

2 Minutes Hate
I've said this in another thread, but I don't think Scott has ever headed a game from inception to launch as the lead. Rift he came in early, but the game engine was there as well as the tech and (I think) he's the one that changed the direction from Heroes of Telara to Rift: Planes of Telara. And of course there is EQ2 and EQ. Scott's pretty much the only game director that has launched a successful western MMO since WOW. GW2 is still early to tell, give it a year, but they are trending the right way. He's in a pretty good spot.



You have been selected to take part in our second Stress Test running from at 3 PM to 8 PM PST on Wednesday, Jan. 30.



Trion to launch Defiance on April 2, full live-action trailer revealed

Trion has announced that the MMO third-person shooter half of its two-headed Defiance monster is set to be released on April 2nd. The other half is of course the upcoming television show which ties in to the game via some sort of mysterious transmedia secret sauce.

The company has also released a full five-minute live action trailer, the teaser for which debuted last week alongside a meaty pre-order FAQ.

Defiance players take on the role of Ark Hunters adventuring through the alien-infested ruins of a post-apocalyptic San Francisco and surrounding environments. Defiance features co-op PvE and PvP, and it's coming to PC, PlayStation 3, and XBox 360 platforms. Trion has been working on the game and the IP for over five years. The Syfy television series is set to debut on April 15th.

Click past the cut for a look at the live-action preview


Stree Test is today.

2nd beta weekend announced.

Defiance Advanced Mission Beta set for February 8

Defiance's second beta weekend is set to begin on February 8th at 8:00 a.m. PST and run until 9:00 p.m. PST on February 10th.

This Advanced Mission Beta will take players to a futuristic San Francisco playing the role of Ark Hunter. No, this doesn't mean you'll be riding mine carts and eating chilled monkey brains; it means that you'll be set to decipher various six-digit alpha numeric codes scattered throughout the game that can be collected to unlocked 15 different levels of rewards.

Sound like fun, Dr. Jones? Then head on over to the Defiance official site and sign up.


Any word on how beta access works with amazon preorders? Can I preorder the game, play the beta, and cancel before release if I end up not liking the game?

Interactive cross-overs between the game and the TV show are really not feasible, unless it's for minor things where they can just shoot two version of a scene. However, even TV Show -> Game could be fun. TV Shows never have time to get into all the lore, so you could hear briefly about certain events in the show and get more from the lore in game. Similarly, weekly quests would work well with this model, but of course the show could not depend on you completing them. Still, people are suckers for special event quests - and it gets you to log on weekly, at least.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Any word on how beta access works with amazon preorders? Can I preorder the game, play the beta, and cancel before release if I end up not liking the game?
I know that I pre-ordered GW2 with Amazon and cancelled it with no problem when I decided to purchase it directly from AreanaNet. I have never had a problem cancelling anything that hasn't shipped with Amazon. I wouldn't worry about it. Also looking at the Amazon pre-order page, it does say you get a beta invite with the pre-order.


FPS noob
be careful which edition of defiance you pre-order, if you preorder the pc download (digital) you get billed right away. while I'm sure you could probably get a refund, just something to keep in mind