Couples Swinging


<Prior Amod>
Sorry to be a negative nancy but I can't imagine ever sharing my wife or violating our fidelity so openly.
Same here.

But if you need someone to video, I live right across the river from ya Wuyley.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I am not sure if this is more appropriate in here or SS but mods feel free to move it where appropriate.

So my GF and I have been experimenting with bondage lately and as the gateway drug that it is, we have started to talk about swinging. I talked about it in the CL casual encounter thread but she really REALLY gets off by public sex / knowing other people are watching her. She is THAT girl who walks around her apartment naked just in case someone in the other building might be looking.

I recently made a profile for the two of us on a swinging website and have started to talk to other couples. We are thinking of starting off with soft swinging (you fuck your SO but in the same room with other couples) but then who knows what afterwards.

Has anyone here had experience with it that could offer some good suggestions or comments on it? Did anyone out there think it would be fun/hot only to get jealous and ruin their relationship because someone enjoyed sex with the other couple and forgot about their partner etc.?
Is this the type of of girl you would want to be with for the rest of you life? If so, imo dont do it. If it isnt, depends on how crazy she really is.
Never seen an attractive swinger couple in RL. 1 in 100 shot that one of the pair could be considered attractive. Also men who swing are cresting the hill toward homotown.


Trakanon Raider
Never seen an attractive swinger couple in RL. 1 in 100 shot that one of the pair could be considered attractive. Also men who swing are cresting the hill toward homotown.
Pretty much this. There's a couple local places here too, and they posted a few pics on their webpage of a (clothed) get together and by and large the people in them were fat, ugly, and old. Blegh.

But I guess I can see the logic: if you're sick of fucking your fat hog of a wife, I can see why it would be at least a little bit of a step up to fuck a slightly different fat hog.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I actually have met good looking swingers. My wife and I unintentionally met a group of swingers at my kids school. Their kids became friends with our kids and next thing you know we're hanging out and they are all being very friendly with each other. The wife and I thought it was just that they were drinking so much but some months down the road one of the moms confirmed to my wife that yes they did swing. It was just a small group of 4 or 5 couples, I don't think they tried to recruit and never mentioned anything to us. Two of the wives were smoking hot though, my wife being the crazy latina that she is would have rather cut my dick off than let me touch them.....


We are an attractive couple if I do say so myself.

We have been contacted by about 5 couples so far that have also been very attractive. 4 out of these 5 had profiles that were hidden so yes good looking swingers are out there, they are just good at hiding it. The last thing we wanted was to get involved with a group of dirty old hippies so we started a private group and invited couples we found attractive.

As for if I want to be with her the rest of my life, I could see it happening but I am not at that point. Plus I would be lying if her "enthusiasm" towards this in general wasn't a huge turn on.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
She's probably into this because her dad either abandoned her or stuck his finger in her at a young age.


<Prior Amod>
We are an attractive couple if I do say so myself. See for yourself. Not nude but also NSFW


We have been contacted by about 5 couples so far that have also been very attractive. 4 out of these 5 had profiles that were hidden so yes good looking swingers are out there, they are just good at hiding it. The last thing we wanted was to get involved with a group of dirty old hippies so we started a private group and invited couples we found attractive.

As for if I want to be with her the rest of my life, I could see it happening but I am not at that point. Plus I would be lying if her "enthusiasm" towards this in general wasn't a huge turn on.
So you play MTG at Armored Ogre by chance?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
You say that like having daddy issues is bad. How else do you think someone like me gets laid?
Fair enough, but it's something to consider when you start thinking long term. It's probably going to take some therapy to get her to the point of being marriage material and the swinging thing is probably the opposite of that.


Musty Nester
I didn't think it's swinging if she's just your girlfriend. That's just groupsex.


Nothin wrong with a good old fashioned orgy.
If you're near a city, check out attending a sex club. My wife and I go to one which is the best locally and it can be described as a pile-up accident mixed with some glimmers of hope. Looks attract looks and so on. It's really a fun time if you take it for what it is. Haven't done anything crazy,,,yet, but it does add excitement. My wife is open to a 3some but even with a smoking hot wife with equally hot girlfriends...I gotta ask myself, do I need the drama? I have one friend driving me up a wall and we havent done anything yet... Im a tired old guy though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pretty much this. There's a couple local places here too, and they posted a few pics on their webpage of a (clothed) get together and by and large the people in them were fat, ugly, and old. Blegh.

But I guess I can see the logic: if you're sick of fucking your fat hog of a wife, I can see why it would be at least a little bit of a step up to fuck a slightly different fat hog.
Depends on what you consider old I guess. I'm 30. At the swingers club I went to everyone was 25-50 (a few of the girls were younger than 25, but not many, the majority of the people were 30-40). Most of the girls weren't fat, certainly better looking and more in-shape compared to what you'd encounter on say, a dating website.

If you're talking about people posing for a photo... that is probably the majority of the problem Eomer. My girlfriend is a teacher, she wouldn't want pictures showing up associated with a swinger's club which is why photography is banned inside.


How did you go about finding a club? I tried looking around the Twin Cities and all I found so far is some camping trip up in Sandstone.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If you are thinking about swinging I would only recommend it if you are in a non-permanent relationship that you don't mind losing OR in a super solid long term relationship that could survive hell on earth and still not break.

Note 1* Swinging is not the same thing as a serious 3 way relationship but don't try this either if your goal is just a threesome.
Note 2* Not all new relationships fail if they swing early but the odds are strongly against you.
Note 3* Serious long term relationships are not the same as long term relationships. You can be married 10 years and still wonder if you should get a divorce or you can be like the old couple who can cuss each other and talk so bad about each other you think it's only a matter of time before a murder happens but the idea of divorce to them is almost so alien a concept that it's like speaking a different language.


Swinglifestyle is probably your best bet to get started, as others have stated make sure you are completely open to any / all rules before you and the other half go forward.

SLS usually posts events and such, look into them, or message a certified couple and such with your questions, most are open to answering them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
How did you go about finding a club? I tried looking around the Twin Cities and all I found so far is some camping trip up in Sandstone.
Well, in Cleveland there are at least 3 different clubs (plus more private places that I haven't visited) plus a regular bar that has a well advertised official "swingers" night. So I willing to bet there is at least something in the Twin Cities.

I found out about them through my girlfriend who has been doing it for the last 2-3 years. She found out about them from SLS and/or a friend. Although just googling "swingers club cleveland" returns that first club that I went to (which was a good experience, they hold an event that combines the swinger's club with the next door bdsm themed club where they open up the wall seperating the 2 places) I'd probably suggest going to a busier planned event on a weekend. Just to see if you're interested, getting lost "in the crowd" can be a benefit if you're just figuring out whether you'd enjoy it or not.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
A couple I know got into swinging a bit and it sounded kind of hit and miss. They're both more open about sex than most but I still nearly choked when I'm at lunch with the wife and she tells me about it. I gather it was more the husbands idea and she told him she didn't have a problem with it, but it was obvious that it did. She spent about 6mo questioning herself and wondering if she was good enough for him. He was the one working, making good money so she could stay home and raise their child, but I think that kind of pushed her into feeling guilty and wanting to go back to school so she could work (as if somehow her husband's interest in swinging was somehow a result of her not being good enough /boggle). And to hear her talk, she never liked going to any of the get-togethers, which were at various homes as parties. She said she felt like a piece of meat and was creeped out, said the same thing when they went to some local club that she described as "smelling of desperation".

I think she started to question the marriage and there were a few uncomfortable moments between us. I think she has low self esteem even though she's very attractive in a nerd kind of way, and honestly if she wasn't married I'd pursue her pretty damned hard. But a couple times I felt like she was feeling me out so to speak, and I ended up making myself scarce for a while. Thankfully the woman they are friends with that got them into swinging got pregnant out of the blue (lol) and stopped swinging altogether, so that period of whatever the fuck it was is over and I haven't heard either of them bring it up at all since.

A couple of times I've been hanging at their place having a few beers in front of the house, and she'd point out some of the neighbors driving by that went to some of these parties. They pretty much all looked 30+ if not 40+, and not all that attractive. But there must be a ton more people swinging than I had ever thought, before this I thought it would be hella rare.