Darkfall Unholy Wars


<Silver Donator>
I was going to play with SiN this time around but there's literally no chance of me playing this hunk of shit. I'll cut my losses at $30 and a few weeks spent playing the beta to see what direction they were going.


Trakanon Raider
I do think it will be fun until the pop drops, the game is fun for pvpers while there is a healthy pop, I just see no reason to think that the pop will be any better this round than last.


I am in SiN, we lasted about 9 months with a strong force, and another 6 or so after that with an ever dwindling force. And based on the numbers I saw online over the course of the game I stick by that 6 month number. There was a huge drop in pop even among the big name old school clans by that point. Ya some of them survived in some fashion but not with the numbers typical of those clans.
Yeah SiN's activity surely dropped after Bone quit, but I was allied with you guys for all of EU, and you had a presence on NA for quite a while. Even if SiN broke up at some point a lot of the active players just went to new clans.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah SiN's activity surely dropped after Bone quit, but I was allied with you guys for all of EU, and you had a presence on NA for quite a while. Even if SiN broke up at some point a lot of the active players just went to new clans.
Ya we had alot of core quit DF around the same time for reasons unrelated to the game. This round atleast it will be easier to get people back into the game after they haven't played for a few months.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
I was going to play with SiN this time around but there's literally no chance of me playing this hunk of shit. I'll cut my losses at $30 and a few weeks spent playing the beta to see what direction they were going.
yeah those fuckers got me too, shit was an enormous hunk of shit from the moment I logged in (which I had to battle through many an error to do so)


Trakanon Raider
So combat patch/overhaul hit today, seems pretty well recieved so far.

I still think they need a safe zone/alignment overhaul but I guess that is something that can wait a month or two before it becomes a huge issue.


Trakanon Raider
So ready or not this game launches tomorow.

Beta client had a few crashes especially while traveling but most of the crashes while not traveling are gone. Beta servers were pretty rock solid but given the low pop that isn't surprising. Will be interesting to see how they handle getting hammered at release.

I was skeptical about the steam release but it looks like that is tomorow too.

I could make a laundry list of things they still need to do for this game to be a long term success but I guess I recommend buying it if you like games with lots of pvp, I am 100% sure it will be a blast for the first month or two.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm actually enjoying this game quite a bit. I did not think I would like it and it turns out I like it just fine. The radial menu's are gay but use autohotkey like everyone else and its fine. The way everyone was talking I figured there would be no content and so far I have found that not to be the case. I am a big pvp fan so that was the draw for me. I have done a lot of PVE though just to get my character up a bit. I like the prowess system and find it fairly easy to get myself to a spot where I can kill people and mobs just fine. The pvp combat is fun in my opinion. I don't see why anyone who likes pvp wouldn't give this game a shot. I see tons of people around; which according to some there are not that many playing even now. This is not the case, the second I step into free for all there are people everywhere. Guilds are constantly recruiting and there is a ton of them. I know the game is only a few days old but the population feels big like it should. I constantly have people inviting me to groups, friend requests, guild requests and have to fight for any monster spawns I go to. I guess I read to much of the negative hype and I am very glad I gave it a chance.

If anyone has a solid guild that wants a primalist(at the moment) that can be online pretty much anytime let me know. I have played a lot of pvp games and feel I am above average if not great(a bit older than most so I am not twitch quick).


Was messing around with it in beta a few months ago and it was pretty bad but I hear they made some good changes. Downloading the new patcher and patching right now. One thing I could not stand was the radial menu, it drove me freaking crazy. What's this autohotkey thing you speak of Rease?


Molten Core Raider
This game is a grindfest. The feats are also not shared with your group making this shit even more grindy.


Trakanon Raider
Not sharing feat progress in a group is a big issue imo. It should split credit just like a normal game splits xp.

The radial menus aren't even needed, you can go into keybinds and hotkey every ability so you never even need to mess with pressing Q and E to pick your radial. I dislike them because they are really unintuitive and while its not hard to just ignore them I wonder why they didnt just give us a left and right hand hotbar that would be much more familar to everyone playing.

So far having fun in the game, I really like the prowess leveling system alot. I hope they come out with a real patch soon. IMO they desperately need to address the lack of an alignment system and lack of markets.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Duskoy I am going to give you a few links which will help you with binding and not having to use the radials.


Youtube Video by Uzik explaining custom bindings, autohotkey and prowess:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qkm4...ature=youtu.be

The video is good at telling you what to do. He also gives you his bindings. There are many ways to make things easier in Darkfall Unholy Wars. I use Uzik's suggestions and it is night and day from the original UI and way.

If you have any questions after checking that out Duskoy let me know.

If anyone wants to group feel free to friend me Amatheon Demonsong in game. I am up for anything anytime I am online which is a lot. I would be happy to set up a static or semi-static pvp, pve, crafting or whatever group. I can play at anytime of day without notice as I am my own boss and work mostly from home. I am also happy to help folks out in game. I am a newb to Darkfall Unholy Wars but am slowly getting my crafting up and getting better/more used to the game overall. I have pvp'ed a bit as thats my favorite thing to do in any MMO but as I said I will group for anything at all. Feel free to shoot me a /whisper in game with any questions or whatever and I will gladly help if I can.


Trakanon Raider
If you have a g600 or Naga you can bind almost all your abilities to the mouse hotkeys too, I love my g600 for this game. Downside is it doesn't work well with the alt-activated keys unless you mess around with AHK.

This game only has 26(?) total possible hotkeys anyway, and only 16 of those are abilities, prolly only ~18 or so hotkeys that will be used in combat. One of the things I love about this game over lots of other modern mmos is they did a good job avoiding the ability bloat that plagued the first DF and most other modern mmos.


<Silver Donator>
There needs to be a middle ground between something like EQ2, which had entirely too many keybinds, and this game and other games like it.

DFUW feels a lot like GW2, where you're using the same exact skills the entire time you play the game. With everything else having some progression to it, it seems kind of crappy.

I thought I could stomach the game for release, since I already paid for it and all, but I could only make it about 90 minutes. Everything is just so janky and BAD. Maybe there's a pay off at some future point, but there's no goddamn way I'm going to kill sub-atari-level AI for X amount of hours to get there.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
kill 600 fiends, dont get credit for 600 fiends hidden quest



Trakanon Raider
its actually 666, because there is a hidden quest for kill 6 fiends and a hidden quest for kill 60 fiends that complete before you get the kill 600 quest.


Anyone in a clan that is recruiting trying to leave the safe zone and running into the border patrol of 2+ groups is no fun