Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

My wife never expects anything out of sex because we BOTH want it, not like you how you want it but the hooker is only going to give it to you because she is getting paid.

Sometimes, many times that is true. Other times its not. In general if you give the female oral sex she is more likely to return to have an orgasm and may provide a lower rate, in general. Also they tend to stop looking at the clock, from what I hear, when you are licking them.
How do you know I work? How do you know I make money, or that she isn"t the breadwinner?

Cause if she was stupid enough to choose you as a sexual partner she is to stupid to hold a regular job.

Any other questions?


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Sam DeathWalker said:
In general if you give the female oral sex she is more likely to return to have an orgasm and may provide a lower rate, in general. Also they tend to stop looking at the clock, from what I hear, when you are licking them.
So wait...

Here, you talk about giving a hooker oral sexTHEREFORE LOWERING THE RATE SHE CHARGES?!?!?!

That"s like exponential failure Sam, seriously, WTF.

And of course, do you think that after these posts, we are going to believe you when you say you don"t pay for sex??

Bwah ha ha hahahahaha!


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Sam DeathWalker said:
In general if you give the female oral sex she is more likely to return to have an orgasm and may provide a lower rate, in general. Also they tend to stop looking at the clock, from what I hear, when you are licking them.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Sam DeathWalker said:
And I dont see why you keep dragging drugs into this. Drugs are bad, no one to argue with there.
Because you enabled the 15yo to buy drugs, by paying her for sex. GJ Sam.

I"m out for now, but don"t stop making yourself look like a fool, Sam. You"d be ending the streak that you"re on.

He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.

Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.
P.S. How is WOW coming along? We haven"t seen an update lately, for some reason...
When its a crime to give someone you know using drugs money then tell me about it. Im not paid the 100K a year police officers get to enforce the drug laws.

Ya well WoW just made some bags last night (still went up 50 on both tailoring and leatherworkign to about 345).

I see yur stratagy of slowing down my WoW progress keeping me busy posting ... and its working.

Im out to Iv got to work on my properties today.

Only the PROUD or the FOOLISH dare argue with Teh MIGHTY DEATHWALKER!
Sam DeathWalker said:
Sometimes, many times that is true. Other times its not. In general if you give the female oral sex she is more likely to return to have an orgasm and may provide a lower rate, in general. Also they tend to stop looking at the clock, from what I hear, when you are licking them.
WOW... now you pay... to eat hooker pussy?

Jesus Fucking Christ you are one filthy abomination.


Alcestis said:
If it hasn"t been done already, it"d probably be a boon to glostylez"s "camp Sam contest" if someone mentioned this debacle in the realm forums.
I ended the contest and have no plans to finish or release the video compilation I was working on.

Words cannot describe the level of disgust I feel for this sad example of a human being. I choose not to give him the attention he so desperately seeks.


Sam DeathWalker said:
ok its 288a(b)(1) and 288a(b)(2). Let me get a copy of what they said in 1984. This is why they dont allow offerders to go to the registry themselves.
They don"t allow you to go to the registry because they don"t want you hooking up with other sick fuckers to carry out crimes against children and exchange sick fucker material.