Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW


I was sober earlier when I was reading this thread, and it fucked with my head. Now I"m on my 9th "Dead Guy Ale", and my mind is now blown....
From burst dps, to child rape, to google addresses, to discussions on 15yr old cognitive development......I swear, the internet is fucking amazing...
On top of that, you completely and utterly fail at very basic logic, argumentation, dialogue, reading comprehension, and cognition, as evidenced by this thread and your court arguments which were laughable at best. Citing 300 years ago, or other countries laws, or pretending you are 15, or comparing prostitution to mowing the lawn, are all some of the weakest arguments I"ve ever heard out of the mouth of any one I"ve ever met, including children arguing over who"s father can beat up who and why.

But oddly you make no intellent reply as to why those arguments are incorrect.

Screemfeeder is the only one making any kind of intellegent rebuttle at this point why dont you other Turkeys let him handle the job.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Also now appently there is a bit more evidence for my claim of having had 410 women in bed ....
You keep count? I"m 27 and just plain forgot after 200. Going to catch you and ROXXOR you without resorting to girls under 18, which would just make it too easy!!!!!!!!1


Sam DeathWalker said:
Screemfeeder is the only one making any kind of intellegent rebuttle at this point why dont you other Turkeys let him handle the job.
He can have that Herculean mantle as far as I (and maybe others?) are concerned.

Keep fighting the good fight while we monkeys fling shit from the sidelines, Scream. xD


Deris said:
You keep count? I"m 27 and just plain forgot after 200. Going to catch you and ROXXOR you without resorting to girls under 18, which would just make it too easy!!!!!!!!1
Yeah I was thinking about this earlier. I"m sitting around 20 but I can"t give you an exact number without sitting and thinking about it.

Your man-hood isn"t really determined by how many females you sleep with. You are one primitive motherfucker, Sam.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Sam DeathWalker said:
So whats the averge life expectency in Medevil Brinten from your reading of that chart?
Sam DeathWalker said:
Oh I though erroous post was Screemfeeder.

Errois to find the average of an range of averages you take the average of the two averages."

You dumb motherfucker (if you could find one stupid enough to fuck you).
Again, I can"t believe you can"t understand. First off, there is no point in averaging an average, unless it"s simply to support your point (it is). Second, do you understand averages at all? Out of a hundred people, lets say 50 die at birth or before the age of 1 (we"ll count them as 1). Everyone else lives to the ripe old age of 50. Does it make sense to claim that the average age for an adult is 25? And more to the point, as per your argument - an average won"t tell you how many people would have lived to 50 or 60, because it"s a fucking average. It could have included birth and childhood deaths, for all we know, to skew the numbers. And, since we all know how horrible the conditions were in the middle ages, isn"t it safe to assume that some outside force (such as disease) would cut people down before their prime, in fact, before they could have otherwise matured?

Of course, were someone to be curious as to how those results were compiled, no one could look because you didn"t even bother to link your source. FFS, for all I know you just made that shit up. And even if you didn"t, it"s pointless to argue about anyways - the middle ages weren"t exactly a shining example of learning, Sam. In fact it was the opposite. You using the Middle Ages in your example simply makes you look the fool, when learning was stagnant and it took the occasional savant or genius to advance learning.
Enjoy this link while I get more...

Brain doesn"t mature until 20s, experts say : National-World : Albuquerque Tribune

Ok you are correct I dont need to read more. DOnt spend time on it.

Brain researchers are increasingly confirming what auto-insurance actuaries have long known - the powers of decision-making, especially under stress, don"t fully mature in most people until they are in their mid-20s.
Sam DeathWalker said:
But oddly you make no intellent reply as to why those arguments are incorrect.
It is really hard to take you seriously when you spell intelligent "intellent" but here goes:

"Studies in both humans and other animals have suggested that the dopamine system peaks in activity during adolescence. If this is true, the abundance of dopamine might lead to different considerations of short-term and long-term rewards and consequences," he said.

If this is true, the abundance of dopamine might lead to different considerations of short-term and long-term rewards and consequences

Assuming that is correct does "different considerations of short-term and long-term rewards and conseqences mean that its in fact wrong to take short term advantage for long term loss?


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Sam DeathWalker said:
Ok you are correct I dont need to read more. DOnt spend time on it.
Jesus Fucking Christ, it"s like squeezing blood from a stone.

Sam DeathWalker said:
Brain researchers are increasingly confirming what auto-insurance actuaries have long known - the powers of decision-making, especially under stress, don"t fully mature in most people until they are in their mid-20s.
We"ve been arguing along these lines for how many pages, while you argued that 15yo"s were perfectly capable of making important decisions on their own? Seriously, Sam, I"m speechless...


Sam DeathWalker said:
Assuming that is correct does "different considerations of short-term and long-term rewards and conseqences mean that its in fact wrong to take short term advantage for long term loss?
What the fuck are you ever talking about?

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Look at this shit Sam! Every new post is in YOUR thread! You"re a god damn internet super star. I mean just look how many people come to your thread just to get the chance to talk with YOU, TeH MIGHTY SAM DEATHWALKER! And look at your internets score! It"s damn near astro-fucking-nomical! People here LOVE YOU SAM! Don"t ever stop, just keep on trucking. Don"t let the haters get you down, they are just jealous because how hard you won their precious EQ and are now dominating WoW with a vigor that can only be achieved by TeH MIGHTY SAM DEATHWALKER! You rule dude! Or should I say you RoXXors?!?

Look at all those fucking exclamation points!!!

P.S. Drink more rubbing alcohol.
Ok the evidence is overwhelming that people get smarter as they get older.

Im older then you so you should do what I say because Im smarter then you. Duh.

Ok I agree a 30 year old has cognative advantages over a 15 year old.

This seems to support my arguement that you cannot hold minors responsable for criminal acts.

And if people are not fully developed until 25 then why is anyone under 25 allowed to vote?