Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

I wasnt running from BT I was running to the sun place to get the scyer flight path. Counldnt get it though have to have more faction as nuteral isnt good enough, have to figure out whats up if I can even get the quest at 46 and level 10 for faction .... No doubt I can kill aldor to gain scyer faction though, even at the low levels I think.

Ya have to be alert in the new places mobs seem to come from everwhere. The shaman were oom. I should write a heal macro but I dont plan on dieing .... Ya funny the mobs are starting to go for shaman instead of the level 11"s. Any new place I die until I get the layout.

Well you can effect people on mounts with death grip, gogo DK.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
there are no faction restricted flightpaths.

You"re so inept you can"t even rightclick an NPC without failing. I didn"t expect this thread to impress me again, but you just did it.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
i dont plan on dieing

Granted it may not be part of the plan, but considering how often you die, you should come to the realization that it is part of your reality. Some contingency planning goes long way.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Well you can effect people on mounts with death grip, gogo DK.
Yeah, why did you keep deathgripping me? I was just hanging out and you kept making me kill you. You are slow so I"ll give you a hint, pulling DKs into the middle of that big pile of gimp casters is not a great idea.

there are no faction restricted flightpaths.
There actually are and this was one of them. Please don"t make me defend Sam. it makes me fill queasy.


Quineloe said:
I guess every normal person was friendly with either faction by the time they reach SMV lol
Yes but Sam is the exception. If he is still doing level 20 fucking totem quests you can bet your ass he didn"t consider faction before entering an area.

It really is sad that someone with that much money can play the game that badly. Jesus i hate that fucker.


Yari_Arkanum said:
It really is sad that someone with that much money can play the game that badly. Jesus i hate that fucker.
I don"t, the guy makes me laugh on an almost daily basis. Sitcom writers can not even come up with a character this consistently stupid. Nut cuppers and haters alike have to agree that the guy is entertaining, he is like the most niche reality tv show ever.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Of course its level caped. About 100 mobs per level regardless of the mobs level that you kill.

At level 10 they get like 10 exp points (X3 for raf) off the mob. Say the mob is worth 500 to make it simple.
you realize how shitty 30 xp per character is? You could take your pally and your gimps (the low level 10 gimps, don"t want ya confused) to ragefire chasm and run it a few times and get to level 20 in an hour or two.
Sam DeathWalker said:
Ya have to be alert in the new places mobs seem to come from everwhere.
No you don"t and no they don"t.

They only b-line it for the level 10"s. Again you"ve basically made everything more difficult by dragging around 4 useless level 10"s.

As stated again, take them to ragefire, or hell take them to SM with your paladin or dk if you prefer killing reds /eyeroll.


SalaciousTunare said:
No you don"t and no they don"t.

They only b-line it for the level 10"s. Again you"ve basically made everything more difficult by dragging around 4 useless level 10"s.

As stated again, take them to ragefire, or hell take them to SM with your paladin or dk if you prefer killing reds /eyeroll.
gotta be 20 to get into sm. I"m sure sam could find a way to wipe in ragefire anyways, say nothing about sm.


Roddo said:
gotta be 20 to get into sm. I"m sure sam could find a way to wipe in ragefire anyways, say nothing about sm.
As bad as he plays and gears he might actually wipe in sm. I had never seen a raid lose 4 members to a helboar until last night, anything is possible with sam.
DeathWalker Kicks the Mobs at the BT!


I just rotate between the two sides, and on the shadow side some level 70 thinks he tough but didnt realize he was up against TeH MIGHTY DEAHTWALKER!

The level 10"s get free exp basically and add 40percent to the Pal exp. Also its always 100 kills per level, as you go higher you get a bit more to hit that cap.

And now they never die, I just have them in the middle of the two stairs, they get the exp and didn"t die once.
Mobs giving like 1200 with rested, so like 12,000 a pull average, by the time I do one side the other has repoped.

The 12,000 exp goes someplace, dosnt really matter (well as long as people is rested or on raf), matter where. I get 12,000 exp stonger per pull.

I kinda run them all in a bit then concecrate to get agro, break off autofollow, hit the shield go deep for 8 seconds then run back and hit the pack about 4 seconds after shield wears off, but with the 8 percent run speed enchantment I am ahead of the mobs. As the Pal gets higher I should pull deeper.

Only bad thing is that I have to use the Pal and his rested is gone .... guess I have to work on the DK more but he dosnt get deep enough without dieing, even with his steed and that no knockoff talent ....

Can"t see anyway to get the flight path on anyone under 60 so I just bound at the inn there....
I get 13K per pull (about 6 mintues maybe less). I was online for like 5 hours before I got exp .... not sure why it calculates it like that. Ill be fresh starting tommorow and see how it looks.


Sam really should be playing EVE, not WoW. 40 boxing there could actually make a difference. Ask Zhek who 13 boxes and wipes out larger enemy gangs :V