Thor could have done similar I'm quite sure, and even Iron Man for most things. But her opponents in this movie are completely outclassed, and she just mows through them like paper...except when they have to make the battle draw out for a few minutes and the "named" opponents stall her briefly until she realizes she can just obliterate everything.

In Man of Steel, even though we all know Superman is never going to truly lose (death notwithstanding), there was the implication that Faora (sp) or Zod could actually hold their own against him, possibly even kill him. In Captain Marvel, you never once worried about any of that. Even when she was "normal" someone would shoot at her with a plasma rifle, and she'd calmly look where it hit, look at the sniper, get a constipated look on her face, and then charge after them. No concern whatsoever that she might really get shot or be in danger. There was no question that she was going to dominate and overcome everything and everyone, period.

That lack of tension, and her terribly forced humor at completely wrong times, is what really killed this movie for me, not any SJW message. 5.5/10 maybe.

By your rating you would have just certified this as "Fresh" on RT.... #justsayin


<Gold Donor>
Marvel is dead to me. Not because of the above, it does not help, but because its getting played out.

I know this shit makes them tons of cash, but I have a feeling people are just getting sick of the hero movies.

If they would of played their cards right they could of made this genre last a bit longer, but here we are.


Millie's Staff Member
Jesus Christ what is happening to this thread? Is Captain Marvel a litmus test to determine if you hold conservative beliefs or just hate women?

Also Chuk and the antiSJW brigade the whole whining and voting with your wallet would hold more weight if you man children didn't see infinity war 15 times in theaters. Guess what? The feminist Disney movie and the good Disney movie still put money in the same Jewish hands in Hollywood.

The movie is not worth the breath to debate it, you either like it (I liked it) or you hate it but it's not some battleground of cultural Marxism. Hollywood is the Berlin of Marxism maybe try and fight on your home front first before heading there.
our "whining" is saving the movie industry. grow a goddamned pair.
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I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
$20.7m Thursday puts it on pace for a $125-150m opening weekend.


Throbbing Member
Marvel is dead to me. Not because of the above, it does not help, but because its getting played out.

I know this shit makes them tons of cash, but I have a feeling people are just getting sick of the hero movies.

If they would of played their cards right they could of made this genre last a bit longer, but here we are.

People have been saying comic book movies are dying since the first Avengers. Yet they consistently make shitloads of money and keep breaking box office records.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
You guys are weird, idc what this chick says or hates, im going to see it because its part of the MCU - all that other shit is irrelevant, either see it or stfu serious this shit is retarded.
Yes. Give money and support someone who says white men are the problem with this world.
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Can u imagine the cucks if Brietard said this movie isn't for black people.

Stawp it goys im seerious!
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<Gold Donor>
This would possibly be an actual insult if the groupthink could actually settle on exactly what an incel is. As it stands, it seems to just mean "men I don't like" as it's used for anything and everything. You guys need to tell your programmers to stick to one commit.

I have said it before and I will say it again;

He shortest path to becoming an Incel is getting married.

Edit: and for something actually related to the movie...

did someone that we are supposed to be sympathetic to the Skrulls? How are we supposed to ace Secret Wars without Skrulls as the bad guys or am I misremembering who the Skrulls are.

And if the Skrulls are being made the sympathetic oppressed does anyone else think that it is because the Skrulls are supposed to represent transgender people?
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I always love seeing this applied to people who don't succumb to the cult especially here where 90% of us are married

Yeah, being called a virgin incel is always a good laugh. I'm not a virgin incel. I'm a virgin MGTOW, ladies!
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