Credit Score Question


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm glad you clarified that you wouldn't literally kill for it. Before I got to that part of your sentence I was ready to contact the authorities.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Hmmm I thought I had responded to this but I guess my phone ate it. Pops is right, I wouldn't do the $297. I don't know if this guy can really help you. When it comes to these things, its basically officially disputing it. You send a letter via certified mail to them asking them to produce records of this debt. If they don't respond in 30 days, they are legally obligated to remove it from record. This is something you can do on your own but because people tend to shy away from legal/finance things like this, there have been a lot of "credit repair" businesses based off this and debt consolidation. This will drop off eventually, I think it's 7 years or so. You can try to dispute this after some time like Pops mentioned but because you paid on it, I don't know if your chances are good.

I was a stupid college student and defaulted on a few credit cards, it took a long time to repair my credit, but was able to get it back to the mid 700s. Some people say carry a small balance, I paid mine off every month. I started with a "secured" credit card. It sounds like you are already on your way with a CapitalOne card, I think that was my second one. Chase has a lot of good credit cards. I have a Chase Amazon, Southwest Airlines, and a general travel card. The travel card is the only one I really use. The one thing you can do is just use your credit responsibly. On occasion, you can request a credit limit increase. Some pay say that lowers your utilization rate, but doing that has helped increase mine.

I'm not a credit expert by any means, just sharing my experience and knowledge of stuff I've researched. Anyone who knows better please correct me.

I had years of bad credit that haunted me and facing it was really tough. It takes time, but you'll get there. Good luck.
He's going to pay a "large amount" to erase the 297 debt. $297 is nothing, I forgot he paid it off. Send letters to credit bureaus to add a note that you paid it in full and carry on with your life Jin.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I can't seem to get my credit score above the 800 mark. I'm permanently stuck around 780. I'm assuming this is an OK score.

Do you have any really long term commitments you payed off like a mortgage? Those add another nice push to credit scores on top of on time payments and low dept etc.


That's what I'm seeing is that if a company doesn't respond within 30 days of a dispute it gets removed and from what I'm reading once a company is paid they worry less or not at all so you're all right and it looks like I wait for it to change to PAID AND Current Then dispute.

Thanks to everyone here for all the help, I really do feel a lot better than I did a few weeks ago, thanks everyone.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
I can't seem to get my credit score above the 800 mark. I'm permanently stuck around 780. I'm assuming this is an OK score.

You might have to just wait. Mine hovered around 775 for a little while there but just jumped up to 805 a couple weeks ago. It was 768 a year ago. Years back it was low 700's. It takes time, because credit history is a big factor.



There is no God.

I have been watching my credit for weeks. Like multiple times an hour.

Out of nowhere I find 9 open unpaid medical bills that are now in a Judgement against me. 1786$. With interest and court 2193$

^ still going up due to interest.

Just paid 500$ to have them halt accrual, had to get my PTO paid out to cover my father's medical bills and this, now waiting on the check to clear so I can pay out the remaining 1600. Deletion has been agreed upon however I am being told a Judgement stays on my record, anyone have any historys with any negative judgements against them?

Also second thing, this went to court apparently and had tons of documents sent requesting me to my old home, but I moved over a year ago, is there any wiggle room there on somehow helping getting this off once paid?


I fucking knew I had to be missing something there was no reason my credit should be so low or have not moved but now I see I'm a jackass and blind etc.

Word to the wise, don't be autistic and not click every tab.


Just a Nurse
I love CreditKarma cause I was able to find a bill that had been sent to collections YEARS ago without me knowing due to moving so much. Paid it off and don't have to worry about that shit.

Just don't give them your cellphone #. Holy shit will telemarketers call you.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I use and love CreditKarma as well. When the market dropped late 2008, I lost my job, my house, and defaulted on a 5k credit card and my student loans. My Credit was in the shitter for years, eventually settled on the credit card and had it removed from my account, the student loans are still on there but only till next year. The house is off now too.

I log into each bureau once a year, dispute any negative transaction on my credit, and they have 30 days to respond or it's removed. A banker once told me the best time to do it was the third week in October, as CC companies are getting slammed with applications for credit in anticipation of black friday, but I don't know how accurate that is.

Hopefully next week or the week after I'll close on my new home. It's been almost 10 years renting apartments.


Just paid out the 1597 and change, credit score dropped to 607 somehow on vantage, think it's due to only having one card currently that instead of 56$ used it's showing 224$, I'll pay this and see what happens next week.

So now we are down to the final thing on the report itself, my old car loan I need to take care of.

This could get messy.

Being a normal person really is difficult. :/


Good news!

Received the letters for the 9 delinquent medical accounts that are now paid and will be deleted after reporting on july 19th, bang bang!

I have paid now all 9 medical accounts, the 11k student loan, and the 1k in random stupid stuff I caused.

My question is this, I've started receiving more offers for credit cards, is this the time to go apply for a second, or do I wait for everything to officially clear?

Am I able to bring these certified letters/emails etc, the reason I'm asking is because the sooner I get the credit line the better because my credit history will be longer, that's a factor I didn't look at before.

Any thoughts or advice as always, vastly appreciated!


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Any credit card you apply for that is a "hard pull" will affect your credit score. Usually its a temporary dip, but you never know (I'm not sure if frequency applies).

Your score is in the bottom 600's? Anything you're offered may be an easy rejection, or have terrible rates.

Of course, the biggest things to look at with ANY credit card you're applying for: Do I need this? Can I handle this?

Be honest with yourself, you don't want to make things worse.


Rate doesn't matter currently, credit history is the target metric I'm evaluating.

It just jumped to 624 from 617 in the week of june 20th with just 2 adjustment posted so I'm sure it's going to continue to rise, don't care at what rate.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you use Amazon a lot, get their card so you can take advantage of the 5% off and just pay it off right away. Do the same if you shop at Lowes frequently.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
I work for a major credit company, and work directly with Experian if anyone would like for me to confirm/bust any myths, or if you'd like a general "How to" or best practices -- I'm sure I could write something up. I'm also familiar with most of the credit laws and regulations that have been passed since 2008. You can literally "thank Obama" for our current credit environment. It's significantly better for you, the consumer, than it was previously. How your bill looks, what they're allowed to say on offers (and what is required when certain words are used), the requirements around how many days agencies and collectors have to respond to inquiries...

Your score is a very complex, complicated thing. The type of credit utilized (loan, lease or revolving), and whether it's actually being reported by your creditor, play huge roles. Not just dollar amount, age of debt. Though something that is >60 days past due, and isn't currently requested for review or under dispute, will hit you fairly hard (again, depending on the type of debt, mortgage loans are more 90-120 days). Also, charge off accounts will absolutely destroy your score until those fall off (7 years). A single reported debt will only stay on your record for 7 years past the initial reporting of said debt if it is never paid. If it's a revolving debt (credit card), and payments are made, but balance remains past due, can stay on your record indefinitely/continuously until you become current.

...and now I'm rambling. If you have any specific questions I can try to answer to those directly.
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Thanks for the heads up.

I do have a question I'm getting mixed answers on.

My 9 medical accounts will come off on July 10th'ish when reporting happens from the adjustment company, however they have said very clearly the judgement will stay on the record.

Do I have any way, whatever amount of money required, to somehow get the judgement off?

And let me follow up that with one more from a previous paragraph, what is the best way, to get a paid account taken off because the company reports but doesn't do deletion, outside of disputing, and if so, when should I dispute?

I have horrific adhd thank you for any advice you can give me acidfly!

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Thanks for the heads up.
I do have a question I'm getting mixed answers on.
My 9 medical accounts will come off on July 10th'ish when reporting happens from the adjustment company, however they have said very clearly the judgement will stay on the record.
Do I have any way, whatever amount of money required, to somehow get the judgement off?
And let me follow up that with one more from a previous paragraph, what is the best way, to get a paid account taken off because the company reports but doesn't do deletion, outside of disputing, and if so, when should I dispute?
I have horrific adhd thank you for any advice you can give me acidfly!

Please clarify what you mean by "judgement"? How high were your doctor bills? Were you taken to court over them?

Request validation of the transaction directly with the credit agency (Experian, or whoever). They have 60 calendar days from the receipt of your request to obtain proof of debt from the lender. If they're a shitty lender that doesn't review their disputes, Experian will wipe it from your record if they receive no response from the lender. You can also certify letter the lender requesting removal, and again, if they don't at least reply within a certain time, you can provide that evidence to Experian for review/removal. Disputes can be submitted directly via But good luck validating your identity, that shit is obnoxiously challenging if you haven't been keeping your record up to date. You might end up having to talk to someone at Experian over the phone. Know the addresses you've lived at for the last 10 years, and any vehicles you've had registered under your name.

Regardless, any debt will clear your record after 7 years. Sometimes the shit just has to stick with you. I had a little less than $10,000 in bogus medical bills (Insurance didn't want to pay, hospital over-billed, bunch of shit, anyway...) and I just simply didn't pay it. They submitted the debt to a collector in 2009, and it was scrubbed from my record in 2016.