Dark Souls 2


Toe Sucker
Haha yeah those stupid fire pits got me once or twice as well, when i went to dodge his AOE charge up attack


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Man I guess I got lucky. I killed Smelter on my first try. Pure melee toon. Didn't think he was much harder than the solo Dragonrider in Heide's.

But I was an idiot on Iron King. I didn't notice that ladder to the last bonfire until after I killed him, so I was running from the campfire above Smelter every time. Upside was I got really good at luring the one turtle guy into the guillotine, which was funny every single time. Iron King himself killed me at least 5 times, where "killed me" means I rolled into that damn lava hole or got clipped by fire and knocked into the lava. That was easily my least favorite of the primal bosses, though certainly not the hardest.

Lost Sinner was a bitch for me. Probably 15-20 tries before I finally got him. That's the one fight I almost broke down and summoned. I didn't find the key to light the torches until after he was dead, but I can't imagine that would have made much difference.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Where does that key drop exactly? I don't think I ever got it. I just mele'd him this time around and chain lightning bolted him my first playthrough.


Trakanon Raider
I'll admit, I didn't know that there was a bonfire that close to the Iron King either. I had most of the place extinct because, at the time, the souls were really good and I was helping a lot of people with the Smelting Demon and it gave me something to do in between summons.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
That explains it. I did that place really late my first run through, because I was low on Phaeros stones and did not like getting chain PvPed there. I have kind of avoided it this time through because my mele build would have issues against the Gargs and I did not want anything that drops from that fight.


Toe Sucker
i just went two handed and wrecked all the gargoyles before the next one spawned, they were actually quite easy


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Well the dilemma with that battle is this: By the time you can actually fight past the grey phantom griefing, you don't really need or want anything from that fight. I guess I could just play offline for that part, but none of the rewards for that area appeal to the build I am working on right now. My first run through the game it was literally one of the last bosses I killed because I ran out of stones to access the area. I had to farm fail the RRA battle to get a bunch more, then I kind of powered my way up there just to do the fight. Three people doing Jin's build blowing up my gear every time I just tried to pull the fucking lever is not an experience I am in a hurry to repeat, though.


Toe Sucker
Strange.. I had 2 invaders and that was it when i did it lol, 1 was a black fog scrub and the other guy was just awful. Then i was able to just blow up the gargoyles and move on


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Well I was high SL and just picking off things I missed the first time around and never had less than three guys invade there, all kitted out for PvP. I just cleared the other tower (Bella Sol) with my SL70ish mele guy and got invaded two three times, but I just slotted armor and mad dashed the area. The burst caster builds don't really exist at that SL, so popping two gems pre-emptively and kiting your way to the exit was enough.


lost sinner on NG or NG+? NG he was stupidly easy lol
This is what I'm currently bashing my head against. I've heard people complaining about NG+ Flexile Sentry, but I managed to drop that fight after only a few tries. Lost Sinner NG+ on the other hand...jesus. Sinner herself is easy per normal up until the pyro duo come out and then I can't seem to ever get a swing or cast in edgewise - constantly on th defense. Mind you, I'm playing a melee oriented build so I'm sure that has plenty to do with it. Extremely challenging so far.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah the NG+ Lost Sinner adds are basically the same pyro guys that are part of the Umbral convenant run. Their pyro spells do lots of stun and they have enough hit points to avoid getting single comboed down, like the adds on Flexile. Sinner himself is kind of a dick with his guard penetrating pierce attack and huge jump backs. One thing though is that those pyro guys do tend to go down fast to lightning bolts, which tend to out range them, but getting enough space from Sinner to pull one off is the trick. If you insist on soloing it, you can try gimping the fight with poison daggers. They are fast launch, use almost no stamina, and everything in that fight is susceptible to poison. I got past it on NG+ with my caster guy by vortex + immunity hex cheesing to clear the adds. I have heard that you can reflect most of the adds bullshit with the looking glass shield, too, but its supposed to be insanely hard to pull off. No fucking way am I trying that guy solo with my mele dude in NG+.

On a side note, is it just me or is Adaptability mostly useless? I dropped a bunch of points in it on my mele guy, but it seems to make no noticeable difference. When wearing the same armor, there is no difference between my caster guy and mele guy, despite nearly 20 points of adaptability separating them. Anyone else have any input on this?


and phaz, i'm sorry but it's a lot more efficient for me to run and gank people and get their 80000 souls then it is for me to go farm bosses. plus it's more fun. 10 minutes for an hour. i'm pretty sure 50% of players play the game this way, that's the fun of the series since demon souls. farming has it's place, as does invading. i'm really sorry you don't see the point in it, because it really does make the game that much better. and it's even MORE FUN when people are using co-op and you get both of them (i don't think i've ever won a 3v1, maybe like three times in the whole series since demon souls) because if it's before a boss there's a lot of souls on them and you have to play differently.

also, just fought a guy who must've thrown 324234234 lighting spears. either he had that lighting weapon that lets you r2 them, or he just had sick amounts of them. almost got me but a bad timed flask by him cost him the r2 swap out explosion from my wand. i love keeping it hidden until they get in close.

man, also i was unaware of a spell that improves my magic damage 20% at the cost of hp, im getting to SL 200 or so and staying there and i cannot wait to use that spell and super explode things. jedi powers ftw.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
But why wreck all of their shit when you don't have to? That's just asshole griefing. Plus at SL200 do you even need more souls for any reason?


Trump's Staff
Yeah there's no reason to break armor other than being an asshole. Not that being an asshole is bad in a souls game, but still an asshole move


Trakanon Raider
I dunno I have my adp at 24(forget the exact AGI amount this is) and it was a noticeable amount of difference in ease of rolling through shit and getting that quick swig of estus off.


how is that not obvious? people run around with gear that causes resists to poison/fire/magic, if you wanna sit there in heavy resist gear which limits your manueving why wouldnt i toss urns at you or use acid surge to get rid of those resists so my shit actually hurts? i think that's plenty of a reason. it's not hard to swap gear the minute you see someone has invaded you, which i see people do 90% of the time.

does faith raise your fire damage like raising INT does?


i don't see how people time their estus swigging so badly. most people have enough endurance for 6 swings. if someone swings and misses that many times or tries to break your shield or whatever, you can get one off even with 8 adp like i do, just time it better.