Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Bronze Donator>
What you quoted was in response to Tenks about the rgift.

Taeguk is +35% at level 50 and BoTP is +20%, another 15% to elites. I don't see +15% damage to trash and 35% armor worth the build restrictions. The alternatives I listed provide more dps on trash(moreso if you go witching hour) and the armor part is harder to compare. A low cooldown blind is hard to quantify.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm confused are you saying weapon sockets aren't on the same plane of requiredness as 2x Unity? I'm just saying anything that is required should be evaluated. There is no a single person running high level rifts without 2x unity, follower token and a ding-dong'd weapon.


<Bronze Donator>
rgift is not the only way to get a weapon socket. It effectively gets you another primary affix on your weapon that is NOT a socket. That's how it should be evaluated.

Now, finding a weapon that's suitable for rgifting and then finding a rgift, yeah, that's pretty annoying. But it doesn't grant you that much power.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah but the rgift is pretty much required because if you do get a really good weapon but never got a rgift you have the option of removing one of those options for a socket then roll the socket back off when you get one and try and remake it what it was or just not use it until you get a gift. Like I said the item is required. Remove the RNG of having to find a great weapon AND an rgift by just making it so you can buy it with souls. It is a silly and dumb item and it's existance is only there because they royally fucked up how good sockets are on weapons. Why they don't nerf weapon socket gems into oblivion at the start of next season is beyond me.


Molten Core Raider
unfamiliar with numlock cheat so I googled it and did some reading, is this basically it?

equip taeguk in a gem slot
set RCR to exactly 6.6% (is this required/optimal?)
keybind Sweeping Wind to numpad 8
turn on numlock
hold down numpad 8 key
turn off numlock

if this is doing what I think its doing and casting SW over and over forever, how does that not drain your spirit at 75 a pop?
Inna's set lowers the spirit cost to 5 spirit so if you have too much RCR you can make it free, which means it won't trigger the Taeguk effect. Also, do people actually consider the use of the numberlock key as cheating? /mindbottled


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Inna's set lowers the spirit cost to 5 spirit so if you have too much RCR you can make it free, which means it won't trigger the Taeguk effect. Also, do people actually consider the use of the numberlock key as cheating? /mindbottled
"Cheating" might be a bit strong, more like abusing a bug in the way D3's keyboard polling works. Either way, it's going to be dead in 2.2 because Inna's will no longer give the -70 spirit effect. Taeguk will go back to being a Crusader/DH gem.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah but the rgift is pretty much required because if you do get a really good weapon but never got a rgift you have the option of removing one of those options for a socket then roll the socket back off when you get one and try and remake it what it was or just not use it until you get a gift. Like I said the item is required. Remove the RNG of having to find a great weapon AND an rgift by just making it so you can buy it with souls. It is a silly and dumb item and it's existance is only there because they royally fucked up how good sockets are on weapons. Why they don't nerf weapon socket gems into oblivion at the start of next season is beyond me.
I'm not following you here. Assumption: no gift.

If you get a really good weapon without a socket, roll one of the affixes into a socket until you find a gift. At worst, you temporarily lose out on 10% damage or LoH or CDR. That CDR *might* be really important for a few classes/builds, like getting you to 56% for Crusaders.

If you get a really good weapon with a socket, just use it until you get a gift.

If you get a really good weapon with more than one bad affix, it's not a good weapon and the gift won't fix it.

If you get a really good weapon with 1 bad affix and a socket, reroll the bad affix and use it. You lose out on 1 primary affix until you find a better weapon that giftable.

What case did I miss?

Tort, that's why "cheat" was in quotes. Of course it's not cheating. Stupid way to play the game though. And quite obviously not intended.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm not following you here. Assumption: no gift.

If you get a really good weapon without a socket, roll one of the affixes into a socket until you find a gift. At worst, you temporarily lose out on 10% damage or LoH or CDR. That CDR *might* be really important for a few classes/builds, like getting you to 56% for Crusaders.

If you get a really good weapon with a socket, just use it until you get a gift.

If you get a really good weapon with more than one bad affix, it's not a good weapon and the gift won't fix it.

If you get a really good weapon with 1 bad affix and a socket, reroll the bad affix and use it. You lose out on 1 primary affix until you find a better weapon that giftable.

What case did I miss?

Tort, that's why "cheat" was in quotes. Of course it's not cheating. Stupid way to play the game though. And quite obviously not intended.
You're missing that it is a required item. There is never a case where using a gift is the wrong decision. Even on a bad item using a gift on it can massively increase it's quality. So why make it so they're rare? I understand Diablo is a game about RNG but it should be able fun and good RNG like finding items to increase build flexibility. Things like 2x Unity, Follower tokens and gifts isn't fun RNG. It is just "I need to get these to drop so I can compete." It is a similar issue I brought up about sets where there is that one set you have to collect to be competitive.


<Bronze Donator>
You're over-inflating the value of one primary weapon affix just because it's rare. It is not that valuable.

If you're at the point where a primary weapon affix is holding back your progression, you've probably farmed enough to have more than enough gifts. Or are just extremely unlucky.


Once the 2.2 PTR goes live I'll be switching over to that. Cant wait to try the new gear out.

S2 was more fun for me than s1 by far. Game is actually in a pretty good place right now but just needs some tweaks, like grift trials and autopickup etc.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Game needs to let me unbind Basic Attack/Primary Attack from my left button. Let me bind Force Move to left-click, and Basic/Primary Attack to [Modifier]+Left Click.


Toe Sucker
Game needs to let me unbind Basic Attack/Primary Attack from my left button. Let me bind Force Move to left-click, and Basic/Primary Attack to [Modifier]+Left Click.
that would be nice, i genuinely get annoyed as fuck when im trying to run by a destructible item that i accidently click and start unloading pillars instead of walking lol


Silver Baronet of the Realm
that would be nice, i genuinely get annoyed as fuck when im trying to run by a destructible item that i accidently click and start unloading pillars instead of walking lol
Should just get used to spinning the mousewheel to move even if you don't already have Inna's 3pc. It solves the movement problem and makes the Taeguk sploit work.


Molten Core Raider
I think that the new Raiment of 1000 storms has some serious kickass potential with all of the generator-only synergies. Someone check my maths pls

Alacrity passive is +15% ias (pretty straightforward)

Simplicty Gem increases damage of generators by 25% (this works like other +skill mods right? So X*1.25 where X = generator weapon damage percentage?). Not sure what the increase is per rank, but the rank 25 bonus is 2% of your max hp life-on-hit

New Raiment set bonus: generators have increased attack speed by 25% and increased dmg by 500% (based on the wording does this mean X + 500% where X = generator weapon damage percentage? So for example, does this change Fist of Thunder from 200% -> 200% -> 400% to 700% -> 700% -> 900%?)

Depth Diggers increase damage of generators by 100% (X+100%?)

Even without consideration of the attack speed mods this looks pretty good on paper. Using Fist of Thunder again as an example it would be 200% (base) + 30% (belt[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */%) + 50% (Simplicity Gem Rank 1) +500% (Raiment bonus) +100% (Depth Digger) = 880% for the first two parts, right? Similarly, the third part would be 1,160% (thereby making the combo 880% -> 880% -> 1,160%).

Do Depth diggers add to the base that is modified by +skill affixes (i.e. [200+500+100]*[15% + 25%]?) If so, I imagine the raiment set bonus would too since it is worded the same way. That would mean the combo would be 1,120% -> 1,120% -> 1,400%. So that plus being able to spam 5000% dashing strikes sounds fun as shit. I imagine the additional dmg from rune effects would be modified too but I am not going to do the maths on those right now. Someone please check my math.

An ancient Flying Dragon would probably be the ideal weapon, but Staff of Kyro might have interesting results. Duel wielding might work as well since there will be copious amounts of attack speed that jive well with the changes to SoH's proc. Skill setup would be something likethis


<Silver Donator>
Some pretty nice changes in this patch, bunch of quality of life changes, though not sure why it doesn't auto pickup crafting shit already, it's not like you ever not want to loot them(unlike health potions before).

Haven't done PTR in a long time, can you copy seasonal chars? Does it copy blacksmith recipes? I'm tempted to just go play there instead since there's no real point for me to play on live instead and the new drops look tasty.


Trakanon Raider
It copies everything from like 24hrs ago or so. If you got anything recently it won't copy over.