DayZ, Arma2, Arma3


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Gonna have to wait till next week for apatch.

Monday 20 January 2014, AM

This build is being tested on experimental branch, and contains a number of fixes and changes that have been in preparation for the last two weeks. Please note that we do not expect that this build will be quickly posted to stable branch as we anticipate at least one more update will occur to Experimental prior to being pushed to stable. Only a limited number of servers will be running this version, so be aware slots may be limited. Once we have confirmed this build is functioning correctly we will announce more information about the release to stable branch.

What are experimental/stable branches?
In your steam application settings, you can choose a "beta branch". This allows you to opt in to our experimental branch to try it out.

Does my saved character get affected in experimental branch?
No. It runs on a different database, so any changes will not affect your character on stable branch.

I can't find a slot while on experimental branch!
Only a small number of servers run this branch. You will need to change your game back to the stable branch and play on a normal server

Can I join a stable branch server wil experimental branch client?
No, you would need to change your client back to stable.

When will this be in stable?
We expect stable to be updated before the end of that week (by Friday 24 January 2014).



Niosh mask (respirator) inventory size fixed to 1/1 slot.
Missing strings for BE popup for alternate languages, set to English while translations are being done.
Reduced dispersion of FNX45 (from 0.05 to 0.03)
Balanced stomach capacity,
Added stuffed notifier (instead of sickness when full up)
Eating and drinking animations properly set for tablets/disinfectants
Version number in server browser and details
Saline transfusion doesn't refill full blood
Charcoal and Tetracycline tablets won't give sick badge if you aren't actually sick
Player aim run speed updated, weapon position changed and improved for first person view
Glitches on right hand while moving and while giving taunt fixed
Players can't pile backpacks inside of another backpacks, backpack-inception style. You can only put one backpack inside of another backpack if the backpack that is being put inside is empty.
Magnum speedloader should be spawning now
Number of backpacks spawning lowered
Number of .357 Pythons spawning lowered.
Number of M4A1s spawning lowered
Dead character cleanup performed at 10 minutes past death
Removed scripted server teleporting check as now managed by engine
Sea ambient sound is now slightly quieter
Animation: Fixed misc issues with vaulting
Animation: Fixed getting on the ladder from kneel for the armed player
Animation: Fixed animation speed for unarmed player in main menu
Animation: Fixed an issue with changing weapon while aiming in kneel
Animation: Fixed an issue with rotation while aiming in prone
Headtorch color descriptions fixed
Jeans descriptions (color) fixed
Cargo pants description fixed (color)
Chest holster description added
Using an item in your hand no longer goes out of hand once action done
Using an item while something else in your hand will go back to that item once action done
Security issue with IGUI variable compiling
Situation where player used item on other players inventory causing neverending looped item check
Weapons now display tooltips
Players can now be revived with the defibrillator


Editable character name in main menu
Hive, mode and time columns in server browser
Database support for sub hives. (Sub-private, Hardcore/Regular public)
DayZServer.exe support for sub hives.
Signature verification against PBOs
Added shotgun speedloader into loot spawns
Added box of 20 pieces .357 rounds into loot spawns
Added color variants of all shoes into loot spawns
Added Hiking pants (both long and short ones) and Canvas pants including their color variants into loot spawns
Added hacksaw into the loot spawns
Added shotgun into loot spawns
Berry picking
Saw-off shotgun recipe
Opening cans with saw
Painting Mosin now supported w/ spraypaint
Added spraypaint can into loot spawns
Coastal harbor town of Svetloyarsk (and surrounding areas)
Animation: More direct transitions for aimed weapon(prone to stand/kneel and back)
Animation: Surrender now disarms player for single handed items
Pipsi, NotaCola, Spite and Rasputin Kvass drinks
Burlap sack can be placed on head of self or target
Burlap sack causes black screen and reduced sound when worn on head
Server Performance improvements
Five new zombie soldier types
Weapon cleaning kit used for keeping your guns in good shape
Shotgun snap-loader for fast reloads

Quick thoughts.
Saline got hit with the nerf bat.
M4's are gonna be harder to find.
Shotguns are not going to be spawned already sawed off. (assuming because of stated recipe req in the notes)
New food with the berries.
Glad they lowered the .357 spawn rate.
Does this defib change mean we can bring people back that are dead and haven't respawned yet?
Five new zombie types? Wonder if they are going to have military gear on them and are lootable.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Wonder if some berries will be toxic. That would be interesting.

If they implement some seriously threatening zombie changes, I can see surviving in the woods being much more important. Things like hunting game and picking berries far away from towns will become more common for spawning players.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
I would imagine they would do something like that, and also you have to wash the berries before consumption to wash away any parasites.

I am also gonna guess that the new town of Svetloyarsk will behere. Especially since the east coast needs a reasons or two to stay on that side of the map.

Another guess here, I wonder if the lowering of the M4 spawns means they are just removing them from the schools. Jails, military tents, barracks, hangars, and control towers will still have them.


Btw Nemesis, i found out that to manage ammo in the box you don't need to drop it on the floor, just put it in your hands.
Pontius, that's the first thing I told you.

You don't have to drop an ammo can to manage ammo within. However, you can currently only access the top row of ammo, so to access the full can you have to drop it.


That's the problem.
is it possible to find out what other DayZ streamers are doing/using? I see tons of other streams that look clean and crisp.

All the same, i enjoy your uploads and posts, and have been havin fun runnin with you in game.. no dig on you intended.



<Silver Donator>
I've never had so much fun with a game that was clearly not ready to be played.
From the videos I have seen of it, it looks like it has the edge on Rust in both graphics and gameplay. No knock to Rust- I've put about 8 hours into it and has some fun with it as well.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer

The way Muurloen is playing the game is really the way to do it currently. If I die and can't get my shit back think I'm gonna be run and gun as well.

@Muurloen, Even before you bagged the one dude, I could have sworn I wasn't on for more than 30 minutes and you already had an M4.
Yeah running and gunning is fun, but very reckless way to play. However, when you don't have much to lose to begin with, the gamble and payoff is well worth it.

As always, the element of surprise was key in me taking out that one dude of that group of 3 and forced the other two to crap their pants enough to where they combat logged. They were also idiots for not having someone assigned as a close quarter guard to protect other two sniping. I wouldn't have come close in ambushing them if they had someone standing guard.

I know what you are thinking though, "Standing watch will be boring as shit and those that are doing the sniping are having all of the fun". I would disagree. If you are in a hotbed area, someone is going to come for your sniper friends. Providing a little overwatch for them will keep them alive and you will get a kill or two yourself.

Btw... if I didn't love my River City Ransom avatar, I'd definitely swap to that pic from Commando.

Do we have a time frame for this showdown tonight?
I think we are aiming for around 6pm-6:30pm CST.


I'll be logging on in an hour (6pm CST). Will grab food/drink until we get 3-4 people online and then start figuring out where everyone is and getting our gameplan set.


<Bronze Donator>
Im northwest of Berezino in a small copse of trees near the transmission line. I should be on later as my wife is at the urgent care with our two year he appears to have strep ugg. Just have to help her get him ready for bed when she gets home. Then I can get on.


<Silver Donator>
Ok. I had to see it just to see the improved inventory system. I am a total nub but I should get some extra credit for watching days of Frankie's videos. I will happily act as bait.

Edit - No servers in my server list. Google solutions are not helping. Do I need a port open on my router?

Edit - Resolved. Kid was logged into Steam too. Not sure why it didn't boot me. Looking forward to family sharing.


FoH nuclear response team
Had a blast tonight, sucks we didn't run into more people and combat logging really ruins the entire experience.

Screenshots incoming.

Freedom panties!


Taken right after Wrathcaster raped this guy.


Taken right after Wrathcaster raped this guy.
HEY! *I'M* the one that made his butt bleed...

I axed pissflaps to put him out of his misery when he was getting raped by a zombie, and I axed this corpse and made his bumbum leak human juice

but sure.. give all the credit to Jendryk


In fairness, I didn't rape the corpse. I raped the motorcycle helmet guy. Being accused of being too kind is an insult I simply cannot abide.

Don't Ever Call Me Too Kind

This is the sniper who brought everything to a screeching halt at Balota.

Sniper in the Elevator

He managed to nail yellow rain jacket while he was running from a distance of 400 meters or so and damn near popped Maple and myself while we took cover. Props to him.

My plan technically worked- Maple suppressed him with his mosin long enough to take the sniper out of the equation, but the suppression worked too well. Dude combat logged once he realized he couldn't get off the roof without ghosting.

Sorry for not making it back online- my connection took a gigantic shit after 6 hours of streaming. That's not even taking into account that I accidentally set FRAPS to record on my OS SSD that only had 10 gigs free when we started. I had a fun time dealing with that and trying to save the footage. Still, I'd say the crusade was overall a success... We might not have met that many people, but we ran the gamut of every major city without taking a casualty and without leaving a single survivor. It kind of went to hell at Balota, but that was pretty much inevitable- and in the end we ran off the attacking squad and scared away the sniper.

Hope everyone had as much of a blast as I did. I'm amazed we didn't all murder each other before moving 1000 meters with 12 people in a single TS3 channel. That was... interesting once the shooting started.

And just so you know, Freedom Panties, you are a goddamned American hero for your selfless efforts in braving the Elektro fire station and taking point in your bright blue star spangled undies.


<Bronze Donator>
Sorry I could not ever catch up to you guys. I had 4 gun fights killed two and the others logged on me. I had a ton of fun chasing you guys! Ill be heading toward NW AF to resupply and hope for another event soon.