Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
The reason items are so fucking bland and garbage like are simply do to the World of Warcraft influence by suits over at ActiBliz. Unfortunately, they have build this fundamental bullshit into the game. In Diablo 2 when you got stats as in Str/Vit/Dex/Int on an item it was somewhat rare and it was debatable if it was needed for your character or not. This left items able to roll more properties because you weren't dependent on stats. In Diablo 3 every item pretty much has to have Main Stat + Vit + Resist All + Damage modifier which is boring as shit and only leads to plus gooder, they even dumb it down more with +dps and +toughness.

Now they spent almost two years just updating the shitty loot trying to make it interesting so to be disappointed that they are still dogshit in most cases shouldn't surprise anyone. Even with the legendary items thought it still boils down to Main Stat + Vit + Resist All + Damage modifier + (maybe special unique ability) yet most don't even have said special unique ability or if they do they are to worthless to give a shit about, the few that are done well and actually feel like a bonus are nice but only further show how lame some of the others are. The fact that so many are saying well the Enchanter fixes everything are retarded, the enchanter in it's current form is a fucking bandaid to help further patch what loot 2.0 missed. Oh great now I can disenchant boring legendaries (fun fun) to roll +gooder on my usable legendary.

Skills having no base damage and everything coming down to weapon damage + modifiers was another problem all together. You can tell the their most successful franchise has influenced all of the design choices with Diablo 3 that leaves it shallow and boring, the game is fun for a few weeks and it will be fun to play RoS build a Crusader try Act 5 play for a month or so and then put D3 back on the shelf to collect dust until the next major patch or xpac breaths life back into the game for another few weeks. There is no end game nor has there ever been even in D2 but at least D2 wasn't locked down with BoA, DRM, Limited character slots, and other retarded shit. Also a Ladder would be nice for RoS, D2 had new uniques per ladder season which is something D3 could benefit from but the downside is D3 has limited character slots so meh.

Either way it has been more fun logging in with the clan system that is something that should of been in at release and not two years later. The AH was nice in theory but shit in practice but everything being BoA is worse. Still no PvP, ect, ect, for a game that started development in 2001 Diablo 3 was just so fucking unfinished it wasn't funny. Many of us complained on release that they game was a late Alpha early Beta game that was marketed as a full finished product. RoS seems like we are now getting close to 90% of a full game but we're still missing some key features, oh well maybe in the next three or four xpacs we'll finally get everything we were promised would be available at release. Maybe game companies should just charge $150-$200 for full and complete games instead of you having to piece meal them together over years.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I think Deathwing is too rabid in his defense of D3 most of the time. But I also categorically disagree with your take. Legendaries could (should? imo yes) be flavorful and open up new build possibilities by having unique abilities or modifiers. The now that turns elemental arrow around is a prime example of what I am looking for in legendaries. If their purpose is to offer +gooder, why not just make them a higher level rare?
That bow is a prime example of a legendary done right, it has an effect that changes the game and can be fun usable/build defining, you might use this bow even if it's a dps loss because it changes the way the game plays.

I agree when it comes down to just basic stats that legendaries rolling higher isn't good. Actually in my opinion just like it was in D2 that a perfectly rolled rare should outshine a legendary - the special effect additions.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
BTW, find me the legendary with no guaranteed stats. I checked some of them, but not all! Here's your chance to prove me wrong.
Other than vit, you mean? I keep getting retarded shit like this:


Those are just the ones I have left, I know I DE'd at least 2 or 3 other things that also rolled without dex.

I definitely share the sentiment that while loot is more plentiful in 2.0 the actual items are still boring as fuck. The one and only legendary item I have that I think is actually worthy of the label is my Ess of Johan amulet, and sadly I got that at level 45 so it's gimping my stats to use it. The effect is so nice that I use it anyway, which to me is what a legendary should be.

I guess Puzzle Ring would be interesting as well, if the little fucker didn't reset his counter so often that you never actually get to 12.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Have you not seen the new legendaries then and are just basing on what you've found? Because there are plenty of useful legendaries, a bow that turns elemental arrow into a hatred generator, a quiver that makes bolas explode instantly, a wand that allows you to have 2 hydras, bracers that spawn a rare named from shrines, bracers that make you run fast when you destroy a destructible, a belt that deals 100% weapon damage to nearby enemies when you open a chest, an amulet that makes arcane damage heal you instead, I mean that is just a couple. I'd even go as far to say as the majority of legendaries have a unique affix that make them worth considering and the ones that don't are uncommon.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yes, I'm talking about the stash page and a half worth that I've actually found myself. Out of all of them, there's one I'd call "legendary".


Blackwing Lair Raider
Maybe I am lucky in my drops and getting the "better" legendaries then because I'm having the opposite experience.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Maybe I am lucky in my drops and getting the "better" legendaries then because I'm having the opposite experience.
The two I posted above are definitely representative of the quality of items I've looted. Mostly it's a bunch of really terrible weapons, like yesterday afternoon when I got the set daibo and a legendary daibo within minutes of each other. Hooray for that...

Thisis my current gear. Magefists are boring but useful because I'm exploiting exploding palm and cyclones at the moment even though my Skorn doesn't have LL on it, Wyrdward and Puzzle Ring are both trash but I didn't have any good dex rings at all from pre-2.0. I know I should craft a bracer, but I feel like I'm going to run myself out of gold if I start messing with crafting bracers/BP/shoulders at 60. I've gotten a few legendary hats, but of course none of them had a socket so I have to keep using my old Inna's pieces. Mostly I'm just irritated because I played for about 20 hours over the weekend and I'm still using thesame fucking gearI was using on Friday afternoon.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
To whoever asked about guaranteed legendary drops, I reset quests on Saturday and have been playing through the entire game again on T2. Coincidental or not, I've gotten a legendary from every sub-boss and boss in Act 1 and 2 (so Skeleton King and Butcher in Act 1, Zoltun Kulle and Belial in Act 2). It probably is just a coincidence because I didn't get anything from Magda in Act 2.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Skeleton King is a guaranteed legendary at every level when playing through the quest. The rest have high rates when you're level 1-59.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm about the last Blizzard fan boy in the GD world but some of you are fucking morons about legendaries. You either are completely and utterly clueless about Path of Exile and its legendaries and how they synergize with builds or you are just spamming words to make people think you know what you are talking about. Since ive come back in a week you can easily see comparisons between the uniques now. Immunity to specific dmg types, healing from those damage types, items with effects that define builds like the WD pet helm, Wizard clones, DH Kridershots, Barbarian clones build or even the one Hatorade is doing with barb clones that fucking wrecked T6 last night.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Other than vit, you mean? I keep getting retarded shit like this:


Those are just the ones I have left, I know I DE'd at least 2 or 3 other things that also rolled without dex.

I definitely share the sentiment that while loot is more plentiful in 2.0 the actual items are still boring as fuck. The one and only legendary item I have that I think is actually worthy of the label is my Ess of Johan amulet, and sadly I got that at level 45 so it's gimping my stats to use it. The effect is so nice that I use it anyway, which to me is what a legendary should be.

I guess Puzzle Ring would be interesting as well, if the little fucker didn't reset his counter so often that you never actually get to 12.
If those bracers rolled with primary stat, vit, AR and CC they'd be godly though since it had to be legendary to get IAS. I also hope shields are viable at 70 because then Lantern will be a godly ring.


A nice asshole.
Yeah helm of rule+justice lantern level 70 would give close to 50% block chance(if not more, haven't crunched the numbers) with a decent shield. I am pumped.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And barbs get a passive that generates fury on block. So hopefully being surrounded by mobiles will give nearly unlimited fury.


A nice asshole.
And barbs get a passive that generates fury on block. So hopefully being surrounded by mobiles will give nearly unlimited fury.
That is the plan, fury is still pretty gimp compared to other class spenders but we have a ton of utility which makes me more happy compared to +gooder damage.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
That is the plan, fury is still pretty gimp compared to other class spenders but we have a ton of utility which makes me more happy compared to +gooder damage.
Still wondering if that is the goal playstyle if the Crusader will do it better. Guess I'll need to level one up to see for sure.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So if I'm understanding how loot 2.0 will progress into RoS: Level 60 rares from Torment 1 will have the same number of affixes as Level 70 legendaries from Apocalypse. Unique legendary effects take up one of the affixes and you can only reroll a single affix on an item (although you can do it as many times as you want)?


I want to know what happened to 90% of the cool affixes that were data mined. I looked at those lists and said man this is going to be awesome, only to see there isn't a quarter of that shit actually in the game. The fact that I saw what they were working on, and then I see trash legendaries drop with nothing cool about them makes me go what the fuck are they doing?

Are there supposed to be more of those affixes in RoS? Was there stuff that was purposefully held back for expansion and isn't in loot 2.0? Or did most of this stuff just get cut because they couldn't balance it?


Lord Nagafen Raider
There are level 70 only legendaries in RoS. This is kinda obvious. I imagine SOME of the affixes didn't make it into 2.0 or RoS due to balancing or whatever, but there should be more in the expansion (again, that would be expected).