Darksiders II


Gavinrad_sl said:
Are you serious? Puzzles are a hallmark of the genre, if I wanted to do nothing but mash my attack button, run down a hallway, and then mash my attack button some more...
All you're doing is proving my earlier point. "Hey we're making a platformer, so let's throw puzzles in yay!!1!" I think you're over-simplifying the combat though. I'm sure at points it was a button masher, but I appreciated the different tactics in the boss fights.
Gavinrad_sl said:
If you don't think War spent enough time wrecking shit in the game, I can't even begin to imagine what kind of nonsensical standards you have for time spent wrecking shit.
I never said that there wasn't enough combat. I said for this setting, solving puzzles is stupid. I may not agree with your opinions on the game, but I'd let you voice them without throwing insults about your standards like a child. Seriously dude, it's a value priced platformer from the sinking ship that is THQ... All I was saying was that if you're the bringer of the apocalypse, doing puzzles seems downright silly to me. Some people like cucumbers, some like them pickled. You can discuss your opinions or continue the silly "zomfg your wrong and h3re's why and your mommas a whore" response you have above. I said I liked the game, I'm just not having a joygasim like you over it.

Beef Supreme_sl

The Darksiders IP would be better served in the Space Marine mold than the shitty puzzle bore wanna-be Zelda turd that is its current form.

I'm not saying I want it to belikeany other game; I want it to be it's own game. War and Death bend knee to no NPC. They certainly aren't Hardy Boy FedEx fucks doing others' laundry.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The Darksiders IP would be better served in the Space Marine mold than the shitty puzzle bore wanna-be Zelda turd that is its current form.

I'm not saying I want it to belikeany other game; I want it to be it's own game. War and Death bend knee to no NPC. They certainly aren't Hardy Boy FedEx fucks doing others' laundry.
I do wish Vigil had finished Space Marine instead of Relic. I got to tour Vigil's studio some time well before the 40K mmo was cancelled, and they had half the walls absolutely plastered with some of the most amazing 40k concept art I've ever seen, they really had some hardcore 40k fans at Vigil.

Beef Supreme_sl

I do wish Vigil had finished Space Marine instead of Relic. I got to tour Vigil's studio some time well before the 40K mmo was cancelled, and they had half the walls absolutely plastered with some of the most amazing 40k concept art I've ever seen, they really had some hardcore 40k fans at Vigil.
And do you think Captain Titus would be better served pushing blocks onto pressure plates to open a door, to do the same thing 2 more times, through two more doors to be told that he's an ignorant fuck which can be remedied by running an errand or 3? I'm pretty sure the Codex Astartes frowns on such behavior.


supertouch_sl said:
darksiders isn't a platformer and puzzles make sense within the framework of the game
I'm using the term platformer loosely. As in not the typical 2d sidecroller but more the 3d platform/adventure games, ? la Tomb Raider, Jak and Daxter, etc. I'm not sure why one side is being so stubborn towards their opinion. If we're going to have a discussion, explain your point of view rather than just stating it as fact. It's not like that statement/opinion will change my mind or prove my view wrong. I'm not sure how to express this without repeating what Beef and I have already stated. Framework, design, whatever you want to call it is fine. If you're regaining your powers that can end life as we know it, and you're fighting the forces of hell, it's plain short bus to put tired puzzles in my way. Seriously, shoot the portal gun to drop the brick on the hell elevator...

Beef Supreme_sl said:
The Darksiders IP would be better served in the Space Marine mold than the shitty puzzle bore wanna-be Zelda turd that is its current form.

I'm not saying I want it to be like any other game; I want it to be it's own game. War and Death bend knee to no NPC. They certainly aren't Hardy Boy FedEx fucks doing others' laundry.
Perfect example of a game where gameplay matched the subject. The Darksiders story and combat were enough for this title to stand on its own. Having tired puzzles and that lame man chant when you solved them cheapened it.

Gavinrad_sl said:
I do wish Vigil had finished Space Marine instead of Relic. I got to tour Vigil's studio some time well before the 40K mmo was cancelled, and they had half the walls absolutely plastered with some of the most amazing 40k concept art I've ever seen, they really had some hardcore 40k fans at Vigil.
I'm jealous as fuck.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I like playing these kinds of games in between MMOs and other releases, just wish that more popular IPs were exploited and dropped into this similar mold. Done even half-assed I'd love to have a handful of WoW overlands and dungeons along with a couple of character classes to level. DLC me to death with add-on classes, dungeons and other content a la Borderlands. Rinse and repeat with the EQ IP, or at least come back out with some Champions of Norrath followups.


Mr. Poopybutthole
And do you think Captain Titus would be better served pushing blocks onto pressure plates to open a door, to do the same thing 2 more times, through two more doors to be told that he's an ignorant fuck which can be remedied by running an errand or 3? I'm pretty sure the Codex Astartes frowns on such behavior.
No smartass, I mean Vigil would have done a better job with the combat, since Space Marine was mostly just Darksiders combat but strictly worse. Three cheers for a combat system where your health recovery relies entirely upon the special execution attacks which have inconsistent animations and don't make you invulnerable during the animation. It's always great being locked into a 5 second chainsword execution while the nob behind you casually strolls up, takes his time to line up the shot, and then kills you because you're still stuck executing that same dude. Darksiders did executions right. They were a nifty thing that got you some bonus souls, but combat didn't revolve around them. Unless you were playing on Apocalyptic difficulty without the Abyssal Armor, in which case careful timing of executions was crucial.

Space Marine was mostly just a half-assed ripoff of the Darksiders combat system. Even had a righteous fury meter to copy War's chaos meter, although I guess that's hardly a unique feature as it is.

Beef Supreme_sl

No smartass, I mean Vigil would have done a better job with the combat, since Space Marine was mostly just Darksiders combat but strictly worse. Three cheers for a combat system where your health recovery relies entirely upon the special execution attacks which have inconsistent animations and don't make you invulnerable during the animation. It's always great being locked into a 5 second chainsword execution while the nob behind you casually strolls up, takes his time to line up the shot, and then kills you because you're still stuck executing that same dude. Darksiders did executions right. They were a nifty thing that got you some bonus souls, but combat didn't revolve around them. Unless you were playing on Apocalyptic difficulty without the Abyssal Armor, in which case careful timing of executions was crucial.

Space Marine was mostly just a half-assed ripoff of the Darksiders combat system. Even had a righteous fury meter to copy War's chaos meter, although I guess that's hardly a unique feature as it is.
You completely missed the point entirely, bringing into light Bacon's assertion that you're incapable of having an intelligent discussion.

Did the Vigil employees give you a happy ending after you left your tour? Your opinion of this game is rosy glassed as fuck. There are tons of problems between BOTH games, but no where, at any time, did I feel out of character playing Space Marine the same way I felt after the first act onward in Darksiders 2.

You seem fixated on white knighting a game that is seriously flawed, but who am I to try to engage in a discussion of why I feel marrying Zelda to Prince of Persia as a framework for a game based around Death is a poor choice?

As an aside, the combat in Space Marine, while not tight, was a blast; I never had any problem with the mechanics on the hardest difficulty. Even when I got jewed on some fights, I didn't care because they were so much fun. Waves after waves of slaughter. Woe is me for wanting the same for a game based on Death.


Christ, are there really people complaining that Darksiders 1 was a Zelda-like dungeon-puzzle game? You just wanted to kill shit as War? Fuck you, faggots. You are every single thing that is wrong with the lowest common denominator of gamers and fuck the idiotic higher ups that would try to bend a game towards you.

Darksiders 1 was great because it was close to Zelda and not at all because of its combat and killing shit. It was at its best when you weren't just killing shit. Zelda Puzzle Dungeons and Big Bosses, that's what Darksiders should be. Not some fucking thing like Space Marine, Jesus Christ.

Darksiders 2 was a *worse* game forevery single stepthat they took away from that mold. Especially the terrible RPG type systems they tried to cram in there like the idiotic Diablo style loot.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
people really don't like the loot system in ds2? i really enjoy it. but i'm a sucker for item management, so i eat anything up with random loot... my BIGGEST complaint is that in DS1, when you finished a dungeon you got a special skill, or perhaps you got the special skill in the dungeon itself... there is a huge sense of accomplishment in earning the wings, the hookshot, etc. in ds2 it's not there. you finish the dungeon and you continue the story and you MAY get a good item, or you may not. which, in and of itself is allright i think... but that style of gameplay really doesn't lend itself to a game where you do a dungeon once and never return. but again, i like killing something and seeing a green or purple glowing thing on the ground and running over to see if it's any good. i know not everyone shares that, but i just don't see what makes it so absolutely horrible.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You seem fixated on white knighting a game that is seriously flawed, but who am I to try to engage in a discussion of why I feel marrying Zelda to Prince of Persia as a framework for a game based around Death is a poor choice?

As an aside, the combat in Space Marine, while not tight, was a blast; I never had any problem with the mechanics on the hardest difficulty. Even when I got jewed on some fights, I didn't care because they were so much fun. Waves after waves of slaughter. Woe is me for wanting the same for a game based on Death.
Uh, what? I've been defending DS1. I think we share pretty much all of the same complaints about DS2. I also loved Space Marine, and am in the middle of another playthrough. The feeling of the game is fantastic, but I still hate the way combat revolves so heavily around executions. 99% of my deaths happen while I'm stuck in an execution animation.


Sean_sl said:
Christ, are there really people complaining that Darksiders 1 was a Zelda-like dungeon-puzzle game? You just wanted to kill shit as War? Fuck you, faggots. You are every single thing that is wrong with the lowest common denominator of gamers and fuck the idiotic higher ups that would try to bend a game towards you.
Wow, way to add to the discussion. Congratulations, you've officially won the internet... I'll state again, Ilikedthe game. There comes a point where your character, War or Kratos for example, become so "powerful" that these rudimentary puzzles seem silly and out of place. You're killing the gods of Olypmus or demons in hell, why am I pulling a stone like Link or Laura Croft? If they want to include puzzles, I'm just saying that they could have been more creative. If you seriously think that turning sewage valves and kicking subway cars are engaging puzzles, then maybe they did cater to the lowest common denominator of gamer.

See what I did there? This is called having a discussion. Shitting your pants and calling people faggots doesn't solidify your points or make you look like a badass. If you're 13 or older, that should be beneath you.


you can't remove the puzzles from darksiders and expect it to stand on its own because the game really isn't as story-driven as you think.


I think you're also conveniently forgetting some of the well made puzzles, or blanketing them in with other puzzles that seemed too "mundane" for the character you were playing. For example: teleporting through walls to reach other areas, I never really found that lame or something beneath War (or Death), it's a bad ass power for you to ascend through an area otherwise you couldn't traverse. There's a part in DS2 where you actually go back in time, and then forward again, throughout a dungeon and I think it works really well, narratively and within the scope of the character. As for some of the "lever pushing/pulling" type of puzzles that seem out of character, it wasn't something that really ruined immersion for me, but I enjoy the puzzles for what they were.


supertouch_sl said:
you can't remove the puzzles from darksiders and expect it to stand on its own because the game really isn't as story-driven as you think.
Of course you can't, that's my point. The story is unique enough that if they developed it more, instead of tossing in mindless "reach the top of the room" puzzles, this could have been a more memorable game. The game doesn't really deserve the attention I'm giving it honestly, or some of the rabid responses. (not saying you, supertouch)

I didn't mean to derail the thread by stating my opinion of the puzzles. This is falling far from what the OP had asked. They've sold Darksiders on Steam for as low as $5. I even have an extra copy in my inventory that I can't get rid of. Darksiders II, I would wait to purchase for a similar price. Especially if some folks here feel DS1 is a better game. Eventually they may package all the DLC together with the game.

Golt_sl said:
I think you're also conveniently forgetting some of the well made puzzles, or blanketing them in with other puzzles that seemed too "mundane" for the character you were playing. For example: teleporting through walls to reach other areas, I never really found that lame or something beneath War (or Death), it's a bad ass power for you to ascend through an area otherwise you couldn't traverse. There's a part in DS2 where you actually go back in time, and then forward again, throughout a dungeon and I think it works really well, narratively and within the scope of the character. As for some of the "lever pushing/pulling" type of puzzles that seem out of character, it wasn't something that really ruined immersion for me, but I enjoy the puzzles for what they were.
I'm not trying to conveniently forget, the puzzles to me seemed forgettable. The portal gun was boring to me. The time manipulation puzzle you mention from DS2 sounds intriguing though. At least that fits if you're on an otherworldly plane. Enjoying the puzzles for what they were is a solid approach.

Beef Supreme_sl

So... are you saying you havent played DS2, yet?