Darkfall Unholy Wars


<Silver Donator>
Pointless to buy into the beta at the moment since the beta more or less doesn't work. Managed to play like 10mins earlier but since it's a debug mode client it spams log files with tons of shit which slows down the game severely. You can make the files read only to fix it but meh. Then server went down or whatever and I got kicked and couldn't relog anyway.

I'll give a better judgement once we get closer to release and beta is actually stable enough. So far though it seems they wanted to launch the game massively unfinished. It's missing half the classes and one complete class archetype so who knows what else it's missing.


Molten Core Raider
Beta is a pretty big mess right now, I don't think anybody has played long enough to be able to give feedback on the game. Going to figure by this weekend they will have their shit mostly stable.


I was lucky (unlucky?) enough to get back into the game last night after the patch and things went more or less ok. Setting the debug files to read only helped a little but people spamming general chat still caused lag even with the chat boxes closed.

This game is so far from ready to launch it's pitiful. I cant imagine what sort of shape it must have been in back in November when it was originally was supposed to launch but "just missed" being ready according to devs. Im cautiously optimistic and did enjoy what I was able to do when the stars aligned and everything worked last night moderately well. At this point listen to the others and dont bother with the beta at this point, give it a few days.


Golden Squire
I played for a little over an hour last night after playing the "Login Server Failed" game for a few hours. A large majority of my clan did as well. Once you actually get in the game and away from the starter area the experience is actually pretty good. I played DF1 for two years and the improvements are quite noticable and welcome. Having said that, they haveseriouswork to do on the front end:

- Login Servers need to be fixed ASAP. It is abysmal right now.
- The log file spam needs to be addressed as well. Having to make these files read only to be able to stay in the game is not a solution.
- In game chat spam is lagging the server. So now you have a bunch of donkeys spamming the global chat causing people to crash. Pretty retarded.

AV claims that a lot of these issues were not present in the launch client but were caused by hastily rushing out a beta client. I have a hard time believing that. Either way, they need to be fixed by the weekend. All in all I'd rather these issues happen now then at launch. Hopefully there is a solid month of playable and meaningful beta testing before a end of January launch.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think the 180 is basically a lot of us just knowing that this game is so unfinished. The fact that they wanted to release this makes me question anything these guys do/say going forward. I just can't help but want to see companies like that fail. It might sound a little harsh but this feels more like an early Alpha..


2 Minutes Hate
There are only 3 of 4 classes in the game right now. Each class has 4 spheres of whatever. Each class only has 2 enabled right now. 1 Class is missing completely.

The game is slow as fuck (logs+chat hitching shit). But from the 15 minutes I got to play, it looks about the same with better graphics. There's a lot missing though and I can't believe they thought they could launch this month. Even when they pushed back from November, there was no way they could get shit done.


Golden Squire
Tasos just posted this:

A quick update with information on the current status.

After several hours of downtime for the login server, the bugs for the account system and the login server have been fixed and the systems in question are now working as intended.

The queuing system bug has been identified as a bug which caused underreporting of the capacity of the spawn. It has also been fixed and will be patched in today.

The global chat issue is being worked on and should also be fixed and patched in today. We could disable it of course, however this wouldn't allow us to fix it.

There's a point I would like to make about using global chat to grief players in the game. I understand the need to establish, to test and to highlight the malfunction, but anything beyond this crosses into the realm of unacceptable behavior. We will be removing access with no warning when we feel someone is crossing this line.

It's essential for us to get more people in the game, and this is what I've talked about here- but we're also working on everything else that has been reported so far and we'll get to that a little later.

That's it for right now, we'll be back with updates throughout the rest of the day.
As awful as their communication was, it was a lot better yesterday (multiple updates/patches) and starting today. Hopefully they can get some of this shit straightened out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm rooting for these guys. Would really like to play a decent pvp mmo. And no, EVE doesn't do it for me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was rooting for them.. But this game is seriously fucked up.. I don't see a month of beta being anywhere near enough for some of the bugs people are already finding.


Have they deployed anything resembling a miracle patch yet? I am going to be bored over the holidays and want an rpg to try, but all of the negative feedback is putting me off at the moment.


Trakanon Raider
If you pre-order, consider it like contributing to the Darkfall kickstarter project. Game is unplayable at the moment.
Very true. Tho I will say that they aren't that far off the mark. Server stability is decent, most of the systems appear to be functioning correctly (feats, roles, crafting, city claim).

The thing that makes the game unplayable is the crashes and the bug where your gear gets wiped on crash/logout and also a random bug with clan banks getting switched up with other clans. If they fix those things then I see this game as a solid release candidate.

So while it is unplayable its not like logging in and finding out half the features don't work or are vapor. I actually really really like the class system and think it is one of the better class systems to hit the MMO scene in a while.


This game feels solid from a design perspective, it's just buggy as shit. My only (non-bug related) gameplay issue is that the safe zones seem to extend really far out of the newbie towns. If there were roaming guards to protect newbies or whatever I'd understand but being completely invulnerable is boring.


Molten Core Raider
The safe zones can probably be cut down a bit but In terms of size but I don't see anything wrong with giving a few spawns where people can hunt in peace, they just need to make it so people can't hop in and out of safe zone protection so easily. Anyways I'm having a lot of fun with this game, played for a solid 5-6 hours today with no crashes, farmed up 2k gold to form a clan with some uo guildies and we've been slowly going out killing people and building up our clan vault... putting the buggyness of beta and server issues aside i can see a lot of fun here.


This game feels solid from a design perspective, it's just buggy as shit.
Sums it up perfectly. If youre on the fence about the game, give it until launch and check it out again. Dont let this buggy fuck beta form your opinion of the game.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
I'm over it, a lot of us suspected it would be an unfinished, buggy, unplayable piece of shit.

So far reports from early access people is...... it's an unfinished, buggy, unplayable piece of shit.


Trakanon Raider
I'm over it, a lot of us suspected it would be an unfinished, buggy, unplayable piece of shit.

So far reports from early access people is...... it's an unfinished, buggy, unplayable piece of shit.
By far the biggest kick in the balls for me was how bad the new models look, totally phoned in. I honestly have a hard time coming to grips with what this company is thinking. The old game looked ok, it needed new player models in the same way EQ1 did, the old ones had style but were low res and a little shabby. And they shit the bed even worse than Sony. The new world art isn't so bad, but giving up huge amounts of performance for a game that still looks so lackluster is unacceptable. We went from a game that looked about as good as DAOC to a game that looks about as good as EQ2 and traded massive amounts of performance to do it.. shitty trade. Especially since the old graphics while not great had a certain charm because the original art direction was very good even on a low poly count engine with fairly low res textures. If I was them I woulda gone the bethesda fallout 3 route and just put in ultra high res textures over the old engine skins.

I just feel like they had so much time to polish this version and really have very little good to show for all that time. Its essentially the same game with a few issues fixed and a few broken, and some features added but some features cut. Project direction is just shit over their I guess, which doesn't surprise me cause its a small studio and most of them have more vision than sense.