Darkest Dungeon


<WoW Guild Officer>
Have they changed it so you don't need to constantly recruit new heroes as they out level the lowbie dungeons? That shit gets obnoxious if you are trying to kill all the bosses.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
No, you will still out level dungeons. You need to keep a level range dudes around until you've got all the apprentice bosses finally done.


Golden Squire
I kind of don't understand that. I mean, the game is already pretty rough, why not have the ability to overlevel something and make it easier?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I got into this recently. Not knowing much early on, I dismissed a few high stress or badly rolled vestals trying for some good ones. Now that I realize how important real healers are, I haven't seen a vestal in my 6 slot stagecoach in something like 12+ missions. I'm managing with shitty occultist healing, or just running suicidal squads that barely finish missions with no healer.

Enjoying the game in spite of the difficulty. I think graverobber so far is my favorite unit. Very hard hitting melee attack with huge range, a stacking superstrong dot from any rank, and a hard hitting attack against marked targets for when the other units in the squad happen to use that. They're decent at trap disarming too!
Yes vestals seem rare and occultists not a lot more common. One thing to note single target occultists seem to have the biggest single target heal although it does have a bleed chance so they are not a bad option. But yes it seems worth the money to keep your best vestal as insanity free as possible. This is where a jester can come in handy too by keeping the vestals sanity under control as its easy to swap everybody else in but it sucks if all your healers are out of commission.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh as a FYI if you ever see a strange object and has something in the interaction screen about opening a portal to madness if you insert a torch I recommend against inserting that torch.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
The couple of times I've tried defeating that monster I've failed pretty miserably. I struggle with the temptation to just wiki everything about the game since it seems like discovery and experimentation are half the fun of games like this.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
There's nothing too complicated about the shamblers. They are mostly just a DPS check if you can clear the little things he spawns fast enough to keep them from buffing themselves in to insanity.


I have settled at a Hellion/Man At Arms/Grave Robber (or Bounty Hunter)/Vestal group makeup. It's super vanilla standard, but it kills stuff fast and clears dungeons without horrible shit happening. Problem is that my main Vestal is already lv3 and doesn't want to do the lv1 dungeons anymore.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea you need to have a much larger roster with duplicate heroes for your favorite setups. I'm at a full roster of 25/25 with dudes spanning level ranges from 0-5 so I can generally run which ever dungeons I want depending on what is offered.

Stacking up on multiples of healers is basically required as well. I'd say at minimum 2 occultists and 2 vestals, maybe even more. You can get around having so many if you rely heavily on lepers/abominations and use their self healing a lot with +healing trinkets, but it's certainly easier to just keep a backup stock of dedicated healers around.

Game feels really damn good right now in terms of difficulty. The very begging is a bit rough but smooths out quick once you have a few guys out of level 0. Then it gets pretty rough again as you start trying to do level 3 missions, then another big jump at level 5s. My only complaint right now is some classes feel like they've eaten too many nerfs just because they were previous flavor of the month (looking at you highwayman), but whatever you can just not use them and stack up graverobbers for the dagger spam train of victory.


Vyemm Raider
Game feels really damn good right now in terms of difficulty. The very begging is a bit rough but smooths out quick once you have a few guys out of level 0. Then it gets pretty rough again as you start trying to do level 3 missions, then another big jump at level 5s.
Yeah getting pretty rough at 3 is an understatement. I tried my first veteran dungeon the other day with my best fully upgraded team of level threes. First foray was into the Weald. Some asshole wielding a tree crit me for 42 damage. I manage to survive that, walk down the next hall and WHAM, a portal to the far realms opens up and this big purple pile of shit that looked like an octopus fucking a frog shows up and starts to ruin my day. I instantly started running away but only got away after one guy died, taking his trinkets with him.

Now I am a vetraphobe. +20% stress when using adventurers who are too good for their own good.


Tried my first lv3 dungeon too and needless to say it didn't go well. I lost my favourite Hellion and had to abandon quest after my 2nd fight. I think i need to supergrind into a better settlement first before tackling those.


Trakanon Raider
Saw this game on Kickstarter ages ago and couldn't wait for it to release. Got it today. I am not googling anything because I want to discover everything and learn from experience like the good old days. But I do have a question since I can't seem to find it out on my own through gameplay. One of the tips mentioned that eventually negative quirks will become extreme and become more serious. Is that represented by a skull next to a negative trait? My Houndsmaster is obsessed with the paranormal and that has a skull. Haha I wonder what that means. How can an extreme obsession with the paranormal lead to bad things? I guess he might run off thinking he saw a ghost and he wants to see it in person?

Loving the game so far. Oh and do you lose all your provisions after each quest? I bought a shit ton in the beginning thinking I'd obviously need lots of food and torches, and then on my next mission they were gone? Oh and sheesh I learned really quick and really hard to not have your kleptomaniacs selected when walking through rooms... Actually had 5,000 gold stolen on my first mission. Wtf? Seemed like it was scripted for having so much gold haha. I had 2 kleptos in the party and didn't realize they were selected as I was walking thru a corridor. Love that kind of shit though!


Trakanon Raider
After each mission you automatically sell back any leftover materials for a portion of their value, so try to only take what you need to missions. Bad quirks can be removed at the sanitarium, but once they're locked in (skull icon) they can't be removed. You can also lock in good quirks at the sanitarium, which prevents them from being replaced when you get another positive quirk and are already at 5 (the 6th randomly replaces a non-locked of your 5).

Some of the bad quirks like paranormal aren't really that bad. It just means when you encounter the relevant curio in dungeons, that character will uncontrollably jump to interact with it. This can sometimes be bad, since it skips the option of using an item to prevent bad outcomes (like using a shovel on a shallow grave instead of just digging it up with your hands, risking disease etc).


A nice asshole.
Saw this game on Kickstarter ages ago and couldn't wait for it to release. Got it today. I am not googling anything because I want to discover everything and learn from experience like the good old days. But I do have a question since I can't seem to find it out on my own through gameplay. One of the tips mentioned that eventually negative quirks will become extreme and become more serious. Is that represented by a skull next to a negative trait? My Houndsmaster is obsessed with the paranormal and that has a skull. Haha I wonder what that means. How can an extreme obsession with the paranormal lead to bad things? I guess he might run off thinking he saw a ghost and he wants to see it in person?

Loving the game so far. Oh and do you lose all your provisions after each quest? I bought a shit ton in the beginning thinking I'd obviously need lots of food and torches, and then on my next mission they were gone? Oh and sheesh I learned really quick and really hard to not have your kleptomaniacs selected when walking through rooms... Actually had 5,000 gold stolen on my first mission. Wtf? Seemed like it was scripted for having so much gold haha. I had 2 kleptos in the party and didn't realize they were selected as I was walking thru a corridor. Love that kind of shit though!
Selected or not they will still randomly steal shit, unused provisions are sold back at a loss, obsession with paranormal usually mean that have to loot scrolls and books(never loot scrolls and books!)


Vyemm Raider
Also the cost to remove quirks or lock in quirks increases with resolve level. So once the town is up an running and you are trying to groom some super soldiers for higher level stuff, having them spend the first few weeks in the sanitorium is much more cost effective in the long run. By this point the chances of losing them before veteran level should be pretty nill.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Also pretty important to watch who you are recruiting early on. No reason to hire dudes off the coach that already are stacked up with terrible negative quirks when you can just wait a week and see new faces.

One thing to keep in mind for those getting towards the end game: dudes that are underleveled for a dungeon (so like, a level 0 guy in a level 3 mission) get a pretty huge XP bonus for completing it. Can be really useful to replenish ranks to run a single level 0 or 1 guy in a level 3 team just to powerlevel a bit rather than try and recruit an entire new team of 0s to start grinding up with.


Trakanon Raider
Fuuuck. I am so annoyed. I ran into The Collector and by the time I understood the fight, he then went on to resist 5 stuns in a row and I only had 1 stunner in my party. So I simply couldn't deal with his Collect Call fast enough and I had to retreat. Thankfully nobody died but fuck me. I had him down to 10% at one point!!! And as a result all my heroes left fully stressed and fuuuck. That is a cheap ass fight if you can't land a god damn stun.


Molten Core Raider
Also pretty important to watch who you are recruiting early on. No reason to hire dudes off the coach that already are stacked up with terrible negative quirks when you can just wait a week and see new faces.

One thing to keep in mind for those getting towards the end game: dudes that are underleveled for a dungeon (so like, a level 0 guy in a level 3 mission) get a pretty huge XP bonus for completing it. Can be really useful to replenish ranks to run a single level 0 or 1 guy in a level 3 team just to powerlevel a bit rather than try and recruit an entire new team of 0s to start grinding up with.
Total noob question...Is there a way to progress the clock without going into a dungeon? Like a wait a week button or something?