

Useless lazy bastard.
There are 3 sorts of missions (if you disregard the races, hotshots and all those minigames). 1) Normal ones that are sorta oneshot affairs, they are the usual MMO sort of "go here, do that". 2) Main Mission, like the SWTOR class mission but the same for all. 3) Episode Missions (I think they were called?) that are the tie-in with the TV show.

Main mission was decent, finished it when I was around EGO 380, Episode sort was ok to establish what I think is the main chars in the TV show (?) and they will do frequent updates of that arc as the show gets going. Currently at Ego 550 and still enjoying the hell out of the game. Its sorta mixing Borderlands and Fallen Earth.

Tons of guns, you go "oooh shiney" a lot, tho once you max out the weapons (the item) xp you need a new one to keep gaining weapon (character skill) levels which fucking sucks. Considering that if you put a ton of money and mods into a gun, its basicaly useless once you max out the xp the item has. At max item xp you unlock a bonus for the weapon, but unless you have maxxed out your characters skill with the weapon type, you cant keep using it. I wonder how the fuck they thought that was a good idea.


Useless lazy bastard.
Oh one thing tho, once I got over the Golden Gate bridge, I actually felt they failed with world design. Sure, we joke about "too much brown", but this ash landscape with black and red stuff here and there and maybe a ruin every 300 m is fucking depressing. Once I finished the main mission I got the hell out of that area because it felt boring as shit.


Trakanon Raider
Colour code changes the baseline number of bonus abilities the weapon has, whites have nothing, green 1, blue 1, purple 2 and orange 3. Purples and Oranges will also have a Synergy bonus. Greens, blues or white at my level are all the same stat wise. EGO rating and colour look to have a modifier that increases the number of slots the weapon starts with, but that's not conclusive. You can upgrade any weapon to the full four slots. It costs a fuckton of salvage to get the final unlock though, 12k salvage. Synergies are something I've yet to get to grips with as I haven't had the faction to buy one yet. But I would assume that a Synergy is created using the same type of mod in up to 4 slots on the weapon like a set bonus, so if the weapon itself has say Synergy: Veteran, with details for slot 1 and slot 2, then it'll activate once you've got 2 Veteran type mods in the weapon.

A few examples of how mod slots aren't and are affected by colour and EGO rating. I have a 254 legendary shotgun with 2 slots (nothing added). A 515 white pistol with 3 slots (nothing added). A 515 green pistol with 2 slots (nothing added). A 491 blue sniper with 3 slots (1 slot added).
Thank's for the clarification.


Trakanon Raider
Only PC games for me, but isn't the game non-platform dependent? as in, you could play with PC gamers while on your PS3/Xbox?


Vyemm Raider
Picked it up based on this thread and Force's videos.

Did you enjoy Borderlands? How about Rift? Odds are you'll like Defiance as its pretty much a mash-up.
Borderlands has better vehicle control, gameplay, voice acting, and character development imo but its not an MMO. Defiance hasnt worn off yet and has potential with episodes keeping content "fresh".

Just have the right expectation going in. It has its quirks but overall the game is very playable and fun.

I'll get my $60 out of it - after that it will depend on how well they keep content coming.


Silver Squire
I'm around 550 or so ego rating now, and despite the problems with the game, I'm still having fun. I've just reached Marin, including getting gold for all races and challenges, except for the ones involving the chickens, because fuck the chickens. I think a lot of the criticism stems from the fact that they insist on calling it a mmo instead of a shooter in a persistant world. While technically they are basically the same, people seem to expect certain things when they hear the word "mmo".

For the factions, my Von Bach faction is stuck at empty because I had the misfortune of getting either bugged faction contracts, or contracts in area I don't have access to yet, while my two other pve faction always throw simple contracts at me repeatedly.

By the way, do not log off if you have an item in your salvage matrix. It will bug out and eat your item. I lost my legendary shotgun that way. I wanted to see if it was a fluke, so I threw a random cheap weapon in and relogged, and sure enough, when I came back, it was gone.


Trakanon Raider
There's two dailies that I know of that require very specific locations that will update the contract, one of which is the VBI one. Atlas Attrition: which requires you to kill mutants at radio towers, the only tower I managed to get working was the North Tower near KTAM. If you run out of mobs to shoot (don't stop the guy setting of the alarm) run out of range and back in and that normally repops the place. The second I came across was Scavenger Hunt: kill some Raiders on Docks. There's only one dock that works, and that's Pirates Cove, which is the dock on the half-isle north-west of Headlands Transit Depot.


Potato del Grande
So, when you're adding mods to weapons, is it just a set order for which type of slots get added?

The nightmare UI and the chat system are words. Get it together Trion.


Trakanon Raider
Nah, it's random which slot it will unlock. There's only 4 slots though. Sight, Barrel, Stock and Magazine.


Silver Squire
The second I came across was Scavenger Hunt: kill some Raiders on Docks. There's only one dock that works, and that's Pirates Cove, which is the dock on the half-isle north-west of Headlands Transit Depot.
The scavenger hunt one is the one I currently have. Where was Headlands Transit Depot again?


Tranny Chaser
The UI is abysmal. Yeah I know its a console game but lord god in heaven is that UI bad. Im still mystified as to how you can mess up chat. Hit ENTER and type... but nooooo they have to go and fuck with it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Am I the only one to get my ass handed to me on almost every event now?

Sheesh... is the game level-based in some sort? Because maybe I just ventured too far too early?

Oh and this "phasing" thing is starting to get on my nerves............ I go to an area-of-interest and I see nothing. Dead area, my objective is not there.... I feel alone, no one is around (because I'm in my own little phase). I have to move away far enough to reset this "phasing" and move back in to get a fresh version of this area-of-interest where I can do my objective.

I think phasing is worse than instancing... it makes me feel like a spirit lost in ghost-land and I don't know how to escape this doom of being separated from the real world. Some sort of out-of-body experience.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This isn't really a review as I've only been playing a day or so just more like first impressions.

So far I am enjoying the game. Feels like a mix between Borderlands and Rift's zone events. The UI is bad but I am having enough fun that I forget about the bad parts. I just found a cluster shotgun that fires grenades instead of bullets and loads the entire clip at once instead of one at a time. I don't know how I will ever stop using this gun it's just to awesome. Oh except that my backup gun is an infector that spawns alien parasites every 5 hits or so and are extremely effect vs Bugs.

What I wouldn't mind having is an optional localized mic chat that automatically adds people near you and/or on the same quests into it (who have it enabled)
The story so far isn't bad and the voice acting works for me.


Its a shitty industry. If you think about it, if you truly wanted to play AAA quality games that were done, complete, bug free, and were actually GOOD games, what would you play? The 2-3 stand out titles per year? LOL, might as well get a new hobby if you think like this.
This is a completely false dichotomy. If you took even 1% of the time you spent jerking off in these games to lame ass WoW quest chains, you'd find there is an entire world of non-AAA games that, in general, are vastly better than these piles of shit. Unless you are a true basement dweller, you'll never manage to finish the vast amount of indy/sale/humble bundle/free games that, these days, are frequently better than AAA trash. Unfortunately all of you retards apparently can't find a game unless it's an AAA 60$. I haven't spent more than $7.50 on a game in about 3 years and I have a backlog on Steam a mile long of all quality shit, average user MC probably ~80. Shit, Darksiders 1+2 and two Red Faction games were just on sale for 6$ for the lot.

Stop buying shit for $60 (or more on release day, you fucking lemmings. Being bored is not enough excuse for buying pieces of shit, because it just ensures the next piece of shit will be produced because it's profitable. It's pretty fucking hilarious there are still enough of you suckers to shell out full price for this shit contingent on the success of what, a random show on SyFy? That gives it maybe a 10% chance of making it through a pilot run?

I feel like I want to do run a comparison against all the people bitching about the only MMOs being made are shitty MMOs, and all the people in this thread going "yeah, shitty game, but nothing else going on" or "shitty game but I found it cheap" or any other bullshit.

YOU. YOU are why shitty games are being made. Every time you sit in another EQ thread or some shit whining about nothing good being made anymore, go look in the mirror and understand that's caused by YOU and people like YOU.


Potato del Grande
Main mission was decent, finished it when I was around EGO 380, Episode sort was ok to establish what I think is the main chars in the TV show (?) and they will do frequent updates of that arc as the show gets going. Currently at Ego 550 and still enjoying the hell out of the game. Its sorta mixing Borderlands and Fallen Earth.

Tons of guns, you go "oooh shiney" a lot, tho once you max out the weapons (the item) xp you need a new one to keep gaining weapon (character skill) levels which fucking sucks. Considering that if you put a ton of money and mods into a gun, its basicaly useless once you max out the xp the item has. At max item xp you unlock a bonus for the weapon, but unless you have maxxed out your characters skill with the weapon type, you cant keep using it. I wonder how the fuck they thought that was a good idea.
I'm curious how and where this shit got started because I grouped with a few people last night who said they've consistently been gaining weapon skill while using a maxed weapon...

Edit: I agree with Draegen, you sound like an angry hipster Faddor...