DayZ, Arma2, Arma3



Slow zombies inside + massive horde aggro from gun fire was really fun in Early DayZ. I understand they want to make Zs more of a threat (and slow speed indoor = easy mode). But making them fast indoor is not a good solution. Especially if they zig zag and bug out as much as they do in DayZ. More hordes and less ammo, I say!
It was my understanding that the zombies zig zagged because of Arma 2 military AI? Maybe that's an urban legend, but I've heard that's being changed. Zombies need to either be faster, have better awareness, be less predictable in spawn spots... I don't know exactly what the right combo is. DayZ + zombies with the Mike Tyson punch and frequent leg breaking made them a good bit more terrifying, but in the end it was just annoying as shit, so I don't think that's the way to go.

Ultimately, they need to work out a way where you can't just find a spot and be pretty much impervious to zombies, the way it is now. At this point, PvP is the endgame because the zombies are such a joke and really gives people much less incentive to cooperate. No joke, zombies running indoors will suck, but they've got to work out something where you can't just run them through a two sided barn and lose all aggro.

I do support making ammo and weapons much more scarce, even at military locales. I'm fairly certain .50 cals won't be in the standalone, and perhaps that alone will make things a bit harder for bambi campers, but you're always going to have the issue of clans and uber geared people endlessly camping military spawns with no fear of the zeds. Perhaps hordes would make it more challenging, but only in buildings like the cafes or apartments where you've only got one way out. Otherwise, you can outrun them and basically abuse their aggro mechanics to make them a negligible threat at best.


Golden Squire
At the same time though, they can't make zombies so much of a threat that you spend your entire time training massive hordes through the wilderness of Chernarus or down the streets of Elektro. The developers haven't been able to find a middle ground it seems.


That BMRF server has been pretty good. The other Origins server I played (Red Dawn AOW something)on I got kicked and rolled back by a pissed admin (after some late night insults - probly my fault but still) and all tents/gear boxes placed would fade strangely quickly. BMRF had lots of players, lots of action, and everything was behaving properly.

BMRF 1 just died though. Kinda. Down with no ETA anyway. Sucks!

**BMRF 1 (Origins) is back up as of today.


So yesterday I was playing DayZ on a random server at 2 AM, and I spawned along the coast of Cherno... These bandits were patrolling the area in two UAZs and they were taking hostages, I was fortunate enough to get caught by them and be able to tell this epic story. There were 5 of us, and we were hauled into to a Hangar where they dropped a flare on the ground because it was super dark, and they sat there and watched us. Then I heard gunshots... The bandits ran out side and seen where they came from, a guy named BlotsTaters whom was also captive with me, leaned towards the flare and turned it off... The bandits came back in, and were shouting at us "WHO THE TOOK THE FLARE!?" and then they put another one down, and to my surprise Blots was no long next to me. One of the bandits said "Dude, we are missing a hostage..." and they started screaming at us. They asked another hostage named "BabyPit" if he knew where the guy went. (BabyPit and BlotsTaters were captured together so they suspected they were in TeamSpeak) BabyPit legged it out the door, and layed prone in the grass. All the bandits gathered outside as they shot him. They looked around, and were cussing because a UAZ was missing. They told us to line up outside, and were going to do a search for Blots. Next thing you know, I hear sniper shots... I was startled by them and jumped out of my computer chair. I look on my screen, and all the bandits were dead. Then I saw Blots... He began to approach us hostages. There was still one bandit alive with a broken leg, and he was rolling around in confusion, and cussing. He was armed with a pistol and started firing at the hostages, he shot one hostage but did not kill him. Blots pulled out his secondary and shot the guy until he passed out. Blots said "You fucked with the wrong guy... I am going to give you morphine and
patch you up, but when you get up I want you to drop all your weapons or I will fuck you up." This guy was PISSED. So after the guy was patched up, he dropped his guns. Then Blots made another command, he told him to go in the hangar. The guy did just that... And then Blots told us to pick up a weapon that the bandits dropped... I went out and picked up a Ak47, and a M9 Supressed. He asked the bandit where their base is. The bandit refused to answer... Blots told us on the count of 3 to shoot this ass hole. We all shot him, and left him there for the zombies to fester on. Blots then rode off into the night in his new UAZ.
Pretty good read - rest of the story is here

No idea if there's any truth to it but I usually don't care when it comes to DayZ stories.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I thought the pussies usually just disconnect when they get in trouble?


I thought the pussies usually just disconnect when they get in trouble?
Right now in Origins they seem to have a working combat logging thing. When you log out your character stays online for 30 seconds or so waving his arms helplessly in the air. You can kill them in that state. Not sure if it's Origins or vanilla though.


So, is everyone else experiencing the same thing I am after the new patch? No loot at all on high pops anywhere in the coast? I couldn't even find a goddamn hatchet anywhere along the route from Kamenka->Komorovo->Balota->Cherno->Prig->Elektro

Same deal with Cap Golova/Krutoy Cap to Cherno. Maybe it's the servers I've been on, but this shit seriously sucks. New mega zombies without any way to defend myself and pretty much no loot saps all the fun out for me. Maybe I'm just addicted to PvP rather than the survival aspect. I like that zombies are harder and that ultra grade military loot and sniper/assault rifles are harder to find... Even antibiotics, but no loot at all? What the shit.


Fuck it, after reading Dayz shit/watching vods for the past couple weeks I'm getting the itch and gonna start playing again. Adebisi you back to playing? Wrathcaster, you guys play during the week at all or just weekends?


Molten Core Raider
the stand alone needs to come out.. i havent played dayz yet but fuck i might have to buy arma and shit, any word on alpha if you bought in? i thought it was supposed to start already.


Golden Squire
There's no date for the alpha release, and it probably won't be announced either. It will just show up on Steam one day with a limited amount of available sales so as to not overwhelm the servers. Rocket did say not too long ago that he was hoping for a June release, but they also hoped to release the full game by the end of 2012 so who knows.


So, is everyone else experiencing the same thing I am after the new patch? No loot at all on high pops anywhere in the coast? I couldn't even find a goddamn hatchet anywhere along the route from Kamenka->Komorovo->Balota->Cherno->Prig->Elektro

Same deal with Cap Golova/Krutoy Cap to Cherno. Maybe it's the servers I've been on, but this shit seriously sucks. New mega zombies without any way to defend myself and pretty much no loot saps all the fun out for me. Maybe I'm just addicted to PvP rather than the survival aspect. I like that zombies are harder and that ultra grade military loot and sniper/assault rifles are harder to find... Even antibiotics, but no loot at all? What the shit.
The DayZ loot spawn code is sketchy. There are some safeguards against farming that makes it not very intuitive. What you describe sounds like one of two things from my experience:

1)Last update or Patch borked all things

2)You run too fast. For serious! If the area is not loaded (nobody but you nearby) and you approach an empty loot pile "spot" too quickly the loot will not spawn. If you stay too close to an empty loot pile spawn, it will not spawn either. Anytime I approach a building that is 100% devoid of loot (keep in mind trash loot like empty bottles still count as real loot) I move away (500ft or so, but it might be less) wait a minute and come back.

I think loot might spawn in cycles. It does not continually check if loot "should" spawn. It will check, say, every 3 minutes if someone is in the right range (not too far, not too close) and roll the dice to see if loot should spawn. There is still a chance for a loot pile (or all loot piles) not to spawn but not in the way you described. In Origins/Taviana I think it is supposed to be a 40% chance to spawn per loot pile.

I might be wrong on all counts - this is just what it has looked like to me over time. And even when I feel like I "get it" loot is still very wonky. For example - anyone ever notice that loot tends to spawn in "trends"? If you explore a tight cluster of hours and find, say, a crossbow you will probably find several crossbows in the nearby civilian buildings. We actually found 6 ghilie suits in the cluster of appartments NW of Sabina last week end when we started over and desperately were looking for an Alice pack.

Anyway - DayZ, right?


Molten Core Raider
There's no date for the alpha release, and it probably won't be announced either. It will just show up on Steam one day with a limited amount of available sales so as to not overwhelm the servers. Rocket did say not too long ago that he was hoping for a June release, but they also hoped to release the full game by the end of 2012 so who knows.
yeah, i thought someone posted a link where you could already buy in on the alpha maybe im wrong though.


Dayz Origins 1.7.5 update:
1.7.5 Features

- Improved back end and cloud synchronization allowing us to move the final platform of origins 2.0

- New Origins interface 1.7.5

Note : 1.7.5 is an incremental interface ( more to come )for a complete revamp of Origins interface, Menus and player inventory - 1.8

- Improved day and night Cycle, better transition. more moonlight nights. 1.7.5

- New vehicles that can be fully reinforced 1.7.5

- We are happy to introduce totally new gameplay experience to Origins including :

Origins Stories / Survivors - Skill Tree - startup items ( 1.7.5 / 1.8 )

Choose your Character: (1.7.5)

As a fresh spawn you will have the chance to select your Survivor:

Attention: Take your time in selecting your character and its story. Based on your character story and previous life experience and hobbies, it will determine your start up items as fresh spawn and your base skill tree.

Start-up Gear / skill tree (1.8)

We are taking this feature very seriously and making it totally balanced for all survivors' stories, each players will be able to shape the destiny of his chosen survivor with full freedom with no restrictions.

Example background story of Dimitri , based on his experience and his life before the apocalypse, Dimitri will be spawn as a civilian survivor ( no weapons or makarove pistol ) with small backpack and an additional morphine, blood bag and couple more bandages.

As default Dimitri is more of skilful doctor other than the rest of survivors however Dimitri will be able to master and level other skills other than the startup medic skills.

No we don't want to see survivors divided into medic , engineer , soldier etc etc... Survivors start with slightly improved skill set in one area (depending on their life experience) and different start up items

There are 6 core skills distributed between all survivors ( to be fully revealed in 1.8 ), survivors daily activities and special activities will allow them to focus on one skill or parallel slower level all skills.

NOTE: The skill tree system will never give any health or running speed advantages over new survivors.

NOTE : If you die and choose different survivor( Veronica for example ) , you will lose all your skills and start fresh with the new character you selected. Unless you revert back to Dimiti.

Conclusion: You will have persistent different skills and levels for each individual available survivor but you lose all your gear when you die + % of level and skill loss with each death.

Important notes:

During 1.7.5 there will be no players Character wipes however, occasionally during 1.7.5 you might experience some un-consistent hero/bandit outfits changes when you level up. During release of 1.8 all survivors will be wiped (Character Gear only not server wipe) in preparation to deploy the new consistent levelling and skill tree for each survivor character and the skill system. A public announcement will be issued 24-72 hours prior to release so survivors can store their equipment in their houses or strongholds to avoid losing anything.

Strongholds / Tribes and clans system (1.7.5)

We are happy to introduce the new and innovative new features of tribes/clans ( and we have more in store for 1.9 - this is not the end game yet)

Survivor made strongholds are is yet another attempt to encourage more team play, strongholds are also the only way to form a clan / tribe or groups in game, Clan leaders and add/remove tribe members ( any level or any side of bandits and heroes ) ( 1.7.5 )

Strongholds is a team based building it is consistent of 40 stages and different upgrades - also once the stronghold is built - you can choose which upgrades you build or not - all clan members are able to access the stronghold with the security code. (1.7.5 / 1.8 )

Important Notes:

Only Clan leader must be level 3 with level 3 house (hero or bandit) - once the clan leader / tribe leader starts a clan stronghold he/she along with anyone who joins the clan will lose their level 1 house after server restart. Tribe members will only be able to build lvl 2 and 3 houses if they have proper level and they are part of a clan. ( 1.7.5 )

Clan Leader must have at least 4 members to start building stronghold. ( 1.7.5 )
Stronghold blueprint is required - Only found in Salvation City. ( 1.7.5 )
Clan leaders will be able to add/kick any clan members any time. ( 1.7.5 )
Clan members can resign/leave the clan at any time. ( 1.7.5 )
If the clan is reduced to less than 4 members - the stronghold will be destroyed the second day.
If the "entire" clan remains inactive for more than 15 days - the stronghold will be destroyed.

Stronghold upgrades ( 1.7.5 )

Once your clan completed ( 23 stages including 1st , 2nd and 3rd floor "towers" ), you will be able to choose which buildings . space used upgrades , decided by tribe/ clan leader. (1.7.5)

Visit Stronghold tutorial for building resources and materials required for each stage/upgrade

Water Well: used for collecting water.
Church: you can build a church in the stronghold (1.7.5) used to redeem your soul (Pray for salvation or Curse the apocalypse to gain or lose 50 Humanity - can be used only once every 24 hours.(1.8)
Amory: used to store only weapons and ammo (1.7.5) , used to create/customize survivor made weapons (1.8)
Clan sleeping quarters : For clan members to sleep and restore health ( 1.7.5 )
Kitchen: used for cooking food ( 1.8 )
Clan Clinic : For storing blood, morphine, painkillers and antibiotics ( 1.8 ) , produces small amount of medical supplies over time ( 1.8 )
Garage Upgrade 1: Extend Garage - for more space ( 1.8 )
Garage Upgrade 2: Workshop used to repair damaged engine parts, helicopter parts below 50 % - only survivors with mechanic skills can use. (1.8)
Farm : use to raise animals and produce raw meet( 1.8 )
Safe store room: used to lock value items and weapons (1.7.5)
Gate maintenance : The stronghold uses batteries and fuel and engine to function, unsure to refill the gate with fuel every now and then. If stronghold gate is out of fuel, it will no longer open unless you use JerryCan to refill. (1.8)

Salvation City(1.7.5)

Salvation city (Sector B) has always been a focus point in every update. Each time players complain that it became hard in the first few weeks of the release, then after all the weak points are discovered, players guides and videos reveal its becomes too easy

In 1.7.5 Soldiers are now smarter than before.. With every server restart they randomly hide and guard different locations, call for reinforcement and backup from surrounding guards.
Salvation army raids to the main land resulted in better equipment with the guards, units are all now fully equipped with NV.
Any leftover boats or helicopters in sector B will be destroyed after server restart.
Scout helicopters are on the watch to alert the guards for any intruders.
Mayor George is now surrounded with better trained guards.
Guards will no longer drop loot when killed.
Urals reduced to 2 Urals, one is located in fixed location and 2nd randomly spawn in different locations with every serve restart.
Urals will now include better rare weapons but with random spawn chance, every time you visit salvation city, the Urals will include different loot.

Hurry Post your personal / clan avatars to become one of the founding clans here

Re-balancing Gameplay

With many changes taken place in 1.7.5 and the new weapons crafting and customization necessary action needed to be taken to avoid server wipes.

- All CB's Where reset to Zero, all servers got massive amounts and flooded CB's due to Glitch in 1.7.1
- NV's and PKP and other weapons reset .
- All houses inventories and capacities reduced by 15 %
- Strongholds have massive capacity for 500 for each Item and weapon to accommodate all needs for all clan members.
- DMR infinite ammo bug resolved, now DMR mags change to(3) M24 clips only.
- No changes in Humanity levels, however it is through graphical instead of numerical representation.
- Anti stats padding mechanics added - stats padding ( Clan members constantly killing each other at spawn ) will result in account suspension for 72 hours for 1st time then automatic ban if it happens again.

All 1.8 features included and listed here in 1.7.5 Represent 50 % only of the full release of 1.8