Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
As un-kosher as it is, my quality of Diablo-life skyrocketed when I used Razor Synapse to spam a left click macro when I hold my left mouse button down. The amount of real life pain saved after switching to it is just unreal, and I look forward to picking up all the shit from goblin packs when I encounter them.


<Bronze Donator>
In 2.2, picking up one item will pick up all items of the same name within the vicinity. So close to autopickup yet not. They still want you to actively click something, so this is as close as it's probably going to get.

Though, they were on record at one point that perma WoTB was bad too...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My issue with GRifts is they are just plain not fun. You are kiting shit around forever and if the mob sneezes on you then you die. It is not what Diablo is about. Which is fine but at a certain point T6 stops being fun because it is like running through the game on normal. My personal fun-factor would be increased if they added more Torment levels so I could just do normal rifts with higher scaled mobiles.


<Bronze Donator>
Trials need to go away. The inability for a noninsignificant amount time spent on a trial to accurately give you the correct grift level kills the motivation to use grifts as a farming system after T6 becomes trivial.

Put trial stone in, pick # up to highest completed, go clear. Poopsockers can have their kiting bullshit and regular players can have a challenging clear without having to worry about being one shot.


<Silver Donator>
Trials need to go away. The inability for a noninsignificant amount time spent on a trial to accurately give you the correct grift level kills the motivation to use grifts as a farming system after T6 becomes trivial.

Put trial stone in, pick # up to highest completed, go clear. Poopsockers can have their kiting bullshit and regular players can have a challenging clear without having to worry about being one shot.
But you still need to farm trial stones, which involve farming T6, which is still boring as shit. See that's also another problem with Grifts, you need to do T6 to actually do them. Normal rifts, you need to do bounties at first but then they pretty much self sustain(I never paid attention but I guess GRs drop riftstones?). But not Grifts, no, you farm whatever you have, and then it's back to T6 for a while.

It's like PoE when you run out of maps and have to go back to docks or lunaris to farm shit, it's terrible. They actually made it now so you will rarely run out of maps, just out of the higher maps so you have to run shittier lower level maps, but that's still better. In D3 terms, that'd be like if you fail to run your 49 Grift cause not good enough gear or whatever, then you have to run 25-30 again to get a 49 key and so on. But basically, it'd be self contained, you'd just be running Grifts only.

I wouldn't mind it too much in that case, even with the crappy loot. Could farm like Grift 30 or 35 for a slight challenge but good clearing speed and good paragon levels. Still think it should drop more and the lack of goblin packs and shit sucks compared to normal rifts, but eh, it'd be something other than going back to T6 farming every few days.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Maybe even make it so GR drop rift keystones. Shit maybe even give you a random act's cache at the end. No one likes doing bounties.


<Bronze Donator>
You guys don't have 100's of grift keys sitting in your stash from doing 100's of rifts from doing 100's of bounties while leveling up?

It is a shitty system that reeks of tacked on addition after addition. It could use an overhaul.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Get rid of regular rifts and numbered rift stones, use the 'pick from what you've cleared' mechanism, and have bounties reward stones as they do now.

Would need to retune loot a bit since you get so much more in a regular and can go multiple levels, or have that type of loot system be an option (casual vs competitive mode). While they're at it going to the next level after defeating a boss should start a counter towards summoning a new one.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I wouldn't ask for an overhaul, knowing the D3 Interns it would involve having to assemble a Demon Machine every time you wanted to run a GRift.


Trakanon Raider
I enjoy regular rifts sometimes. I need to have that ability to see loot drop while I'm playing, Grifts serve a different purpose for me. I think if you get rid of regular rifts the game would be shitty. They just need to figure out an easier way to acquire keys and to also get rid of trials completely or add a way around them like everyone is suggesting.

If they do that then they also need to add something special to bounties and especially the campaign to make them more appealing. Obviously things like the Vault are awesome to find early in the season. Making Whimsy actually matter could be another thing that would make doing bounties that much better.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The bounty -> rift -> grift each unlocking another reminds me of their formula of builders/spenders that no one likes. "Do something boring until you get to do something fun."

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Maybe even make it so GR drop rift keystones. Shit maybe even give you a random act's cache at the end. No one likes doing bounties.
The bounty -> rift -> grift each unlocking another reminds me of their formula of builders/spenders that no one likes. "Do something boring until you get to do something fun."
I cant speak for everyone (as you do) but I dont like GRifts. They're even more streamlined and monotonous then normal rifts. Just scale torment to 50 for the peeps that enjoy it, increased legendary drop rate is part of that so it's partially adressed already. Have GRifts drop greater keys at your max cleared level and with higher chances at high torment levels. That makes GRifts a choice for those that like them - instead of being the ONLY way the game can be challenging at all - while at the same time quickly giving them keys to get back into GRifts if they want to.

They should provide different ways to entertain the playerbase, instead of forcing them into the one and only true way to play. We had a patch cycle of hunting RRoGs, and while they diminshed that issue greatly (good enough for me anyway), the new true way is GRifts or snooze away. Not looking forward to them solving this issue but adding their next, dumb 'doing it differently is pointless' solution in the process. How about, Ubers have a chance (hoho) to drop a rift key that's set to your highest cleared?

Edit: I'm ok with doing *some* bits that arent my favorite - like doing GRifts to level gems, or for someone else that wants GRifts I find it ok to rush some normal rifts in between for keys. Cut the trials though - the tedious keying is as sucky for GRift fans as the boring T6 is for someone who isnt into GRifts.


You guys don't have 100's of grift keys sitting in your stash from doing 100's of rifts from doing 100's of bounties while leveling up?

It is a shitty system that reeks of tacked on addition after addition. It could use an overhaul.
Nope. I have thousands of regular rift stones from playing season one (and fuck doing that shit again) but I pretty much spend my GRift stones all the time. I only have like 50ish left. Lots of times I will run a random 25 GRift and go for the stone upgrade chance of 10% and play the 3 minute lottery (that's how long it takes me to do the trial and a 25 GRift).


<Bronze Donator>
I have like 60 trial keys. I'd like to run GR's, but I really hate the trials so just don't play at all most of the time.


Log Wizard
The most efficient way to get legendaries when your DPS gets there is probably around 35ish GR's. If you're geared enough that you can clear them in under 10 minutes you're basically guaranteed ~4 legendaries (yes it's possible none drop, but unlikely) and around 200 blood shards.


Trump's Staff
I however do like that you just pick up all the loot at the end of a grift though. After lvling my character this season, being a minute since I did a grift, once I got back in one I forgot how nice it is not to have to spam click the ground 100x. They badly need auto-pickup, while they are adding mats/gems, add loot too, and allow you to check what you want to pick up.
They're doing auto pickup for mats/gems? I thought they said they WEREN'T going to do that (because they're retarded)?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The most efficient way to get legendaries when your DPS gets there is probably around 35ish GR's. If you're geared enough that you can clear them in under 10 minutes you're basically guaranteed ~4 legendaries (yes it's possible none drop, but unlikely) and around 200 blood shards.
This. It confuses me when people say that T6 is better than GRifts, because it's not even particularly close if you can do GR35+ efficiently. And given the amount of power creep in D3, GR35 is as trivial now as T6 was in S1. GR35-40 is also *the* way to gain paragon levels quickly now, which is another reason to only do GRifts until you run out of keys and are forced back into T6.

They're doing auto pickup for mats/gems? I thought they said they WEREN'T going to do that (because they're retarded)?
No, not exactly. You pick up one arcane dust and it picks up all the other arcane dust in the area. I'm not sure how granular it is since I don't bother with PTR, but basically you can pick up all the crafting mats in a few clicks.


<Bronze Donator>
I can clear the entirety of a T6 rift in under that time and I usually have 6 legendaries. Fewer bloodshard, sure, but the value of bloodshards decreases greatly after you've obtained your regular set pieces.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'd say the average for a T6 full clear is more like 2-3 legendaries in my experience, and that's being generous. If I don't come across a blood thief then clearing past the RG is almost always a colossal waste of time.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I can clear the entirety of a T6 rift in under that time and I usually have 6 legendaries. Fewer bloodshard, sure, but the value of bloodshards decreases greatly after you've obtained your regular set pieces.
You have to be kidding, 6? I'm not sure if I've gotten 6 period. Yes, full clear.