

Shit Lord Supreme
Bought the game despite lack of attention they paid to feedback, they did a major patch Monday, fucked with all the guns. Right now the best gun in the game shy the awp is the deagle, also the MAG7 has become rapeish. They're gonna do a patch soon to fix it, but for now it's pretty much deagle/awp in competitive. In anycase anyone around here do ranked matches currently Gold Nova 4.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was actually going to make a CS:Go thread the other day because I play it quite a bit when I get free time (usually only on the weekends). The deagle changes were too much imo. They need to make it so it's still a 1 shot HS kill, but make it take at least 3 body shots to kill. It's also an assist machine because as long as you hit them once in the body you will pick up an assist. I use to use the tec9 for pistol on T-side, but I hate the gun now. p250 is still pretty good as an eco weapon as well, especially since it's only $300. Also, burst fire glock is pretty good again (thank god). For T side I've been starting HE+Molotov and using the glock. (The price reduction on Molotovs was amazing and you can really stall out CTs quite a bit after you have the bomb planted. CT side I either go Kit+HE and keep the p2000 or grab p250 + kit. Sometimes I'll just flat out deagle as well, since yeah...it is kind of broken.

Ak/m4 are MUUUUCH better though. The spray isn't random at all anymore so it doesn't feel completely useless when you spray.

Only thing I really want from this game now is for Valve to introduce either new maps into matchmaking or at the very least bring in Mirage & Mill. Hell, I'd even be up for Cbble or Fire as well just for some more map choices in MM.

I'm currently Distinguished Master Guardian (The Badge lol). I was up the the legendary eagle master but after the in-flux of "high-skilled" players I got demoted twice.


Shit Lord Supreme
You don't happen to play as Sidian ingame do you, sounds familiar? Obviously they went to far with the deag since it's a hand cannon, semi-automatic, mobile sniper rifle, with fantastic accuracy and negotiable bullet pattern. I do love it though, I'd be a happy camper if they made a new gun based on its premise and brought up the price to reflect it's true value.

Like an m14 or something, something to fill in between the scout and awp without a scope.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Nah, my ingame handle for csgo is "SpecTacuLaR". Been using that since back in 1.6 many years ago when I played that 24/7.

Apparently a cs:go dev (j3di?) said they were going to go back and look into the deagle, but as well as the other pistols and tweak the damage they do. You should get use to the p250 though, it works well with the awp. Shoots fast, great accuracy, able to 1 shot HS if you're close enough, it actually compliments the awp very well. Also it's only what, $300 money right now after the patch, so it's super cheap.

I usually always play csgo with RL friends over the weekend and it'll range from either a group of 2 to a full 5-man. If we have an extra spot open I could toss ya an invite, maybe this weekend if you're around I can try adding you and we can have some fun.


I play GO pretty competitively, but only in ESEA. Matchmaking at the higher tiers averages at least 1 or 2 hackers a scrim, usually people just blatantly walling but sometimes even a speed hacker / aim bot. I was global elite prior to the change to rankings and then immediatly lost 2 whole ranks for 2 matchmaking losses, both of which had hackers in the scrim, and I haven't gone back to match making since. If you're serious about the competitive scene, ESEA is the only way to go, but the level of strategy and skill will be a pretty serious step up from match making and will take a month or two to adjust. The team I play with spent 3 seasons in main in source, then reformed with new members and made it back to intermediate. We are looking to pick up 1 or 2 for the next season, it will be our first season in GO (we'll be in open obviously) but I can tell already we'll be competing for playoffs. If you wanna play with us send me a private, I'll give you our vent info... we typically play 4 or 5 (lol 7) nights a week from 9 pm EST until we pass out.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My impressions has an ex cal-i, and by ex i mean way way back which probably equals to noob status in the later years of 1.6.

I had alot of issues with the ak / m4 spraying. The recent patch definately changed it a bit but am still far from bein comfortable with it.
Regarding the ''fog'' i just cant get used to it. CS was always about snappy reactions from a mile away boom-headshot style of play, not absolute realism. I dont understand why it made it live.
The scrim matchmaking built in tool is an awsome idea. Having absolutely zero hacker control is cringe worthy. Having to pay a sub to ESEA to play decent games is sad.
Why is there no silencers? This one is a no-brainer.
Maps. Where are all the maps.
MP5, come on. Take back that sad mp7 and gimme back my trademark cs running n blazing weapon.

I know i sound bitter but overall am enjoying it. Maybe its the nostalgia but these few clutches i get every now and then bring me back to the competitive days of clans on mirc and shit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I played the beta of this and it was pretty fucking awful. Is it worth the 15 dollars? I've played CS since original beta up to and including source.


A Mod Real Quick
I haven't played CS:GO since the update, but I played it a bit at release. It didn't "feel" right, if you know what I mean. In CS:S or even CS<=1.6, you could get a feel for the game. I never got that with GO. Felt like they really shit it up good. A lot of the guns were just terrible. I have heard they've updated a lot of the guns, but I just never got into it. I have both installed on my PC and always play source.


Lord Nagafen Raider
People are just way to nostalgic about 1.6 so they immediately say "well csgo isn't 1.6 so it sucks"

I put months of playtime into 1.6, I'd play it like 8 hours a day back in high school, get home from school, play til I went to bed. Sure, it's different from 1.6 but I still prefer it much better then source. Hell, I haven't touched 1.6 in a long time now and I feel I'd have a hard time getting back into 1.6 because of GO now a day.

Valve is constantly updating the game every week or two and with every update they bring it makes the game much better. They've changed recoil to make it less random, they've changed sounds, they've changed prices, guns and maps. Hell, they've taken de_nuke and took a PLAYER modified version of it and it's now available in their matchmaking. They are listening to the community as well as professional players.

The biggest downside to the game is if you get higher levels in matchmaking there are tons of hackers. So you either have to play against people you know, or join up with ESEA. Otherwise, a majority of the "higher skilled" players probably at least wallhack, if not aimbot.

Don't buy CSGO at $15 though. I swear it goes on sale every other week for at least 50% off.

The major things I'd like for them to change now is:
Pistol Fixes - I think some of them could still use some tweaks. Glock might still be a little too strong. p2000 still blows. deagle blows. 5-7 and tec9 are boss mode though.
Maps - Bring in the rest of the tournament maps into Matchmaking. Mirage, Mill, etc etc
Sounds - Could be tuned up a little better
Servers - Bringing them up to 128 tic instead of 64 tic makes registration much better. Hopefully they get around to upgrading all their servers. It's a world of difference playing on a valve server then it is playing on someones 128 tic server.



CSGO is my GO-to game. It's the most wonderful game. I only play hostage, casual. mag7 fa life tec9 fa sho. Having to wait after you die is a "mini-permadeath", it's a penalty of the thing humans have the least of: time. It's a wonderful mechanic. The game looks great, sounds great, plays great. Can't really see any criticism. No idea on the console versions, and I have no idea about other contemporary FPS. Nothing feels the same as running through an office with a shotgun blasting people. Nothing.







I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It's amazing that ten years after I stopped playing CStrike people are still playing the same maps and I still have them memorized.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Precisely... i mean am suprised i didnt see militia yet.

Been playing esea pretty actively. The feeling is way closer to 1.6 than source ever was imo.
That said, theres a critical need for new competitive maps in the cs universe.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
fuck militia.
Do not enjoy the updates they made to the map. It feels far smaller than the old Militia. Also, the outside is ridiculous now. I didn't think it could be more biased towards the Ts, but somehow they did it. The only thing that saves the map is the new hostage rules which are fantastic.