Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Kinda bummed they double-downed on no matchmaking for raids.

Bungie on the Destiny level cap, raids and game size

Jonty Barnes: We're going to see people self-organise. We're seeing people in the Tower already gathering saying, who's going to commit for a raid?

It is about that commitment part. If you just casually matchmake... you can see people jump out of competitive multiplayer games in matchmaking. In Strikes you can continue with two if somebody jumps out. You can still have that experience and not feel robbed. A raid requires six. If you've got five players in the raid, you're not going to win. You're not going to get through. I can tell you now, it's really tough, and it's intentionally meant to be that way. We've all got roles to play. So it requires a commitment of six people. That was very intentional.

It's about the group dynamic. It's not just about a casual dynamic. It's about an understanding of people committed to playing the roles in raids. And preparing. With raids, you don't just jump into them. You've got to prepare before you go in, and decide, what are you doing? What am I doing? Let's all talk about it in orbit. Okay, what role are you going to play? Well, I'm an x Titan, whatever type of Titan I am, and I'm going to be defensive and hold positions. And, have you played this before? Yeah, I found success when I did it this way.

We don't explain what to do. You've got to work it out. It's very unlike any other activity we've ever done before. It's exciting. People will play it more and get more organised about it. We've seen that in other games where people have created sites of raid finders for MMOs. We may see that.


Que the crying on this forum.

Make some friends, use the message boards, go to people streams and ask to join their clans.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I see people say "join a clan" a lot, but unless they've totally revamped the communication tools available since beta that does basically nothing. You still can't talk to anyone else, clan or not. THAT issue is the one they need to give an update on.

That said, I'll believe that raids are actually as hard as they're making them out to be when I see it for myself.


<Gold Donor>
I see people say "join a clan" a lot, but unless they've totally revamped the communication tools available since beta that does basically nothing. You still can't talk to anyone else, clan or not. THAT issue is the one they need to give an update on.
They are constantly referencing the tower as a place you meet new people, go on raids, organize etc. However unless I'm mistaken there isn't a public chat and you can only communicate with a fire team. Are you supposed to invite people to a group every time you want to ask them if they want to go do a strike or raid? I'm not sure how they expect all this organization to happen in the tower unless I'm missing something.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
They are constantly referencing the tower as a place you meet new people, go on raids, organize etc. However unless I'm mistaken there isn't a public chat and you can only communicate with a fire team. Are you supposed to invite people to a group every time you want to ask them if they want to go do a strike or raid? I'm not sure how they expect all this organization to happen in the tower unless I'm missing something.

By dancing, of course. Duh!

That's actually another beef I had during the beta, could they seriously not come up with something better to put on the d-pad than useless emotes?


<Gold Donor>
Ya, there needs to be something akin to proximity chat if they expect people to group in the tower. Emote-ing your way into groups sounds fucking retarded, so that surely isn't their intention. Surely. ... ........


<Gold Donor>
Ya, there needs to be something akin to proximity chat if they expect people to group in the tower. Emote-ing your way into groups sounds fucking retarded, so that surely isn't their intention. Surely. ... ........
I'm kind of concerned it is. If you read some of their interviews they talk about the social experience and the ways players will interact as if they are breaking new ground up to and including primitive social features. I understand that they want to make a positive experience out of things which having a bunch of 10 years screaming and yelling faggot over their mics doesn't provide but emotes aren't going to cut it either.


Vyemm Raider
Needs to have a function where you can set yourself as LFG and people can see who is LFG through a option somewhere - It seems they may strongarm everyone into using their app constantly during gameplay if you want to chat or something, if so they should come out and say it. This disorganized method of organizing a raid is kind of silly and im not keen on having to using forums to play a console game but i will if i must, but it sounds like i will be required to do so pretty frequently depending on how often you can run the raid.

The companion app could play a strong role here but verbal prox chat seems better - you could dbag,..err dpad people to get near you and hear you through their speakers or something like a random hobo begging for loose change.


Xbox One Now Supports Pre-Loading - IGN

Wonder if i can do this for Destiny, then i can cancel GS.


Trakanon Raider
So how long until this is 5 manned, 4 manned, etc?
Depends if the AI can still be exploited.

If you are playing with friends, with the ability to coordinate pathing exploits, it shouldn't take long. Unless they fix it so that its raids are more Doom and less Borderlands. Meaning few open areas with few side paths.

Dropships that I saw always dropped mobs that took paths to the same locations every time. Hard locked programmed paths. If you aggroed someone and ran on top of their path, they would follow you, both back and forth, but if you broke off to the side, they would turn and go back to their designed path almost immediately.

In order for raids to become "hard" then, without changing the AI, would be
- Few to none open areas
- Wave objective spawns that actually needs to be protected (in the beta, if you triggered a wave encounter by using your ghost, you never actually had to protect the ghost, so staying next to it was not needed. This enabled you to run away from the spawn areas, and pick mobs off at your leisure)
- Timed (forces you to move and leaves little time for cheesing the mobs with scopes as they hardly ever have full cover)


Vyemm Raider
Mobs i noticed did not regen health but they did leash at certain points on the maps. If this is the case with raids its totally possible to lame it up, which if it is possible i will be doing 100% and streaming b/c f that dpad emote shit to form groups!


"Raids" will be overtuned as fuck. D3 Inferno all over again and nobody will even bother trying. People will end up running whatever the equivalent to goblin runs instead of actually playing the game.
People will blow through it all as soon as it's available. Raids will only be considered difficult to the ultra casual, but that won't matter because they'll rarely have the time to get together a premade group to even try them.

The whole thing comes off more as if the automated system they already had in place didn't work well for the harder and more time consuming content of raids and they didn't have enough time to design a new system so they just scrapped it all together. Forcing premade groups while having next to no social tools to create those groups does not seem like a 'feature' anyone would plan. Something fucked up.


Needs to have a function where you can set yourself as LFG and people can see who is LFG through a option somewhere - It seems they may strongarm everyone into using their app constantly during gameplay if you want to chat or something, if so they should come out and say it. This disorganized method of organizing a raid is kind of silly and im not keen on having to using forums to play a console game but i will if i must, but it sounds like i will be required to do so pretty frequently depending on how often you can run the raid.
A LFG system would be great, leaning on forums and a companion app doesn't sound fun. The peeps getting into the raids early are going to cash in on some fun game 'sploits until bungie "fixes" it I bet.


Trakanon Raider
Mobs i noticed did not regen health but they did leash at certain points on the maps. If this is the case with raids its totally possible to lame it up, which if it is possible i will be doing 100% and streaming b/c f that dpad emote shit to form groups!
Yup. And that leash is usually from the area they spawn/drop to the area they are set to go to. Meaning, if you aggro them along that path, you can expect them to follow you until you basically move past their drop or past their intended stop point.

However, when you move to the side, that leash is incredibly short. As in 5-10m instead of 100m.

Easiest example being the level 5 mission, where you entered a building and set your ghost to inspect something. Then 3x waves in dropships appear outside the building.

If you are inside the building, the mission can become hectic, as mobs roam all over the insides and all of them charge you.

However, if you run outside the building and backtrack to the building right next to it, just as you set the ghost to inspect, the mobs will drop down, run inside... and not really know what to do next. You can then just move towards the mobs from the side and back, shoot them, and you can even kill them individually, because none of them are set to fight the player, just programmed to go to area X and kill everything there. Area X being a very limited area, so when you are shooting from outside it, they really don't know what to do. Can even melee one, have it charge you, then just walk backwards towards the safe building and find the spot (about 5 meters from the drop point towards the safe house) where the leash kicks in and the mob stops and turns around.

Unless they change the way mobs behave by release, I think we will see "how to trivialize the raid" videos very soon after release. Oddly enough, this would be less of a problem in pugs, due to lack of communication. But if you have actual friends that you can set up voice chat with as well and have organized groups... That will not be hard.


Vyemm Raider
Bungie : News

nickelinch Will we be able to travel directly from one location to another without going to orbit?

Bill Nye the Science Guy would tell you no. Neil deGrasse Tyson would probably back him up. Stephen Hawking might start talking about point-to-point wormholes, but Leonard Nimoy is alive to remind him that such things are not logical. Orbit is an inescapable wonder of space travel. Enjoy the view.


FPS noob
games gone gold
Bungie : News

i guess i'll keep my ps4 ghost pre-order, not really loving the game but ehhh i love tyrion lannister so having a little box with his voice is kinda cool. i guess. ok its dorky. fuck it its my money


Vyemm Raider
That response really pisses me off.
Apparently you are required to hover in space before every decision. Even if you know WHERE you want to go while in The Tower, you are only certain once you spend an added 40seconds to a minute with a pointless load screen.