Desktop Computers


Go deep with the mother fucker first, 2 years? check your thermal paste, who knows, maybe you used good thermal paste? maybe you used shit and it's all dried up, make sure you're getting good contact with chip/paste/cooler.

If you're booting up BSOD usually it's not a memory issue, sounds like CPU/heat issue. also underclock while you're at it, why not.
Like I said, I know how to fix it, just was commenting on the PC shitting itself the day my 970 was due to arrive.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Can you re-use a CPU cooler like an 212 EVO? Do you just have to clean it really well?

I've never actually had to do that.
just clean off the goo on the cooler and the cpu, reapply new put it back together.


<Prior Amod>


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Only annoying thing is companies are using cheap, plastic backing that can get stripped. I miss my old copper Zalman with all metal hardware. Yeah, you gotta be smart enough not to tighten that shit until your MB breaks, but my latest Corsair cooler the plastic shit on the back is holding, but stripped way too easy and I think I'll have to snip it to get it off.


Like I said, I know how to fix it, just was commenting on the PC shitting itself the day my 970 was due to arrive.
So, in the end it's an occasionally bad ram slotanda degraded CPU.

The occasionally bad ram slot was the source of the random BSOD's.

I had to move the OC on the CPU down to 3.9 GHz and the vcore from 1.145 to 1.2. Any more vcore at any GHz and the CPU just shits itself. Keep in mind this was a pretty nominal unit to begin with from new...hence the low OC vcore; I'm surprised it went down the drain so quickly at 1.145v/OC. Temps were never a problem.

At least my favorite app is longer giving me div 0 errors which are always rather startling. It's only a matter of time before this CPU shits itself for good, though.

The only sour point of all this is neither the mainboard nor the CPU and be sold or folded into an older PC when my replacement bits arrive. At least I now have a platform for some ungodly abusive stress testing to see how far it goes until it causes a brown-out or I send random bits of it into orbit with too much electricity.

Oh yeah, the GTX 970 is the cat's fucking meow. Dead silent. The hottest it's been was 67C. It doesn't even make the internal temps of my case hotter than the 660 did which has the external exhaust. The 660 always sounded like a 1/4 scale hair dryer, though.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I've sometimes wondered about my ram slots. How did you determine it was that, and was it in conjunction with the OC or will it crash without any OC randomly as well?

I wonder because I moderately OCed my Haswell balancing a bit of OC with a bit of undervolting for boost and better temps, and it'll be rock solid for stress testing, mem tests, etc, no temp issues, but in practice it would randomly bsod. Usually only when playing Assassin's Creed Black Flag where crashing was a common problem. Has done it on other games as well, and very rarely while just sitting doing nothing, but never with light activity like Word or browsing the internet.

In the end, I didn't really care and just reset to default because I don't notice much practical difference and didn't investigate further. Was just curious on your methods of diagnosing.


Just a Nurse
Can you build a PC with a PS4 and XBox integrated inside the tower? I know there are some PCs that do have XBox's in them (or at least did with a 360?)...but, I am just trying to save space. -.- Would you connect it to the HDMI of the video card?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
That sounds like an unbelievably difficult undertaking. And no, video cards don't take input.

There's no purpose to this.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
You're not going to make your computer run the games directly, but there are plenty of examples online where people disassembled their consoles and reassembled them affixed into all sorts of spaces, including computer towers. Just like people bolt computer systems into all sorts of weird spaces too (like a child's coffin... minus the child of course). The console motherboards are mounted internally, Disks eject out 3.5 slots in the front, cables run out the back to your monitor or tv.

Not exactly an "unbelievably" difficult undertaking, but still, the space gain vs time taken is probably not worth it out side of people who are Frankensteining such things as a hobby.

I've always sorta wondered why MS hasn't sold some sort of DIY Xbox system you could mount and plug into your computer using pci and/or hard drive slots since I've known a lot of people to use Xbox controllers on their PC and their monitor with their consoles, etc, but shrug.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
From what I've seen the current gen (not next gen anymore!) consoles have pretty big boards inside, so it would have to be a pretty big case.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I've always sorta wondered why MS hasn't sold some sort of DIY Xbox system you could mount and plug into your computer using pci and/or hard drive slots since I've known a lot of people to use Xbox controllers on their PC and their monitor with their consoles, etc, but shrug.
MS should just be making games cross platform compatible with Windows. Xbox Ones are x86 computers just like PCs, they're just really shitty PCs with some optimized graphics pipelines. There's no really reason Xbox One games couldn't run close to native on higher end PCs, sandboxed in Windows 10s new app sandbox, the problem would be all the PC games that wouldn't work on Xbox Ones.

I'm thinking the next iteration of Xbox will just be a Windows PC that doesn't run desktop apps, but runs all 'universal apps.' And Xbox games will be 'universal apps' that can run in Windows.


NVME from Intel is here. Some pretty insane speeds so far, about 2.5 gigaBYTES per second. Next gen SSDs are already around the corner. Say goodbye to SATA3 soon...



Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
The 500 GB 850 EVO is $171 over at newegg with the EMCARAT22 promo code. So tempting I may finally have to do pull the trigger. I've been holding off on getting a SSD until I could get one that was big enough to not worry about filling it up too fast.


Molten Core Raider
I paid $120 for my 250Gig 850 Evo just back in December, now 500GB is $170. Prices just keep dropping like mad. I fully expect to be able to buy a 1TB Samsung 850 Evo for like ~$300 by the end of the year. Love it.

Watched that entire video on the PCIe Intel 750 drive. Interesting technology, its basically 2-4x faster than the current top-end SSDs, but you certainly pay for it, they're about 75-90 cents per Gig, while current top-end SSDs are well under 50 cents a gig, and quickly approaching 30-35 cents a gig, so those new Intels are a good 2-3 times the price of current SSDs. Here's to hoping they become popular and also start declining in price over the next couple years.

Although it sounds like to get the true benefit from them, you need multi-threaded programs that can take advantage of multiple CPU cores, because that Intel 750 drive is fast enough to max out a single core, just from accessing HD data(much less whatever else is going on), so they won't be a substantial benefit to gaming until we start to see games that support multiple cores become more standard.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Nearly all modern games load-balance the CPU load across the cores just fine. I would think it would have a lot more to do with how the OS handles disk access across the PCIe lanes.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
"...and Intel's Turbo Boost isn't enabled so the frequency is locked somewhere between 3.4GHz and 3.8GHz."

Well no fucking wonder they get those results. What exactly were they trying to test here?