Dark Souls 3


Molten Core Raider
I'm just now in Smouldering Lake, still early days for me. Using Bloodborne tactics on this first playthrough with Astora Greatsword and high stamina regen. Dodge and rek. Doing a quality build and wanna use that Black Knight Sword with the Simple Caestus... that poise effect is MEAN. Gotta git gudder.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I'm just now in Smouldering Lake, still early days for me. Using Bloodborne tactics on this first playthrough with Astora Greatsword and high stamina regen. Dodge and rek. Doing a quality build and wanna use that Black Knight Sword with the Simple Caestus... that poise effect is MEAN. Gotta git gudder.
I think dodging is the way to play DS3. I enjoyed it more that way.
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Molten Core Raider
Nameless King is ruining me. Dragon is easy but sometimes the animations + shitty camera really screws you. Might have to cheese it and go archery for the actual NK fight; shit is driving me to drink and I love it.

In other news that Black Knight Sword+5 with the Simple Caestus just wrecks in PVP and makes PVE pretty cake. If I get invaded I just wait for them to make the first move, weapon art, swipe swipe, they try and heal while I rush, weapon art, swipe swipe, catch them on a roll, bye felicia. I'm a dogshit noob and it's a badass equalizer.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I got Nameless King but Gael is just owning the shit out of me and I skipped Midir. Just decided to take a break and start a Dex character before I lost my mind.


Trakanon Raider
Just finished my first playthrough here is my 2 coppers:

Nameless King took me the most tries by far of all the bosses... The delayed weapon swing 2-hit combo he does really fucks with my brain, you gotta learn to roll the actual swing and not the charging animation.

For some weird reason everyone struggles on Darkeater Midir. I think I managed to break the AI by simply staying in his face all the time and going underneath him whenever he was doing something. Took like 4 tries.

The most fun I had were the invasions (I have a taste for grieving !). I realized after many embarassing deaths that Dex weapons with poor poise are complete trash for invasions. I fooled around with a katana and Frede Scythe with no success. I eventually tried Astora Greatsword (Dex infused) and it made invasions much more fair and fun.


Ssraeszha Raider
Nameless King would be 100% better if the shitty camera wasn't the hardest part of the fight
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I really struggled with Nameless king. I ended up killing with a crossbow. Dragon was pretty easy though the camera angle is the worst part.

The trouble with Midir is if you go under him it prompts him to charge or breath weapon. Staying in front of his face is the way to fight him.

Gael on the other hand was pretty easy for me. Got him on the second or third try. Probably got lucky but it was pretty close the first try too.

I always do better against the humanoid bosses than the giant beasts though. The camera always fucks me.


Molten Core Raider
Ended up turning the sound off for Nameless King so I could map his moves without distraction. After third attempt I downed him... I think I only used 3-4 potions? It's crazy how much that music amps you up to get greedy or roll early/late.
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Trakanon Raider
Hardest part is the camera fight for the first half of it, but once you get past that pretty easy fight..


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Finally picked this up. Beat that first boss in one go and I was like, HOLY SHIT, feeling good and shit about it. The wife was like "wow yeah that looked REALLY hard" complete with an eye roll, so she rolled a character and tried it. Took her all night to beat it, but now she's itching to play more. A+ intro.

Are Katana bleeds as good in DS3 as they were in the first?

EDIT: Also, will not playing online affect me like it would in DS1? I really don't want to sign up for Playstation Plus.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think Bleed is not as good as previous titles. But still decent.

You can get a Katana before you enter Firelink Shrine. And the Washing Pole fairly shortly after as well.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Between where you beat Iudex Gundyr and the door to the shrine. There is an NPC who you can fight that wields one and drops it on death.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
As for Offline vs Online, it's personal choice. No invasions, but you may be stuck for longer on bosses. They are all doable by yourself though. Some seem to be easier solo, like Aldritch.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Real men don't use online crutches.

JK, it is just a completely different game with a helper along for the ride. Completely trivializes a lot of the mechanics that make the bosses "hard." Aldrich arrow rain mechanic is pretty rough solo, as you have to actively run away from it and usually away from the boss. Two players? One wails on Aldrich while the other jogs, cutting the fight length in half or more. Yhorm with 2 Stormbinders is not even a boss fight.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Between where you beat Iudex Gundyr and the door to the shrine. There is an NPC who you can fight that wields one and drops it on death.

I pushed him off a ledge and took the sword, but man Uchigatana seems really hard to use in this game, not like the first at all. I'm also concerned about stacking my stats for bleed if it's ineffective late game. I might just go straight sword + shield for this first playthrough.