

Irenicus did nothing wrong
I'm generally skeptical of pharmaceuticals, but I know two people who were both rather fucked up (one with high functioning autism who literally never left his room, the other a drug addict in a dead end job who lived with his parents, spent his workday browsing 4chan and his evenings getting high and browsing 4chan), both of whom went onto SSRI's and completely revolutionized their life afterwards. One of them is now half way through a degree (although still pretty weird, but, autism), the other quit drugs, quit his shitty job, took up a trade, travelled a bit, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I have a hard time believing that they did that on placebo alone. Not saying SSRI's are a silver bullet (I tried them and they just gave me a headache and nausea), but I figure they're at least worth a shot as a short term kick in the ass while you wait for the therapy etc to work.


Trump's Staff
About 5 years ago I took Celexa for like 6 months for anxiety, it was pretty much a miracle cure..... For the anxiety. It also gave me total ED, I could not get it up if my life depended on it.


I'm generally skeptical of pharmaceuticals, but I know two people who were both rather fucked up (one with high functioning autism who literally never left his room, the other a drug addict in a dead end job who lived with his parents, spent his workday browsing 4chan and his evenings getting high and browsing 4chan), both of whom went onto SSRI's and completely revolutionized their life afterwards. One of them is now half way through a degree (although still pretty weird, but, autism), the other quit drugs, quit his shitty job, took up a trade, travelled a bit, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I have a hard time believing that they did that on placebo alone. Not saying SSRI's are a silver bullet (I tried them and they just gave me a headache and nausea), but I figure they're at least worth a shot as a short term kick in the ass while you wait for the therapy etc to work.
Antidepressants ARE superior to placebo for severe depression. So is CBT

However, using anecdotes to refute science is dumb


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Antidepressants ARE superior to placebo for severe depression. So is CBT

However, using anecdotes to refute science is dumb
Whoa whoa whoa. Stop the clock. CBT (Cock Ball Torture) helps with depression? That's amazing. Time to find a dungeon and get my cure on.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Just posting here for those of you who live in a northerly climate and suffer from winter depression, or lack of sunlight depression, or whatever the hell it's called. I suffer from this and the winters when the sun rises at about 9-10 in the morning and sets at 3-4 in the afternoon were fucking awful. January and December are months I hate. But... this seems to be changing after I bought aLumie bodyclock. For those who don't know it's an alarm clock that has a very strong light as part of it's mechanism. If you want to wake up at 7:00 you set the time and at 6:30 the light turns on very dim. During the course of the next half hour the light gets progressively stronger and reaches full illumination at 7:00. I usually wake up 5-10 minutes to 7:00 from the light, and lie in bed til my alarm beeps. I honestly didn't know it was possible to wake up so refreshed and eager in the winter. This is a game changer in my life, so I thought I might share this in case anyone else suffers from this.

But, just a few things to mention that may detract from it. Firstly, the price is quite steep, but it was worth it in my case, though I bought the cheaper one. Secondly, there are at least two types and the main difference is in the sound alarms. The cheaper one has a "beep" that I didn't like very much so I don't use it. The more expensive type has different alarm sounds as well as a radio. Personally, as I said above, I wake up to the light 5-10 minutes before the light reaches full brightness, then I have my old alarm beep (it has a sound I rather like) to let me know it's 7:00 and time to get out of bed. Thirdly, every time I look at it it and remember it's name it reminds me of a certain fanatical RR board member.

Edit: I have a job that lets me work variable hours (8-4 if I want, 9-5, even 10-6, very nice). During the summer I usually work 8-4, but as the winter progresses and it becomes harder and harder to wake up in the dark that usually changed to 9-5 or even later. At this time of year I should be hitting the snooze button regularly, but so far (and I bought the thing in the beginning of October) I have not once had the desire to snooze, as I wake up every single day fully awake and refreshed, with no desire to snooze. As I say, this is a game changer for me.


Tranny Chaser
I wonder if Lumie has stocks in that company.

Also, Phillips has had a similar product for some time now:

hue (programmable light bulbs via a hub and ipad)
Meet hue - Philips hue

and the wakeuplights (similar to what you're advocating)
Philips Light therapy, Lighting

All come with fancy doctor recommendations. You know it's good that way


Riddle me this...
I dont know if its depression, but lately I have just been in a funk. I feel like Im just going through the motions, I wake up, go to class or to work. My relationship is dead, if its not it might as well be. My family is 5 hours away. Being a military brat I have never really had too many friends. My brothers have always been my best friends. I have to work over the holidays, I seriously see no point in doing anything. I wake up to go to school and work because I'm supposed to.

I'm 30 years old with no kids, I have 2 more semesters to go before i graduate. I know I'm not stuck at Wal-mart but holy fuck I see why people shoot up their work places. I have to kow-tow to every piece of trash that comes in here bitching and crying. Being the o/n CSM I have to babysit a bunch of retards who are too stupid to stock shelves so they get sent to me in a last ditch attempt to make them somewhat productive. So I get to deal with high school level drama from these fucking ghetto fabulous dipshits or white trash single mothers. I get to listen to people complain that they have to work during the holidays even though they knew this was coming since forever. I don't even care if I have to work due to the fact that the last bit of my family is in Martinsburg.

The girl I'm currently seeing has decided she needs to take some time off school to figure out what she wants to do. She bitches about working too much yet spends money like its on fire. Then when her fucking account is going to bounce she comes crying to me to fix the thing. Our schedules never seem to mesh due to me either being in class or working over nights. Im to the point where I dont want to see anything happen to her but if something did it would effect me no more than when I heard about the earthquake in Haiti "huh, thats shitty."

I have no idea why im here bitching. It will do no good, it just feels good to type it out.


Molten Core Raider
Steal shit & quit.
Dump the broad.
Kill time for a year, finish school, and then move away from west virginia.


<Prior Amod>
Yeah I'd reevaluate the reasons you are with her for sure, more so since she is a contributing factor in you feeling this way.

In other news, I've been so busy the past few months with new job and weight loss and family that I haven't had time to think or deal with my own deep depression, however the past few days have slowed down and it's all come back and hit me full force. I don't feel like going into specifics right now but I'm sitting here with a bottle thankful that I have kids and am not selfish enough to do anything rash.


I smoked weed and got a years worth of therapy for my depression. Both worked wonders and I can say I am a changed man. I tried antidepressants in the past, but all they did was make me unable to EJ. Looking back on it, I suppose my GF at the time didn't mind me slamming her for 40+ minutes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I smoked weed and got a years worth of therapy for my depression. Both worked wonders and I can say I am a changed man. I tried antidepressants in the past, but all they did was make me unable to EJ. Looking back on it, I suppose my GF at the time didn't mind me slamming her for 40+ minutes.


Trakanon Raider
Does bipolar belong in this thread? Depression is part of it.

On days when I'm on my lows I seriously feel like checking the fuck out. Just hopping in the car and seeing what the fuck I can run into at 120mph. I know how you guys feel. What I can say is despite a 2 year long low a bit ago, its possible to come out.

The thing that worked for me? Take the incredibly difficult approach of fuck the cycle of feeling bad for yourself and getting more depressed. Make shit happen. I personally pushed for a raise at work, took up a hobby I always wanted to, and busted ass on getting my adoption license. Now I'm 6 months clear of a major low. Yes, I take medication but it never helped much; just kinda tempers the extremes a bit. I guess what I'm trying to say is its about life change. I may sound like a preacher at a baptist church, but it is. Take the shit you don't like about your life, and work to get rid of that shit. Take the shit you want, and work towards it. It'll be hard because depression but you can do it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, Big W - I agree.

There is certainly legitimacy in keeping your mind focused on something other than your problem. I guess maybe fixated is a better term as it is easy to lose focus day to day. There's always that storm on the horizon ready to swamp you if you don't keep your distance. And like you said, before you know it six months or a year can pass and you can't believe you how much you've accomplished.


Not trolling this, I swear, but this is a time of the year when depression seems to hit people quite a bit, so it got me thinking about it and other misc. mental illnesses.

So yeah, Big W absolutely has a point when suggesting that one should shift their focus from what's dragging them down somewhere else.

Sometimes the task seems easier because the thing dragging you down is a real problem, like Jx3(he can break up with his biatch girlfriend, focus on graduating, gtfo WV, etc.)

However a little nudge, something positive is needed. Maybe someone has to be nice to him/you one day, therapy, winning the lotto, whatever.

Other times, it's more difficult to do it, because the problem is not apparent to anybody at all, but yourself and doing whatever it takes sometimes can be extreme for some people, like having to survive suicide to realize they don't want to live feeling sorry for themselves anymore, or on the edge of a divorce because husband/wife cannot take it anymore, etc.

Sounds easy to say 'do whatever it takes to get your shit together: take drugs, see a shrink, take a hobby, post here, just don't go on Dr. Phill!' but this is how it goes.

(This is what I did to solve some of my issues with depression, anxiety and losing the will to live. I understand it does not work for everybody, so don't accuse me of drinking the cool-aid and trying to shove it down your throat.)
How do I deal with depression? Mostly, I don't. This is not a good thing. So far, I've not created any really big problems for myself, but enough that I know I need to do something about it in the interest of not having a fucked up rest of my life. So, I guess my advice to those who haven't yet made a mess of things due to depression, but have noticed being prone to it (pessimistic thinking, hating oneself etc) is to do something preventative.

I guess my method so far has been 'avoid killing myself today.' Some days, that's it for results/output/writing quota.


<Bronze Donator>
CBT is bullshit and only reinforces the underlying issues and traumas that lead to the behavioral issues. EMDR and Brainspotting shit all over that bullshit talk therapy "new way of thinking" approach.


CBT is bullshit and only reinforces the underlying issues and traumas that lead to the behavioral issues. EMDR and Brainspotting shit all over that bullshit talk therapy "new way of thinking" approach.
Dismantling studies have shown that the efficacy of EMDR is completely attributable to the prolonged exposure (mentally reliving the event) component inherent to the process. The finger tapping component, which is the crux of the therapy's justification, does nothing. When that is replaced by other ritualistic movements that cannot possibly work according to the theory, it is just as effective.

Nobody's perfect: see a professional. that's obvious advice, but do it. Your life might change completely