Company Raises It's Minimum Wage to $70,000 and All Hell Breaks Loose


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Why would you be upset with how much athletes make? I read somewhere that since the NBA's inception it has only had 4000 professional players. That means the tiniest fraction (almost 0%) of people can do the job. If the skills are that rare of course they're rewarded heavily.


God is dead
Why would you be upset with how much athletes make? I read somewhere that since the NBA's inception it has only had 4000 professional players. That means the tiniest fraction (almost 0%) of people can do the job. If the skills are that rare of course they're rewarded heavily.
How is this any different then a CEO of a Fortune 50 company?

My favorite people are the ones who salivate over sports superstars then bitch when a CEO makes a ton.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Why would you be upset with how much athletes make? I read somewhere that since the NBA's inception it has only had 4000 professional players. That means the tiniest fraction (almost 0%) of people can do the job. If the skills are that rare of course they're rewarded heavily.
Not "upset", but just annoyed. Again no so much at their actual salary in a jealousy sort of way, though I'd obviously love to be that rich, but more at how I can't go to a baseball/hockey/football game without dropping a grand or whatever. I know WHY it is that way, I just don't like it lol, I guess it's more of a jimmys rustled than a real care or problem.

Every year my fucking tickets go up like 5$/seat and it's just annoying at this point. Basically sports related crap seems to "inflate" at much higher rate than all other shit. Like the argument against colleges. It's more and more becoming a thing only the "wealthy" can do....and this is coming from a "wealthy". It's just annoying.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I never said anything about CEO's making too much money. I'm the very rare internet fiscal conservative.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Not "upset", but just annoyed. Again no so much at their actual salary in a jealousy sort of way, though I'd obviously love to be that rich, but more at how I can't go to a baseball/hockey/football game without dropping a grand or whatever. I know WHY it is that way, I just don't like it lol, I guess it's more of a jimmys rustled than a real care or problem.

Every year my fucking tickets go up like 5$/seat and it's just annoying at this point. Basically sports related crap seems to "inflate" at much higher rate than all other shit. Like the argument against colleges. It's more and more becoming a thing only the "wealthy" can do....and this is coming from a "wealthy". It's just annoying.
The vast amount of money infused in baseball at the moment is via TV deals. That is why the athletes are making gonzo cash it isn't off stadium sales.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm glad I have never worked in a corporate environment. In the companies I have worked for (small to medium at most, I would say small) you don't get PTO. You get vacation time. If you need to take care of something or are sick you just take off. You still get paid for the full week etc...It's only been a problem in one instance because a woman was averaging off 2 days a week for a long time and they got rid of her because she was the only person that did her job. No back up. Couldn't hire someone else to be around "just in case".

I get lots of time off as well as do the people I work for. You need it, you take it. When it's slow you can take off "just cause" you want/need a day off or whatever or half a week etc...

The guys in the shop love overtime, and in many instance I think they work it for a month and they plan their entire life around working overtime instead of straight time. Anyway even then after a few weeks of overtime we give the shop a day off with pay like a long weekend, or guys that have worked really hard like the maintenance guy that gets calls on both shifts he gets a few days off with pay without asking.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
How is this any different then a CEO of a Fortune 50 company?

My favorite people are the ones who salivate over sports superstars then bitch when a CEO makes a ton.
I like people that complain about the money in sports while having a jersey of 14 varieties for players and teams they like, have season tickets, and pay for the MLB or NFL network etc...

I had a suite at Tiger Stadium for LSU for a long time. It was "fun" but it was more of a business expense. It paid for itself many times over by taking people a few times to the games.

It works becuase of demand. People LOVE to to go games, that causes people/companies with money to spend it on something they will get a return on that money. There's a demand for it regardless if they can pay for it themselves.


Golden Squire
There's way too much of a stigma concerning discussion about salaries as well as the act of people taking time off. It's really only a thing in America. At my old job I had a friend that I've known for over half my life. He helped me get the job. I knew what he made. I mentioned this to my manager one day (in discussing my own salary) and he had this look of horror on his face like I'd just killed his dog. It's in the interests of our corporate overlords for this to be a thing. So instead of having open discussions about pay and whatnot, we get HR policies that call for immediate termination if you reveal what you make. It's bullshit.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
This whole secrecy about employee salary is just such a strange culture to me. Every places I've ever worked everybody knew how much everyone made, never caused a problem that i know of. People aren't bitching that so and so makes this much, they discuss what quals they need in order to get on the higher bracket. If anything that makes a healthier environment i bet.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
There's way too much of a stigma concerning discussion about salaries as well as the act of people taking time off. It's really only a thing in America. At my old job I had a friend that I've known for over half my life. He helped me get the job. I knew what he made. I mentioned this to my manager one day (in discussing my own salary) and he had this look of horror on his face like I'd just killed his dog. It's in the interests of our corporate overlords for this to be a thing. So instead of having open discussions about pay and whatnot, we get HR policies that call for immediate termination if you reveal what you make. It's bullshit.
Secrecy benefits nobody but the employer, since of course the employer already knows what everyone makes. Letting everyone know what everyone makes puts everyone on a level playing field regarding that information, and employers don't like that. They like having the upper hand when you come and say "BUT BOBBY MAKES 75k" and they can go, no he doesn't, who told you that? Instead, they have to negotiate with you in good faith.


Bronze Squire
Pay secrecy policies are illegal in many circumstances. Only exceptions I'm aware of are supervisors and independent contractors, and HR employees are prohibited from talking about a 3rd parties salary. Even if you sign an NDA you are still protected to discuss salary under the National Labor Relations Act. The potential penalty to employers is pretty small so often they have the policies anyways.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I like people that complain about the money in sports while having a jersey of 14 varieties for players and teams they like, have season tickets, and pay for the MLB or NFL network etc...

I had a suite at Tiger Stadium for LSU for a long time. It was "fun" but it was more of a business expense. It paid for itself many times over by taking people a few times to the games.

It works becuase of demand. People LOVE to to go games, that causes people/companies with money to spend it on something they will get a return on that money. There's a demand for it regardless if they can pay for it themselves.
It's like I said, I "care" and do believe it is a "problem", and if not a problem at least unnecessarily excessive, but my "complaints" stop there. Why? Because I love drinking with friends and going to pretty much any sporting event(except basketball, fuck that gay sport) is a huge bag of fun. Unlike mattress girl, I am perfectly willing to put aside my personal morals and beliefs to enjoy the few pathetic years I have left on this planet lol There is almost nothing I care about so deeply that I'd sacrifice pleasure to stand my ground on it.

So my choice are:
1.) Fight the "man", high cost of sporting even, and high pay of athletes by standing on my podium and selling all my tickets and protesting outside the park
2.) Post my worthless opinion about it on a message board then go to the game, buy enough 10$ beers to rival Bacchus, and flirt with every girl in a pink red sox hat. Or use the fact that I have tickets to bribe cuter girls than I could normally get into a date with me.

....yea, I'll pick 2


God is dead
It's like I said, I "care" and do believe it is a "problem", and if not a problem at least unnecessarily excessive, but my "complaints" stop there. Why? Because I love drinking with friends and going to pretty much any sporting event(except basketball, fuck that gay sport) is a huge bag of fun. Unlike mattress girl, I am perfectly willing to put aside my personal morals and beliefs to enjoy the few pathetic years I have left on this planet lol There is almost nothing I care about so deeply that I'd sacrifice pleasure to stand my ground on it.

So my choice are:
1.) Fight the "man", high cost of sporting even, and high pay of athletes by standing on my podium and selling all my tickets and protesting outside the park
2.) Post my worthless opinion about it on a message board then go to the game, buy enough 10$ beers to rival Bacchus, and flirt with every girl in a pink red sox hat. Or use the fact that I have tickets to bribe cuter girls than I could normally get into a date with me.

....yea, I'll pick 2
Then realize you are at a Red Sox game and they are losing... again.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Then realize you are at a Red Sox game and they are losing... again.
By the time the game is over I'm typically too drunk to notice or care


God is dead
By the time the game is over I'm typically too drunk to notice or care
Do they at least have non-shit beer now? Last time I went there Sam's Summer was the pinnacle of greatness. (Which is a pretty pathetic beer)


Golden Squire
Not to mention paying athletes huge sums of money isn't anything new. There's precedence back to Roman times.


El Presidente
Babe Ruth made more per year than the President! Although now league minimums are more than the President makes these days.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
I couldn't care less if fans pay $500 for a ticket, players make millions a year and owners swim in pools filled with gold coins. What bother me is when they have that much cash to throw around and still get the tax payers to buy them stadiums.


God is dead
I couldn't care less if fans pay $500 for a ticket, players make millions a year and owners swim in pools filled with gold coins. What bother me is when they have that much cash to throw around and still get the tax payers to buy them stadiums.
Bread and Circus bitches