Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Silver Donator>
Well at least we can use the same build for GRs and normals now.
I don't know, I know this season I played wiz and I did GR50-55 gem farming with flashfire build because it was way faster and still killed more or less instantly. I didn't even bother changing my greed gem even though GRs don't drop gold so it was slower and I had one less gem, but still went fine. It would have been A LOT slower doing it as Archon build.

I think T12 with a speedbuild is going to be a lot better than T13 with a serious build. The difference between T12 and T13 in drops is fairly low, but the health difference is major(as usual with torment levels) so I think it'd just be a lot more efficient farming T12, and that's the guaranteed 2DB treshold. Maybe even 11. T13 will be like for Ubers only I think, unless they do a major power creep buff on top. Not sure about bounties, but boss bounties would be annoying on 13 I think unless you play a high single target build, so probably 11-12 too.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What GR is T13 equal to? That's about a 25% increase in legendaries from T12 > T13 in rifts, that's not that insignificant IF you're really stomping T12. More than double health though so you really have to be stacked.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
GR60... it's right on the chart... but I was still running my in-geom wiz speed build on GR62s with little trouble. This simply gives you more rewards for doing the regular rift version and thus 4-man groups farming keys might actually be a good set trade farm.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ah missed that top row, that eye-catching green, y'know? Groups can speed through GR60 no problem and as you said some solo builds can as well, so I would expect to see T13 farmed for sure, albeit by a way smaller population relative to what TX is now. Until more power creep happens :p


Log Wizard
I was doing GR 60's in about 6 minutes on my monk this season. I think 2-3x the time in normal rifts for twice the legendary rate as t10 is probably worth it. That and the trend they're continuing of damage just steadily increasing season to season.


Oh wow, t13 is only grift 60? I mean I guess that makes sense, but still seems low. Much better than just t10 which is stupid low.

So was curious, maybe someone (like Pyros) can answer this.

Do some set pieces/items have a higher chance to roll as ancient?

Doing my final pass before season ends on some alts and was just farming for the last few ancients/better ancients that I need. My season crusader does not have ancient gloves, and I checked last season's, and apparently I didn't get them on him either. Meanwhile, i've gotten boatloads of ancient legs. (Invoker)

I mean, in the wide world of RNG, it makes sense that if I roll an ancient it would be one of the pieces I already have, since I have mostly ancients. But I'm gambling and getting tons of Invoker gloves, but they're just not ancient.

I also notice shit like, if I get a grandfather sword, it's just about always an ancient.

That evidence is probably anecdotal, but it seems perplexing. Probably in the realm of "she deep breaths more" but not getting ancients of a specific piece on multiple characters in multiple seasons seems weird.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ancient is a flat 10% chance on any legendary or set piece. However, some legendaries and set pieces are much more common than others, so you are more likely to come across an ancient of that item more frequently.


<Silver Donator>
Set pieces aren't really more common than others, they're all in the "common" category(with 3 categories, common, uncommon and rare, although that's not actual terms for them, just explaining, rare being shit like furnace and what not). That said some slots for some classes have more legendaries, and since they all share a chance to drop, that makes some set pieces less common than others, kinda. Like say you have 2 boots and 10gloves, all common, 1set piece and rest is legendaries, every time legendary boots drop, you have a 50% chance it's your set piece, but everytime legendary gloves drop, you'd only have a 10% chance to get the gloves. That's kinda where the less common thing happens, although it's generally a difference between 15% and 12% or so, so it's not like massive.

Legs in general are the slot you're most likely to find your set pieces from. That's cause there's not that many legendary legs.

Other than that, ancient is a flat chance on everything so it shouldn't affect it much, but RNG gonna RNG, you can play several seasons and never see a slot ancient. You might also not remember the ancients you got that had shitty stats. Unlike legs which are very easy to fix with the enchanter since you only need a few things and most of them roll sockets by default on set pieces, gloves need very specific stats and it's very easy to get ancient gloves that just suck because they don't have either crit or crit dmg so you can't enchant the 2nd one or the one that rolled is really low so even non ancient "perfect" gloves are a lot better.

On the T13 discussion, and the powercreep, it seems there's not a whole lot of buffs in next patch, so far. In fact, they might be nerfing shit, since they said they're planning to nerf support shit heavily and that it might affect solo skills too(buffing skills that is, like wolf for DH and shit). Group GR is probably going down next season if they do get their shit right/in time. That's why I think T12 is probably going to be a better pick, at least for solo rifting, at least until you're like REALLY geared. If grouping, T13 is probably going to be what you go with.


Set pieces aren't really more common than others, they're all in the "common" category(with 3 categories, common, uncommon and rare, although that's not actual terms for them, just explaining, rare being shit like furnace and what not). That said some slots for some classes have more legendaries, and since they all share a chance to drop, that makes some set pieces less common than others, kinda. Like say you have 2 boots and 10gloves, all common, 1set piece and rest is legendaries, every time legendary boots drop, you have a 50% chance it's your set piece, but everytime legendary gloves drop, you'd only have a 10% chance to get the gloves. That's kinda where the less common thing happens, although it's generally a difference between 15% and 12% or so, so it's not like massive.

Legs in general are the slot you're most likely to find your set pieces from. That's cause there's not that many legendary legs.

Other than that, ancient is a flat chance on everything so it shouldn't affect it much, but RNG gonna RNG, you can play several seasons and never see a slot ancient. You might also not remember the ancients you got that had shitty stats. Unlike legs which are very easy to fix with the enchanter since you only need a few things and most of them roll sockets by default on set pieces, gloves need very specific stats and it's very easy to get ancient gloves that just suck because they don't have either crit or crit dmg so you can't enchant the 2nd one or the one that rolled is really low so even non ancient "perfect" gloves are a lot better.

On the T13 discussion, and the powercreep, it seems there's not a whole lot of buffs in next patch, so far. In fact, they might be nerfing shit, since they said they're planning to nerf support shit heavily and that it might affect solo skills too(buffing skills that is, like wolf for DH and shit). Group GR is probably going down next season if they do get their shit right/in time. That's why I think T12 is probably going to be a better pick, at least for solo rifting, at least until you're like REALLY geared. If grouping, T13 is probably going to be what you go with.
Ahh, thanks for the write up.

Just super annoying - I gamble for this and get tons of the gloves but none of them will roll ancient. And I can't get ancient crudest boots on my monk to save my life.

These last few pieces are legit killing me.


<Bronze Donator>
No. Also, please don't read the post above yours pretty much spelling out that group buffing abilities are being nerfed.


<Silver Donator>
The only support change I have seen for next patch is the new gem and it looks sweet.
There was a post from Wyatt Cheng and now there's datamined notes on the next PTR update, not sure when official notes are, but basically every group damage buff was nerfed. That includes ones that were used for soloing, like DH wolf or Crusader critical dmg Law. And since there's no real buff in this update so far, unlike previous one which had most sets getting random +300-500% damage, that's probably going to end up being a patch with lower or equal GRs than current season even solo(and definitely lower in groups).


<Bronze Donator>
This might affect clear times much more severely:

Knockbacks now apply a flat 40% increase to crowd control resistances
Monsters cannot be knocked back if they are over 65% crowd control resistant
Powers that apply knockbacks continuously, such as Black Hole, can bypass this resistance if they already knocked a monster back successfully. These powers increase the crowd control resistance by 20% per knockback instead of 40%
Since they reference Black Hole as a knockback, I'm guessing anything that groups up monsters is a knockback. Don't all cold damage skills apply a chill, which is a CC? Seems kinda stupid that a damage element will eventually make it impossible to bunch monsters.


<Silver Donator>
Chill doesn't count iirc for CC resists. The change is mostly relevant for groups again. You can't have some guy running around and pulling shit from 2 screens away into a stack as easily. Also piranhas isn't a 50% uptime CC anymore, shit like that.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Season 7 Rewards



Free Sets:

Demon Hunter - Unhallowed Essence
Barbarian - Wrath of the Wastes
Wizard - Tal Rasha's Elements
Witch Doctor - Helltooth Harness
Monk - Raiment of a Thousand Storms
Crusader - Roland's Legacy