Deadpool (2016)


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Back on topic, Just found out Tim Miller was only paid 250k to direct. Reynolds was paid 2 Million but has % on how much it makes. Wonder what kind of bonuses Fox is going to be giving Milller or others

Awesome that Reynolds, Miller, and Reese/Wernick who put everything into this are getting noticed and huge paydays soon


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Deadpool is massive at any of the comic conventions not Lobo, also The Killing Joke is going to be animated R rating and I cant wait
Yes but any death metal gathering is in many ways a partial homage to Lobo.

Biggest problem with a R rated Lobo is it limits him.

Venom is actually I think tailor made for a R rated movie. Lobo and Carnage on other hand likely need a NC17.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Massive violence is fine so long as it is funny or "artistic" and there are no tits

Tarantino had to make the Bride's fight at the end black and white to score the R rating vs. NC-17.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Meteorman has so many quotable lines. Or really just one. Either/or.

Lobo would require a slightly higher CGI budget than Deadpool, because instead of just simulating eyes they would have to tint an entire body (pretty sure they wouldn't use practical for this, but I'm open to being disappointed on this front) and honestly, who would you cast as Lobo? You'd want him to be iconic, and the actor to be someone who would be on board and at the base level sort of like the comics to some degree. I honestly can't think of anyone who isn't Huge Jackedman for the part, and I feel like he's done with comic movies after his final Wolverine deal.

Either way, his Kiss inspired persona isn't going to resonate nearly as well as "irreverent" Deadpool. Lobo is cool, but he's DC cool. That's a huge difference from Marvel cool. I just don't see him being marketed correctly, nor them actually getting the character right given past records. Color me surprised if they manage to handle both aspects and make a decent movie. But I just don't see it happening.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Deadpool had exposure in different media (video games, cartoons), so that helps as well.

Any movie that comes out now with the same formula will come across as a "Deadpool ripoff" to the general audience, so that won't help them either.


who would you cast as Lobo
It should have been Jason Momoa...

Fucking DC



Also you guys are retarded. Lobo acts nothing like Wade Wilson.... There is nothing remotely similar to the two characters , or their stories.

Either way, his Kiss inspired persona isn't going to resonate nearly as well as "irreverent" Deadpool. Lobo is cool, but he's DC cool. That's a huge difference from Marvel cool. I just don't see him being marketed correctly, nor them actually getting the character right given past records. Color me surprised if they manage to handle both aspects and make a decent movie. But I just don't see it happening.
Same shit you plebs said right before GOTG came out, and I said it was going to be another huge success for Marvel. I collected quite a few Avatars on that one.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I don't think the issue with Lobo is CGI. The issue with Lobo is how to portray the character for the movie market and how to write a workable script. While I love the Lobo's Back style comics, let's be honest here...a lot of Lobo's 'canon' (I kind of cringe while saying that) doesn't even make sense. It was never meant to, and that's part of why I loved it. Even though a lot of it seemed to be this strange melange of pubescent teen T&A and gratuitous violence, I was able to put that aside along with any expectation of the comics making any sense. But anyone arguing for that iteration of Lobo is going to have a hard time explaining how some of those storylines would translate into a successful movie.

I think you can still pull off a 'classic' metal-style Lobo (GTFO with that New 52 bullshit), but you would probably need to pull back and write the story more along the lines of LEGION/REBELS or his generic 'bounty hunter' image. And even though I liked LEGION/REBELS, that's even more obscure than GOTG to a lot of fans and I don't see DC going there, so'generic space bounty hunter'it is.

I think Momoa would be perfect for Lobo, but honestly don't know if him playing more than one DC character would put people off. Maybe no one would really notice, other than by seeing his name in the credits? I will say though that I think they should consider using Lobo as more of a cameo villain in a larger movie first before trying a standalone movie. He's perfect for that - he can fight an entire team like GOTG to a standstill w/o having to worry about dying (lol), or even go toe-to-toe with a lot of supers. Done properly, you could probably leave the entire "Lobo" situation unresolved ("Is he dead? Will he be back? We kicked him out the airlock...can he breathe in a vacuum?") or give him a side-story MacGuffin that lets him come in, fight [insert character here] and then fly away (like "I was hired to recover this X they stole from my client, it was nice beating your ass Supes, we'll tango another time").

The saddest part for me is that one of his most classic beat-down victims (Lanterns) are in the'fuck that movie was terribad'purgatory, and who knows when DC will take another shot at that.


IMO something like the Lobo Christmas special is a perfect type of story that could be used for Film. Just need to do small contained story lines for Lobo instead of him being part of a larger over arching story.

I mean who doesn't want to see Lobo ripping off a bunch of Hipsters heads? He's the perfect social commentary imo.

And yeah Moma is off the table now to play a character no one gives a shit about.. ever...


Molten Core Raider
Dude it's DC, they can't even do Lobo right in the comics anymore, I mean look at this thing that SHOULD have been aborted before it got cancelled after thirteen issues.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Dude it's DC, they can't even do Lobo right in the comics anymore, I mean look at this thing that SHOULD have been aborted before it got cancelled after thirteen issues.
I was wondering if some of the opposition to a Lobo movie was because they had pussified him as compared to his Reagan era gore fill glory.

Seems i maybe was thinking correctly.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
*at the same time

I don't think Chris Evans is the same thing; he's gone forward as Cap and in most people's mind is Cap in the same way Jackman is Wolverine. His FF role is outdated, he's been replaced, and I doubt we'll see a new Torch that is iconic in people's minds until there is a FF movie that is a hit. That goes double for Green Lantern: I think most people want to forget that movie ever occurred.

I'm assuming that we'll be seeing Mamoa as Captain Fishsticks numerous times going forward much in the same way that we see Captain America, so with that in mind seeing Mamoa as Lobo in the same universe at the same time...

IMO something like the Lobo Christmas special is a perfect type of story that could be used for Film. Just need to do small contained story lines for Lobo instead of him being part of a larger over arching story.

I mean who doesn't want to see Lobo ripping off a bunch of Hipsters heads? He's the perfect social commentary imo.

And yeah Moma is off the table now to play a character no one gives a shit about.. ever...
I'd like to see Lobo as part of the bigger Universe personally, but at the same time I'd be cool with him in self-contained movies too. This is probably one of those instances where I'd be happy to disagree, but I'd still say that they'd have a harder time finding a good script in that case. I can see the Paramilitary Christmas Special, but yeah if you start off with movies like that then that will make it harder to use him elsewhere in the DCU movies.