Darkfall Unholy Wars

Developer Diary: Clan Wars

Tasos quote:

One point to make before the developer diary: I know that I said in the MMORPG.com Q&A that pre-orders were to launch this week, and we really tried until a little while ago before having to accept defeat, a combination of things (most we could not control since there are 3 companies working on this) made it impossible. Obviously our main focus is on the actual game, but this was important to us as well, so it's frustrating for us, as I'm sure it is for you. So will we still do a pre-order before launch at this late date? Perhaps if this can be done on Monday so we can break up the buying traffic before the launch day and make sure everything is working right, and give you the ability to reserve your character name beforehand. There will be people working on this over the weekend here, at the provider and at our billing processor's, so we hope we'll be able to have the option on Monday."


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I just can't shake the thought that this game probably needs another month or so.. It's starting to feel rushed. No idea what their finance is like tho...


Fuck it...




There is a war going on over control of your mind
Anyone have/starting a guild?

No one wants to roll on a FFA PvP game unguilded


There is a war going on over control of your mind
When it looks like it will be actually launching I guess I'll start one with a thread supporting it, could use a person or two with beta experience to get on board though considering I have none XD


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I have a few friends that are going to go back and "try" this again. So it wont be but so bad for us. I feel sorry for anyone that rolls up in this game solo, though.


Golden Squire
Do what ever you can to find a guild. After the initial 2-3 day mad rush, you will start to loathe the game playing solo. Cannot reiterate this enough. There are plenty of guilds recruiting, may of whom were decent DF1 guilds:


I wouldn't let your initial guild choice really bother you too much. The one thing about Darkfall is that the political landscape changes so much so guilds/alliances are constantly evolving. Worst case scenario is you jump in with some people who played DF1 and can help you get started and then re-evaluate after a month of so once you got your feet wet. I know this isn't the perfect solution, but it is something.


Do what ever you can to find a guild. After the initial 2-3 day mad rush, you will start to loathe the game playing solo. Cannot reiterate this enough. There are plenty of guilds recruiting, may of whom were decent DF1 guilds:
This is the best advice to give new people for sure.

Getting into a clan that has access to a player city is really what the game is all about.


Golden Squire
You can go at it lone wolf style, but it is much more difficult. You won't find fair fights. You will get zerged. That wouldn't matter so much if it wasn't full loot, but once you have your body dry looted a few times without being able to fight back it can become frustrating for people. Just don't want people going into the game looking for solo-play and then quit when they find it too hard... and then blame it on the game.

So is it still if you bought the first darkfall, you have access to unholy wars?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You can go at it lone wolf style, but it is much more difficult. You won't find fair fights. You will get zerged. That wouldn't matter so much if it wasn't full loot, but once you have your body dry looted a few times without being able to fight back it can become frustrating for people. Just don't want people going into the game looking for solo-play and then quit when they find it too hard... and then blame it on the game.

So when do the people who bought the game originally get to download client? And where? We are what, 3 days out not even.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sounds like they are hoping to get it going tomorrow. Lol like said previously.. I'm not expecting this to go too well..I'm starting to think it's going to be pushed back again.


Golden Squire
So when do the people who bought the game originally get to download client? And where? We are what, 3 days out not even.
Your guess is as good as mine at this point. They were supposed to announce this information last Friday but instead said that they did not have all the details messed out and were now aiming for Monday (as Convo mentioned). Most of the DF vets are pessimistic that the 12/12/12 date is achievable at this point and feel like it will be delayed to 12/19/12.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Your guess is as good as mine at this point. They were supposed to announce this information last Friday but instead said that they did not have all the details messed out and were now aiming for Monday (as Convo mentioned). Most of the DF vets are pessimistic that the 12/12/12 date is achievable at this point and feel like it will be delayed to 12/19/12.
Damn. I mean, if they need time they need time, but no beta at all is a little worrisome. It will be more of a clusterfuck, as people will be trying to get the hang of things, but if the client is stable and the PvE is better, this could be epic. Its probably going to be bad, but if it isnt, it could end up being a pleasant surprise for the hardcore pvp/openworld type dudes who been waiting for a respectable/measurable pvp experience.


has an outie
I'd like to join a guild too, never got involved in the original Darkfall but everything I read intrigues me about this iteration.