Christopher Dorner- Hero or Villain


Millie's Staff Member
definitely a villain, if he hadnt been fired he would still be keeping his lips sealed over these "corrupt cops" and if that isnt proof enough then look at the people he killed who werent "corrupt cops"


Bronze Knight of the Realm
definitely a villain, if he hadnt been fired he would still be keeping his lips sealed over these "corrupt cops" and if that isnt proof enough then look at the people he killed who werent "corrupt cops" DO know he was fired because he DIDN'T keep his mouth shut about a cop being an a-hole right? I mean, unless kicking mental people in the face while they are handcuffed is acceptable police work. See....I don't have a problem with someone not liking the guy, but I do have issues with people taking sides in ANY discussion when they don't read the basic facts of it. Pretty sure that's how we wound up with Bush Jr AND Obama. Idiots.


<WoW Guild Officer>
They should get rid of most of the LAPD and put the military in charge of that city until its law enforcement is straightened out. I'd prefer our troops play police in our own backyard than some Middle-Eastern country's shithole anyway.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
73,615 DO know he was fired because he DIDN'T keep his mouth shut about a cop being an a-hole right?
Keep in mind he made the report a day after he received a bad/faling evaluation from the officer he made the report on. And the two civilian witnesses on the scene did not see the officer kick the subject.
Report_sl said:
Appellant was charged in a formal written complaint with three counts: count 1, on August 10, 2007, making false statements to Sergeant D. Deming, who was conducting an official investigation; count 2, on October 9, 2007, making false statements to Detectives S. Gallegos and T. Lai, who were conducting an official investigation; count 3, on August 10, 2007, making a personnel complaint that he knew or should have known was false.
Report_sl said:
She also had indicated in an evaluation that appellant needed to improve in the areas of officer safety and common sense and good judgment. Appellant received the evaluation on August 9, 2007.
Two civ accounts:
report_sl said:
Testimony of Christopher Adrid
Adrid did not see Sergeant Evans crouch in the bushes or kick Gettler. He said that Sergeant Evans had one foot in the planter and one on the sidewalk and never had both feet in the planter. Adrid saw the cut on Gettler's nose but did not see any other injuries.

Testimony of Ashlye Perez
Perez did not see Sergeant Evans go into the bushes or kick Gettler. Perez went back into the hotel, so she did not see the officers handcuff Gettler, but she saw Gettler struggling while the officers tried to get him out of the bushes. She noticed that Gettler had a cut on his face, which she thought was from hitting his face on the bushes.
report_sl said:
The Board's findings relied on physical evidence and the testimony of several eyewitnesses who testified that they did not see Sergeant Evans kick Gettler. Sergeant Hernandez and the two DoubleTree employees who witnessed the incident, Adrid and Perez, did not see any kicks. The Board also noted that the photo of Gettler did not show any dirt on his white shirt that would have indicated he was kicked in the clavicle area. The Board also relied on appellant's failure to report the kicks despite several opportunities to do so, citing Sergeant Jackson's testimony that appellant did not report the kicks when he was first interviewed about the use of force, as well as appellant's failure to report the kicks to Lieutenant Grossman. In addition, the Board found that appellant had a motive to make false allegations against Sergeant Evans, based on her testimony that appellant would receive an unsatisfactory rating if he did not improve his performance.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If he DOES go to the Grammy's I hope they give him an award. Something like for "Best Idea for a Musical Score".

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
I remember rooting for the beltway sniper back in 2002. Let's hope he can notch a few more victories in his belt than that one at least.


Millie's Staff Member
you got issues GA. the only positive thing that came from the beltway sniper was that it exposed how bullshit the professional profile experts were because they had this guy as a white man driving a white van. turns out it was 2 black dudes in a sedan.


Shit Lord Supreme
Villain, Villains kill the meek.

Villains are always substantially more likely to write a manifesto before doing so.

At best it's a revenge plot against other corrupt officers, two corrupt cops might make a neutral/positive if they kill each other, but if they're killing the meek and undeserved than it's just a negative.

Most likely it's just a narcissist gone full socio, and I know all about those types.


Potato del Grande
Hunting down innocent people is just repulsive... he could have at least hunted the guys who fucked him over. Killing a daughter isn't cool, he could have ripped his balls off or something.
yeah mr. manifesto, wasn't going for honorable vengeance, he was going for effective revenge. so glad that the media constantly throws out every detail of every nutjobs blaze of glory, so smarter shitbags like the Norway Shooter and Dorner can study it as game tape and really hone their plans to a science.