Desktop Computers


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Or don't install that shit when you install the driver in the first place.

I custom -> uncheck everything but the driver and physx when I do a driver install.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I can't imagine ever waiting for a GPU or CPU release unless it's less than 3 months away and the reason you're waiting is so the 2nd tier of the 2nd generation will drop in price. Better to pay half as much and upgrade twice as often. And I don't think any new tech release will ever be that big a jump that it's worth waiting for. That's not how it worked even when the tech WAS a huge jump, because too much shit has to catch up. Unless you just have money to burn, which is a fun way to build systems.

And no, I don't practice what I preach, which is why I preach it so!


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Or don't install that shit when you install the driver in the first place.

I custom -> uncheck everything but the driver and physx when I do a driver install.
But, but, but, what about LED vizualizerz!!!

Or if you have a Shield, and yes, it is nice being able to play GW2 on the Shield from my girlfriends parents' house 300 miles away (and what the fuck GW2 plays way better on a controller!). Or want to take advantage of shadow play, which I was skeptical of, but is actually a pretty nice feature, especially for how relatively low-resource it is.

I like the software if you're actually going to be using it. Shrug.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I also play gw2 on my shield at work during my lunch break but have not tried it with a controller are you being serious or joking?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Do you think Pascal is really going to be as amazing as Nvidia says it will be? I know the 10x thing isn't for gaming, but just how much better in size, power use, and GPU output do you think it will be over the current 900s?
I do think Pascal will be an enormous improvement. Performance per watt is a pretty big concern for me. But I also expect at the very least a 50% jump from equivalent 900 series cards, and that Pascal will be a lot more optimized for DX12 than Maxwell.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I also play gw2 on my shield at work during my lunch break but have not tried it with a controller are you being serious or joking?
Serious. GW2 feels strangely natural on controller and to me subjectively more fun. Some quirks and things to get used to, but there are some decent xpadder and pinacle profiles that work with the shield controller (whether the built-in or separate w/ tablet). I don't play a lot of console games and am clumsy as hell with controllers and stick controls, but 5 or 10 minutes and I felt about 95% effective for random soloing or open-world content and now keyboard/mouse actually feels a bit clunky. And it's not like chat is really all that required. Inventory and things aren't bad with touch screen. I didn't want to pay for pinacle or I'd actually probably play it most of the time with a controller at home, too, or just streaming to shield hooked to TV. My internet connection at work is utter shit, but I might pay for some controller software before next vacation/visit. Makes hours of home and garden channel more tolerable!


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I do think Pascal will be an enormous improvement. Performance per watt is a pretty big concern for me. But I also expect at the very least a 50% jump from equivalent 900 series cards, and that Pascal will be a lot more optimized for DX12 than Maxwell.
50%? Really?

Even still, meanwhile, most games/programs don't even make the most of current tech, DirectX or SLI, etc.

Imo, it's never worth the latest and greatest outside of bragging rights or if you're doing some really cutting edge shit (and that's usually just, for bragging rights anyhow).


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'll have to try it with the controller I always thought jumping puzzles would be better with a controller thanks.


Molten Core Raider
I do think Pascal will be an enormous improvement. Performance per watt is a pretty big concern for me. But I also expect at the very least a 50% jump from equivalent 900 series cards, and that Pascal will be a lot more optimized for DX12 than Maxwell.
50% isn't completely unrealistic. I definitely wouldn't bet on much more than that. The jump from a 780 to a 980 was anywhere from 20%-50% depending on the game.(bigger jump at 1440p/4k resolutions than at 1080p). Of course price is also a factor. If I remember correctly, the 780 launched around $600-$650, while the 980 launched around $500-$550. So that kind of performance boost, for less money is a nice deal. If the next xx80 card can deliver 30-50% better performance for 10-20% less cost, that would be great.

Probably the biggest performance increase most of us will notice in the next couple years will be the transition over to DirectX12. That alone will supposedly be an equivalent performance boost as jumping forward a generation or two in graphics cards.

And when are we going to get rid of of the arbitrary numbering system. Just name the damn card based on the year. You could have a 960/970/980 be the Nvidia 2014 Value/Performance/Ultra or something like that.

If we keep numbering like we currently are, and this next line of cards is 1070/1080 or whatever, we're going to be up to 4000-series cards in a couple years, and Nvidia already had 4000-series cards back in the early 2000s, they already did the 4000s, 5000s, etc, eventually maxing out at the 9800s, before they switch back to just triple-digit numbering systems. Shits about to get confusing as hell unless they completely change their naming scheme yet again.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
My i7 920 build is 5 or so years old now, looking at cases and builds at partpicker it's kinda neat to see where cases have gone with the expectation of 2.5 inch drives, some w/out real slots for an optical drive, etc. My Antec Three Hundred certainly looks/feels like a relic of an era that's long past.


Trump's Staff
My i7 920 build is 5 or so years old now, looking at cases and builds at partpicker it's kinda neat to see where cases have gone with the expectation of 2.5 inch drives, some w/out real slots for an optical drive, etc. My Antec Three Hundred certainly looks/feels like a relic of an era that's long past.
About a 1&1/2 years ago I did a mini-itx build with the SG05. I'm generally happy with it and the case is only 8 liters. The main limiting factor right now is the size of the Video card, so even though the computer isn't very old I might end up doing something next year with Skylake and Pascal provided everything becomes small and heat efficient enough.

The goal is to get the entire build as small as possible while still using only 1 fan with some minor overclocking.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
My i7 920 build is 5 or so years old now, looking at cases and builds at partpicker it's kinda neat to see where cases have gone with the expectation of 2.5 inch drives, some w/out real slots for an optical drive, etc. My Antec Three Hundred certainly looks/feels like a relic of an era that's long past.
You have no idea. I was in the same boat as you a few months ago. Stepping up to a 4690k in a brand new case is like stepping out of the dark ages.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
You have no idea. I was in the same boat as you a few months ago. Stepping up to a 4690k in a brand new case is like stepping out of the dark ages.
Still rocking my Antec 900 and an i7-970. I AM A RELIC OF 2010 WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT PUNK.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I sold off an Antec 900 I had laying around with whatever junk was still running in it not that long ago. P55 motherboard and whatever CPU and GPU and HDD was still in it. Got 450 dollars for it too.


Yeah. Doubt I'll ever OC. I mean, it might help with what I'm going to do... but that setup is already so far ahead of what I'm running already, I can do without.