Crazy Neighbor. Coward Landlord.


Lord Nagafen Raider
that's what he gets for living in an apartment
ding ding. Even if I was a louder than normal person, which I'm not, especially now, he lives in an apartment but treats it like I'm coming into his private property and throwing house parties.

I've never even thrown a party at my place. People used to pre-game or crash at my place and we'd be on the patio late into the night, and never a word. Then his sister and his cat died and he went mental. It's almost winter time and noise seems to travel a lot easier, and nobody has a running AC anymore. Hell I even used to have a subwoofer on my floor (before I snapped the cables by accident trying to relocate it for this dude). I've also noticed he's began leaving around midnight and getting home at 7am or so, I can only assume he's hunting or something since I saw him return in full camo one time, or maybe he goes and sleeps in his car in a park or something.

My neighbor next to me gives such little fucks. Even after this letter yesterday he had people back over around 3am, opened his window, I'm guessing to smoke, played really loud music and I heard this loud girl laughing all night. My crazy neighbors car wasn't outfront, but it still annoyed me that this dude knows the kind of shit I'm getting about the noise and did that anyway. Not his funeral, I guess.

What course of action can be taken if I don't sign it? Though I'm guessing I should just appease the crazy fucking church camp paragraph to my lease and just go about my business as normal.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
But if you sign the paperwork, the following is likely to happen:

It really sounds like crazy guy is hearing noises in his head. Bought on by (take your pick) mental issues ; some sort of tumor causing brain signals to mess up ; god knows what.

And that aint going to change.

So if you go and sign some paperwork where you 100% agree to total silence between 11pm - 7am. He's going to hear these noises in the middle of the night and from his viewpoint ( which the landlord will likely give weight to, based on what you've said ) from his viewpoint, it's noise coming from you and you're in breech of signed papers. You'll get booted.

Sorry to say, but moving out seems the only real option.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I live directly above him

I've actually heard the dude next to him before at night. He's a pothead and falls asleep with his TV blaring every so often. You'll hear a DVD menu repeat over and over again from the shared middle hallway, but crazy neighbor says "I never heard it before from Mark" yadda yadda shit

He hasn't said shit *to me* in like a month, but he's clearly still complaining is my guess, if I'm receiving clauses like this


NeoGaf Donator
Ham, consider to following to possibly understand his side better

Have you:
-Been stealing this thoughts?
-Did you bully him in a past life?
-Are you an agent of Satan?
-Have your appliances been making threatening gestures to him even while unplugged?
-Made sexual advances towards him while both of you reside on the dreamscape?
-Posses local animals and wildlife in order to spy on him?
-Conspire with other neighbors/landlord/mailman to murder him?

Think about how your affecting him prior to thinking about yourself.

For real though. Consider the extra money a month at a new place a "didn't get knifed at my doorstep" tax. You can't reason with crazy and it's obvious this guy will be there long after you. The next guy to move in will get the same treatment and eventually the landlord will get his comeuppance.


Bronze Squire
You are going about this the wrong way. Find a way into his apartment (tell him you are trying to help identify the sounds or something) and put one of these somewhere:


ThinkGeek :: The ThinkGeek Annoy-a-tron

If you can't beat him, troll him.


Trakanon Raider
Your landlord wants you out so he can charge more money for your apartment if you really are 300/month cheaper than the area.

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
The thread on foh is some old couple living downstairs getting pissed off because they hear a constant low hum. Forgot how it turned out.

Your landlord wants you out so he can charge more money for your apartment if you really are 300/month cheaper than the area.
Ham is on month to month.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm at least $300 a month cheaper, all the new apartments coming in are $13-$1600. Garage apartments in my area are $900. I'm paying $625 for about 800 sq feet, the comparable apts under $1000 here are about 450. The place is older and my landlord is a borderline slumlord when it comes to shit, but he replaced my A/C when it went out, which is all I really care about here in Texas, I can make the rest presentable on my own. I actually offered to pay for new tile in the kitchen if he had his super install it, he wasn't down with that. The dude is clueless, but he's just a property manager and he's losing whoever owns the properly probably $300 a month by not just spending $200 on each unit, kicking us out and relisting

I've began looking at places anyway. I've been sick this weekend and I woke up at about 4AM today and realized I didn't feel comfortable leaning over and turning my television on. That's no way to live

The Master

Bronze Squire
Depending on your state, that clause isn't even legal. I'd consult a lawyer, there are usually even free services around for dealing with shitty landlords trying to make tenants sign illegal things. Recording the guy being crazy and showing it to the police is also very good advice, you should do that. At this point his behavior is effecting your mental health. Keep a journal, log every incident. If you want to, you can easily get to the point where you stay and he goes and the landlord will have to take your side or be facing the some rather shitty legal consequences.

I think the old FOH thread originally the downstairs guy thought it was the computer, so the poster built a whisper silent computer. Got those special vibration pads and all the other specialized computer gear to make a silent computer. Noise still there. I think in the end it turned out to be a fridge? That shit was ridiculous though.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
oh look at that, socialist Germany in YOUR United States?
If you want to interject some kind of geopolitical fight into every thread you're going to need more than a one liner for anyone to know what you're talking about.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Just get that obvious schizopreniac in a mental health institute.
The only thing worse than living next to a schizo would be living next to an armed shizo in Texas.
Unless you like the thrill off counting the days untill you wake up with a severed head.


Trakanon Raider
Ham is on month to month.
When I was month to month, they had to send me a letter to notify me of price increases, I'm sure there is some legal mumbojumbo about only raising it X% in a time frame. Where as if you get a new person in they can sign the lease at whatever they want.

Another place I was at was less formal(no contract or anything) and we did month to month and the landlord decided one month that we all needed to go by the first because he realized he could get double what he was charging, it was highly illegal but we were looking to move out anyways so just left.


Lord Nagafen Raider
going on an extensive hunt today, so I can basically say whatever I want when I go in to either tell him to stop harassing my ass with this clause I won't sign, with success -- or to put in my 30 days, if he's still an uncompromising jerk. I've seriously played this thing so much nicer than most people would. I'm a young white male, we aren't supposed to deal with this :p I guess the old white male always wins out though. I swear if I was 40 my landlord wouldn't try to do this shit, or if I had been yelling for my neighbor to stop being a pussy and to come outside (like he did to me) I would've been evicted within the month

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Most people who "have" "ptsd" are fucking scum and just use it as an excuse to act like the assholes they are.
this. as someone who was no shit diagnosed with ptsd when i got out of the Marine Corps I can tell you the following. Firstly if you mention you cant sleep, or have nightmares, blam, they (the VA) peg you with ptsd automatically. anyone who runs around talking about it is an unmitigated faggot, as most people who saw serious combat and / or are having difficutly readjusting to civillian life dont talk about it flagrantly.