Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Silver Donator>
WD dogs are actual pets that die frequently and often intentionally. The most overpowered thing about WD tanks is that all the top ones in non-seasonal are abusing legacy items that reduce the cooldown on dogs to nothing and then the Final Gift rune on dogs produces a shitload of health globes for the DHs to pick up.

DH companions and monk allies are basically just passive buffs/DoTs that have a model. Yeah, it's possible for them to die but it rarely happens and they come back almost immediately.
Wolves are also actual pets(collision boxes, can take aggro) that die frequently, and they just respawn on their own after like 3seconds. Boar/Spider also qualify, and if you have the Garwulf cloak and 2pc marauder, you end up with like a similar tank army than WDs do(3wolves, 1spider, 1boar), minus sycophants. Though dogs do have like sacrifice, so it makes maybe a bit more sense, kinda. But they mostly fuction the same as WD dogs other than the cooldown.

Back when I farmed a hellfire ring with my underfarmed DH just before 2.0, I used the Garwulf cloak to get tanks to be able to do like torment 4 or 5, they would just tank ubers at the edge of the screen while I clustered and stuff, and they'd die in 3-4hits, but it was enough with the constant resummons and both bosses would focus one wolf and stay on it until it died. Doing the same as WD wouldn't have been possible due to the cd. Mind you, it was a different time when torment actually kinda mattered, now you just play for a couple of hours and you're already torment 4 ready and can do torment 6 if you got a bit luck.


Log Wizard
I picked up one of those bracers last night and was face-tanking a screen full of mobs in a lvl 33 grift without many problems. Even without the new ring that grants a flat 5 second cooldown reduction or the new sword that reduces all cooldowns every time primary resource is spent, there are builds on live that grant 100% uptime on serenity which means you are effectively immortal.

I tried out a generator focused build last night (after collecting a few 1000 storm pieces that I dusted a long time ago) and it worked pretty well. The 1000 storm 2 piece bonus, depth diggers, Simplicity gem, belt affix all stack additively so all of my spenders were at +600% on my sheet. I didn't mess with it very long but I ended up using an ancient FD and crippling wave seemed to be the most effective since it was aoe and its base effect debuffs mob attack speed. I'll mess with it more tonight.
Yeah I went the cold route with SoH and Rimehart. Both probably not the best options. My SoH was only hitting for 20mil. My Fists of Thunder Wind Blast was doing 270m crits on elites. I got at least 6 FD's, but none ancient. Also wondering if an Ancient Staff of Kyro would be worthwhile, but I don't care much for deadly reach.


Disable sound. Their sound engine is fucked.
I find that just setting it to low(32) gets rid of all the lag issues while allowing you to still play with sound and I honestly can't tell the difference between the high and low settings even with 7.1. Personally I have to play with ingame sounds it just completely throws me off not having it and doesn't "feel" right.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Thanks for the powerleveling tonight. 7 lvls and 50ish paragon.

Along with an ancient weapon and two ancient set pieces and 2 or 3 other ancient legendaries.


Trump's Staff
Trying to refresh my stalled interest by going zDPS on my Crusader. Got a decent set of the gear and practiced a bit. If anyone wants to try GRifts, Brikker#1337.


I logged in at the beginning of the season and saw I was still in the clan. Feel free to boot me as I don't think I'll be playing D3 much. Xaldren#1414


Trump's Staff
Did some mid-30s GRifts with McFly and a few of my Clan mates. I like the playstyle of zDPS Crusader a lot; feel like I'm actually contributing for once. If anyone else runs GRifts and wants a zDPS Crusader, hit me up Brikker#1337. Got a decent set of gear, leveling up the Gems for it now. Halfway to them all being 25.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So how is anyone even playing on the PTR? I logged in and hit start game to queue it up before breakfast this morning, it's been ~4 hours and I'm still waiting.

Edit: 1 minute after this post of course I finally get into it~


<Silver Donator>
So how is anyone even playing on the PTR? I logged in and hit start game to queue it up before breakfast this morning, it's been ~4 hours and I'm still waiting.

Edit: 1 minute after this post of course I finally get into it~
Like the old PTR, queue is based on difficulty, if you go T5 you get in a ton faster.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Hopping on right now. Leveling up a Seasons Barb, if anyone wants to throw some power leveling my way?


Thanks bros!


<Bronze Donator>
So this isn't exactly what I imagined would happen, but I did say something similar...

Title is misleading, 100% CC not possible!

That ring will likely be nerfed. I wonder if WW with 4 pc IK and Zodiac would be better so you don't have use the shitty IK weapon.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So after farming about 20-25 inventories full of nothing but legendaries/set items, my thoughts on the monk:
  • They need to increase legendary drop rate on live. My thoughts are a 100%-300% flat increase everywhere or at least regular rifts, and better scaling drop rates from T1-T6. Farmed 2 hours with every pack, chest, and guardian shitting out legos and I was no where near close to trying half the builds I wanted to try or even finding many upgrades.
  • I think a cold-spirit-gen based build COULD work for group play, EXTREMELY well. The main problem with the spirit gens now isn't damage but AE. So cold crippling wave rune + ancient rimehart & Azurewrath (or something) + Frost gaunts. Only need 2 pieces of Raiment for the bonus, then pants for more +dmg, bracers for damage resist.
  • The cooldown proc on Zodiac didn't seem super consistent, not sure if that was cause of bells or what but it definitely wasn't worth using on my regular bell build. Was only decreasing CDs by a few seconds over the course of a whole spirit bar.
  • The crafting everything queued at once is great
  • Seriously, if the lego droprate doesn't go up with 2.2 I just don't see myself playing. 200+ legendary drops in 2 hours on one character and it wasn't enough to even change my build up. My no-items-BIS-seasonal-character.
  • The new 6-piece Inna's is probably garbage. It doesn't increase damage with SWK, so the only thing I can think of using for is a stunlock or maybe something with EP + SWK, IF the EP that spreads from guys your mystics hit use your EP instead of shitty mystic EP.

The Master

Bronze Squire
[*]They need to increase legendary drop rate on live. My thoughts are a 100%-300% flat increase everywhere or at least regular rifts, and better scaling drop rates from T1-T6. Farmed 2 hours with every pack, chest, and guardian shitting out legos and I was no where near close to trying half the builds I wanted to try or even finding many upgrades.
This is my thing. There are half a dozen Monk builds I want to play around with, all of which are very gear dependent, and none of them are the current top tier builds or anything. They are just things I want to fuck around with and can't, because the gear will not drop for me. And that is one class, if I roll an alt that'll be even more gear I don't have for builds I want to try.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea and I have a level 70 of every class that I'd love to fuck around with out of season, and with gem of ease I could do that every season if there was any point.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Hopping on right now. Leveling up a Seasons Barb, if anyone wants to throw some power leveling my way?


Thanks bros!
Thanks Brikker for the PL! Now at level 70 with a couple paragon! Let the farming begin!