Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Toe Sucker
Pretty sure you're stuck with that unless you play "online" multiplayer.
I just pugged through A1/2 Hardcore with some random dude that didn't give those kinds of restrictions.

Pretty fun, i'm level 22 and i've seen about 4 or 5 legendaries drop so far. Much better to see things like this compared to the shitty 1.0 system


Yea, you're seeing more legendaries drop, which gives the impression that loot has improved. However, all the legendaries you're getting are absolute garbage, so nothing has changed.


Except these legendaries dropping are some of the best items I've ever seen drop for their level. I don't know if that will continue to hold true, but yeah. The game seems to weight it's stat rolls on its drops to your class...the vast majority of my wizard's drops have lots of Int etc on them, and that includes the legendaries.


Diablo on PS3 felt really good; I played it at e3 for a bit (even found a legendary quick as shit) and it felt really good. The dodge mechanic was nice, and while I was a bit worried how I would feel going from mouse+KB to controller, those fears were abolished when I got my hands on it.

I'm not buying it because I am waiting for reaper of souls, and anyone who I would want to play it with I already have on PC, but I think it's worth buying if you'd rather play on console or know someone else who does.


For instance though, I have a +damage, +83 int, +attack speed, + critical chance, + life per kill, socketed amulet at level 27. The legendary staff I got which just replaced my legendary wand and legendary source, has three +damage mods, 190 int, and 85 vit, with a socket, for a level 26 staff. And most of my gear isn't far off of that.

I'd leveled close to 10 characters to 60 in PC Diablo 3 without ever seeing anything like that at those levels.


Some guy on neogaf was saying he's gotten 15 legendary drops by level 35 on console, and none of them were trash. I have 3 level 60 characaters on pc and I never got that many legendary drops total. The ones I did get were unusable crap.

I just spent 3 hours grinding some paragon on my barb on MP6 with like +300 mf and didn't even get a legendary drop.

It's just depressing to see a taste of what's coming with the console version but knowing how long us pc players have to wait. sigh


Vyemm Raider
Played for about 3 hours with a buddy co-op offline earlier. Between level 10-24 we got 6? or 7 legendary drops, everything was an upgrade sans a helmet that I didn't want to replace my 25% xp boost with. So far been pretty fun. Lots of loot grabbing.


<Bronze Donator>
Can some of the console players post pics of their loot? I'm wondering if console not only got improved drop chances, but also improved legendaries.


Toe Sucker
Yea, you're seeing more legendaries drop, which gives the impression that loot has improved. However, all the legendaries you're getting are absolute garbage, so nothing has changed.
The majority of their stats have been changed, even their level requirements/ilevel. I was briefly watching KingKongor's stream, and for example he found ahttp://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/leorics-signet
Instead of being a low level ring, it was a Req. Level 55, +crit + 230ish strength and some other shit.

A lot of their stats have changed quite a bit, and levels adjusted. Even some of the low level legendaries are pretty nice, not amazing in terms of "oh shit i'm going to keep these level 12 boots until i'm level 60!" like some D2 items were.. however, they're a lot more versatile to allow you to use them for awhile until you eventually find another nice legendary to replace it (which is fairly common now).

I'll have to look at the legendaries i got when i get home from work and post the stat comparisons. They're lower level legendaries as i said but yeah, It's a large improvement imo


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Many of the console counterparts are better than their PC mirrors. I would assume because the console version is harder to play than the PC version so they just added more gooderer to the items. But yeah clearly Vardisk is just talking out of his ass. Go figure uninformed posts in the Diablo 3 thread.


Molten Core Raider
it will becoming in a patch before the expac if ive been reading correctly, loot 2.0 is the patch.


Molten Core Raider
Ok, while you take your time for the Loot 2.0 coming soonT, can you implement RMAH in console, and let us (pc players) buy the item from there?

These assholes ruin diablo, seriously can you implement RMAH on console, so us PC players can buy the new powerful shit.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Um items are tweaked for console and not really meant for PC. That is like also bitching that console crafting requires fewer commodity materials due to them being less accessible.


Toe Sucker
crafting gear is also better i believe on the console to help keep people geared easier. I'm like halfway through nightmare Act 1 on my HC Monk, its quite easy with all the good drops that are steadily available.. but I like this loot system infinitely better than the PC's current system.

I definitely won't be touching the PC until they implement the 2.0 Loot system, the console version will more than suffice until then heh.

I was comparing low level legendaries with their PC counterparts and they're mostly the same, except some had primary stats on the console version where the PC didn't. You can also find low level versions of high level legendaries, I saw some dude get a level 17 Echoing Fury which is kinda cool lol, but i haven't found anything like that yet.

Edit: I just remembered that i got a level 26(ish)http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/sledge-fistlast night.. with 40% chance to stun, which is pretty damn ridiculous in nightmare lol


<WoW Guild Officer>
I fucking love this... Blizzard beta-tests D3 for console on the PC market, completely fucks the implementation, takes all the lessons learned and puts it into the console version, and then says "we'll fix the PC version soon(tm)".

Fuck you Blizzard, seriously.