

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Lexapro is Cipralex in Canada, so yes I have been using for about a year and a half now. It is very mild.

Zombie Thorne_sl

As part of my new regiment including mass infusion of steroids the Dr. put me on Lexapro which is an anti depressant. Anyone have any experience with it?
Was on that for a while a few years ago. I had annoying sexual side effects, no problem getting or maintaining an erection but could not finish for shit. Would mostly get bored and stop. Switched to Pristiq and was much happier.


Trakanon Raider
I am not certain of the strength of Tramadol's serotonergic action. Half life of medication also plays a role in discontinuation syndrome (that is why you must taper Paxil but you can just stop Prozac). I use Lexapro a lot. It is the active isomer of Celexa. It usually has less side effects and bypasses the liver so I like it.


I tried to cold turkey Klonopin (was on <1mg/day for sleep) and Tramadol as my life was going good and my back was almost healed from a snowmobile injury in January. Did a 5 day trial run and took my final dosage. 9 days later.... Hello phsycosis. That sucked. Don't do that.

Now I'm on my last week of tapering tramadol (50mg less each week, was only taking 150mg/day) and will be tapering off kpins next.


Potato del Grande
Why are you all fucking around with drugs?

Do what your doctor says, increase and decrease dose slowly. WTF at cold turkey.


Why are you all fucking around with drugs?

Do what your doctor says, increase and decrease dose slowly. WTF at cold turkey.
Low dosages, no research. All I had head about was physical withdrawal sympyoms. I can handle that. Didn't know it would completely disconnect me from reality and spin out.

Doctor was basically like "eh take a little to help you sleep". Not "hey these are benzos, probably the worst thing ever invented. Don't take these unless you NEED them fuckface"


Fuck, tuesday can't get here fast enough.

I feel like my whole life is moving in slow motion right now. First session with a therapist tuesday. Moving back out on my own this summer. Enrolling full time in school next fall. But here I am, thumb stuck up my own ass, just waiting. And feeling like shit all the while.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I guess I'll go against the grain. I'm so anti depressed I can't believe it. I didn't realise how bad my medical deal had become so that now that I'm "normal" it's like being on the biggest high. I'm a pretty low beat person but now I want to complete my life buket list in the next 3 days lol. I just started a small anti depressent dosage but I'm sure that's not it after 2 days so we'll see.

If what some of you have is similar to what I had I wish you luck with the medication fixing it because it's beyond great.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
?? afer these 5 days of mass infusion there's a 99.9% chance I'm cured for life and get a "back to normal prognosis" FOREVER. Just seem so high right now, it's amazing how well you feel after they finally stop your brain from being so swollen that you can't think, walk, see etc..for 3 months.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
?? afer these 5 days of mass infusion there's a 99.9% chance I'm cured for life and get a "back to normal prognosis" FOREVER. Just seem so high right now, it's amazing how well you feel after they finally stop your brain from being so swollen that you can't think, walk, see etc..for 3 months.
it could be a placebo. Depression is not a curable thing unfortunately. Watch your back.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Maybe, but right now my money is on the massive brain swelling that caused me to be dizzy, confused, and impaired my optic nerve. The infusion that reduced my swelling also reduced the brain lesions my impairment caused and likely they will disappear in short order. They got to the point they short circuited and I couldn't walk.

Being able to walk, drive, see, not fumble around, walk, jump rope, hop on one foot, zip your pants etc... is a great thing considering I couldn't do any those to any degree just 5 days ago. I'm sure I have a huge boost from doing that but I'm guessing it's more than a placebo effect.

The only reason the Dr. gave me anti depressants is because in his opinion I might need them to cope with the fuktards that couldn't diagnose a childhood disease given textbook symptons and refused to even test for it. That was literally his words. Maybe he's trying to stop me from stomping 13 other Dr.'s dick in the dirt.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Maybe, but right now my money is on the massive brain swelling that caused me to be dizzy, confused, and impaired my optic nerve. The infusion that reduced my swelling also reduced the brain lesions my impairment caused and likely they will disappear in short order. They got to the point they short circuited and I couldn't walk.

Being able to walk, drive, see, not fumble around, walk, jump rope, hop on one foot, zip your pants etc... is a great thing considering I couldn't do any those to any degree just 5 days ago. I'm sure I have a huge boost from doing that but I'm guessing it's more than a placebo effect.

The only reason the Dr. gave me anti depressants is because in his opinion I might need them to cope with the fuktards that couldn't diagnose a childhood disease given textbook symptons and refused to even test for it. That was literally his words. Maybe he's trying to stop me from stomping 13 other Dr.'s dick in the dirt.
aw shit I take back what I said.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm curious if the anti depressant he prescribed is going to make a big change after all the newness of being "cured" wears off. Of course after 4 months of this it's almost like a complete life changing event.


Vyemm Raider
Well, fuck. I was up most of the night playing an old familiar game that I haven't played in at least a decade: Heart Attack or Panic Attack? It's a great game because once you start playing, all the symptoms get progressively worse.


Well, fuck. I was up most of the night playing an old familiar game that I haven't played in at least a decade: Heart Attack or Panic Attack? It's a great game because once you start playing, all the symptoms get progressively worse.
Hate that game. Best part now is withdrawing from benzos causes heart palpitations. Yeeeehawwww


Just got back from my first session and it was... interesting.

It was nice having someone that actually wanted to listen and help with my problems. I actually started feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time.