

Silver Knight of the Realm
ya got my first taste of SP today as well on the european server.....for the very beginnings it has good potential.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'll just hope their game design decisions are better than their shirt choices.
lol they are dweebs.... this just got releaseCrowfall - Throne War MMO | Throne War module overview

Thursday April 14th, 2016
Our next module is the ?Throne War Module?. This is basically a mini-campaign, a half-way step between Siege Perilous and a full-blown campaign. We?re still locking down the details, but the basic functionality looks like this:

Three faction rules (Order, Balance, Chaos) ? similar to God?s Reach
Much bigger play area with room for multiple keeps (three or more, placed by us)
Siege mechanics to capture these strongholds
The map is made up of parcels that we?ve placed by hand (in the future they will be procedurally generated)
The campaign will last multiple days (around half a week) and be ?live? the entire time (except maintenance, as necessary)
The world will include capture points that produce resources (stone, iron, wood)
Those resources are necessary to build and repair the strongholds
You?ll need to use caravan animals to move those resources around the map
Cool, right? This comes with our normal CAVEAT, of course, that the list is subject to change, nothing is set in stone, etc. etc. But we hope this gives you a pretty good idea of the scope and nature of what we want to tackle next.

Let the speculation and comments commence?


Vyemm Raider
Haven't spent alot of time following CF in recent months but this gem on their equipment system from Blair gives me hope that they will actually have interesting gear in CF.

I'm the most tickled by how we unlocked the tech to build features like this. We have had hit location and armor equip tech for 9ish months now. We have had the powers system for a bit longer. However the two systems couldn't talk to each other. The piece that unlocked it? Ranger Ammo.

For multi-purpose shot we needed a way to predicate what the power does based on the ammo type you have equipped. The powers system predicates on something we call tags which are invisible variables we attach to players throughout the powers system. So by adding the ability for equipment (ammo) to place tags on players our powers could now do conditional things based on what you are wearing. (ie do a fire explosion when you have a fire arrow vs a bleed when you have a piercing arrow)

We also have passive powers that essentially sleep on the player until something tells them to wake up and make a check against something. In this case every time you equip something we are telling one of them to wake up and see how many and what kind of tags the player has when they equip something. At which point we apply some kind of buff based on the tags.

With the systems we have now, we can have an item that triggers a passive power that activates a stat and that stat has value in it from the skills system! Ahhh yeah. It's like xmas for Designers, which means you guys also get tons of fun toys as well.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Sounds good, but I wonder how that will impact the netcode when you have massive battles going on.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah, it will be an interesting juggling act of managing netcode, population caps, campaign world sizes, and features.

One thing they may be able to do that is an impossibility for a "traditional" MMO is enable certain features on or off for campaigns. So if they cannot get the big server pops to function with all features they make a smaller campaign pop cap = all features on. Then for those that want larger populations they may be able to selectively disable some features; things like hit locations or extra effects for that world.

The campaigns being modular and customizable is probably the defining feature of the game so I hope they really press the advantages it brings.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Zybak really does a great job on the vids. I saw myself, same faction, jumping over the wall cubes into the breach at 2:50 only to get stuck among the rubble heh.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
That looks pretty good, how far away is this again?
the original goal is end of 2016 I believe.

They are in pre alpha 2 atm, so I always assumed first quarter of 2017. (But I am just a tester, and not a programmer or have knowledge of length needed)


Log Wizard
Haha "I think (some name) came up with the strategy of letting them all come through and then killing them."


I remember killing Zybak in Wild Star over and over in BG's. I didn't know who he was but I he had "TV" on the end of his name or something and I ended up looking it up.

That physical collision shit is one of those things that sounds awesome but is going to majorly fuck shit up for people. I can't wait to be stuck under a pile of bricks no one can move because they don't have enough mass.


FoH nuclear response team
Bro, when you tack on mass, you sacrifice flexibility. That's just a straight up fact