Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone else getting stuck on "Contacting Platform Servers"? I'm getting an error that says "Unable to connect to PSN. Please check your network connection and PSN status. I'm connected as well as signed in. Tried restarting the PS4 to see if there was an update, but nothing. ;(

edit: nvm. Just logged out and in and it worked.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
trying to use those codes...stupid question but where do i sign up? ps website, bungie website, on my ps4?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Gotta start my second class soon - probably Titan since I was helping the wife with her Hunter so I've dabbled there.
Yeah I really like both, but echo some of the past posts, they all feel similar - and that's not a bad thing. It really helps balance multiplayer out. I think out of the two though, I may go with Warlock. Although I wasn't that impressed with the trailers before, I enjoy the melee thing and the special of the warlock. What I like about the hunter is that the double jump isn't some glidy thing that the Hunter and Titan have. I may be wrong, but the mechanism is a little different.

Just beat the Witch with my Titan. Not sure if I like it, but will get it to lvl 8 regardless!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think it's funny how ridiculous the Witch felt originally... Now it's like - "Oh how cute" - *gank*


Vyemm Raider
This alpha was/is more fun than any other FPS ive played this year. Titanfall was fun but needed a larger variety of maps/weapons/progression. The only thing better will likely be Evolve, id say a Borderlands but this is broader and has a bit of an MMO feel im digging. I could see myself buying the PC version when it inevitably comes out just so i could see how much better the visuals can get from the PS4 version.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This alpha was/is more fun than any other FPS ive played this year. Titanfall was fun but needed a larger variety of maps/weapons/progression. The only thing better will likely be Evolve, id say a Borderlands but this is broader and has a bit of an MMO feel im digging. I could see myself buying the PC version when it inevitably comes out just so i could see how much better the visuals can get from the PS4 version.
I agree. I have yet to rage quit on Destiny and I'm quite competitive/take games maybe too seriously for my own sake.


I only played through the first mission, but I have to say I was really sucked in. Gameplay was very fluid and intuitive. Beautiful visuals. I really liked what I saw so went ahead and pre-ordered for the PS4.


Molten Core Raider
So I just got my last class to level 8. I have been playing pvp a lot. Mark my words, this will be a very popular esport. I know its only two maps so far but they are very balanced. The classes are very balanced. Its fast paced no were to hide fun. There is also a lot of room for skill here. Two fire teams of three seasoned shooter players could wreck somd shit. Spliting off in to three teams of two when need be.

Im about 17 hours in so far doing tbe same content over and oved again and im still having a blast. Very easy to lose track of time playing this one.


Is there any bonus to killing a boss with no deaths or is respawning, reviving, and restarting from the checkpoint by design? Just did that level 6 fire team thing and we died constantly, but did complete it. Just reminded me of spawn rushing EQ bosses heh.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think you can get a quest reward/mission thing from the battle master or w/e that if you don't die, you get extra exp, reputation? I'll have to double check again after I pvp


I'm gonna buy a Ps4 for the early access Beta then preorder the white bundle. When launch comes in I'm going to trade my black Ps4 and pay the few hundred excess for the white. The way I see it I'm paying around 200 dollars for a entertainment over a 2month period which is peanuts.

Also I'm not so sure they will wipe after Beta launch. They did say Beta launch is going to be treated like a real launch.

Bungie Treating the Destiny Beta - IGN


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm really having a hard time deciding which class is my favorite. The Titan has the hulk smash which is pretty fun, but the power punch or w/e the melee is seems a bit weak compared to the Hunter and Warlock. I really enjoy the Hunter style of "skill-shottiing" with your knife and special, but I really like the Warlock's grenade-to-lower-your-enemies-shield-then-go-in-and-pwn style too.

What is your guys' favorite class, thus far?


Vyemm Raider
I'm gonna buy a Ps4 for the early access Beta then preorder the white bundle. When launch comes in I'm going to trade my black Ps4 and pay the few hundred excess for the white. The way I see it I'm paying around 200 dollars for a entertainment over a 2month period which is peanuts.

Also I'm not so sure they will wipe after Beta launch. They did say Beta launch is going to be treated like a real launch.

Bungie Treating the Destiny Beta - IGN
That article is just implying that the game is much more elaborate than Halo and has to be treated as a launch in order to test everything they want. The point was that in Halo you could have one or two maps live and still get some solid statistics for overall gameplay where as in Destiny that wouldn't be possible given the scope of the game with Items, PVE, PVP, Levels, and more.


Tranny Chaser
How do you do the "area reviewed" mission in the Open World? It always guides me to a location and then I have no idea what I am meant to do. I don't see any "potentially salvageable wreckage"