Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Toe Sucker
Hopefully they create some new tools to facilitate trading. I do not want to end up back at D2jsp.
I don't see that happening, they want to avoid the whole 3rd party thing. They'll most likely add some sort of trading lobby.
If they could add the D2 esque trade lobby, with the ability to do a direct trade from there with a person.. that would be godlike. Cut out the entirety of needing to create a game, inviting said random person etc.

Kind of like how steam trading works, that would be perfect imo.


Vyemm Raider
So you can no longer trade with other players? Because otherwise, what fucking difference does this make? How is the AH different (beyond the obvious convenience factor) than trading through third party websites or spamming chat? Because it takes 1000x more work to do the exact same thing, therefore most (sane) people won't bother with it?

This just makes me think of people throwing a fucking party if WoW were to remove dungeon finder. WHOO HOO YAY NOW WE MAKE GROUPS BY YELLING IN CHAT SO MUCH BETTER YAYYY.

The problem wasn't the auction house, the problem was the item system required such a specific set of stats that odds of getting an item useful to _any_ class was fucking ridiculous.

No AH changes fucking nothing. It just means that the loot system is much less retarded now so the AH itself isn't a goddamn necessity. But if you simply removed the AH and left the loot as it is, the game would sure as hell not become better in any way whatsoever. "so after 100 hours of farming I finally got a good item, except it's for a different class. Time to go spend hours browsing websites for trades!" Just, no.


Toe Sucker
It's not the sole reason, the shitty itemization in general was, which practically forced you to use the AH to get anything decent.
Thus they go hand in hand together.


Vyemm Raider
It's not the sole reason, the shitty itemization in general was, which practically forced you to use the AH to get anything decent.
Thus they go hand in hand together.
Not everyone gets that, was the point. If you think they do, you haven't been paying attention.


Vyemm Raider
Will rares always roll primary stat + vit + all resist so that 98% of armor drops aren't completely worthless?


Trakanon Raider
Loot 2.0 sort of solves even that, since most items should roll with decent stats, so it sort of fixes itself. Once you can look past all the items that don't have core stats and pick between different resists for example, it's not THAT bad.

Did they just announce the date for patch 2.0 and very clear window for expansion release ? It makes no sense to kill the AH without major patch, because it would kill the game temporarily. I'm also going to presume the profits from RMAH weren't that great, people dropping 5$ here and there to basically gear up to their heart's content didn't exactly break the bank, especially compared to how well the game sold.


So, if I play casually for 2 months... I will have more legendaries that completely trivialize the game than I know what to do with? Loot 2.0, yay?


Toe Sucker
If you don't plan on playing on a ladder yeah, that would work. Ladder would be starting from scratch, so any of the current itemization and gold is kind of worthless once the expac is released.
The ladder is going to be designed to pretty much reset the shitty state the game is in currently, the economy will start from scratch, the itemization will be rid of all the old shitty items and only have their new 2.0 loot etc.


Trakanon Raider
So should I spend $5 before the ah shuts down so I never have to worry about gold ever?
Now that's a good question. I think they will somehow make all current items useless and new economy will be more or less based on barter. Gold will be for gambling and crafting and will have increased drop rate. A lot of the new items will possibly be account-bound.

edit: Oh, yes, the obvious answer is ladder.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think new items only become account bound when you use the enchanter or whatever the new thing is


Molten Core Raider
Guess I was very wrong in that they ARE killing the ah. I thought their cut from rmah was larger then extra sales this change would make, their accountants obviously disagreed.

Can anyone clarify on whether when the ah is being turned off (march 18) is before, during, or after the expansion's release?


Toe Sucker
Nobody knows, i'd assume a safe assumption is it's going to be before the expansion releases. So, no expac until at least late march?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea. Loot 2.0 should be at roughly the same time based on what they've said so far. Which sucks, that is damn far away :l